Thursday, 28 April 2022

Signs of a coming breakthrough/enlightenment

 Oh so cool!

Two nights ago

I was sleeping dreaming but also feeling in the dream and thus in real life as well 

I just saw myself and was feeling and seeing

literally speaking a fountain of water pouring from inside out 

of the head and falling on the face

I can now even remember the feel 

it is like being a fountain and feeling the shape of the water springing out of the head

so much that I was also trying to adjust the breathing as the water flow was fast

Then when it finished

there were still drops of water rolling on the face.

And today 

I saw a cave where people were looking at the wrong entrance advertised 

to distract people's attention

let's call it a touristic trap.

While I was looking at the hidden entrance

and i saw it as i saw a pillar of light coming out of it to the sky

and i said to myself 

this is where a saint is sitting 

all the settings of the rest of the dream was in the uk.

Later on

when i asked the spirit it said 

my breakthrough is imminent 

so I should meditate.

While i was meditating 

well i didnt get the breakthrough per se for now

but instead at the end of my meditation yesterday

i saw an entity which rushed out of my left knee cap

So cool!

I asked the spirit what it was

and it was the entity responsible for my laziness LOL

So great, it works!

As couple days ago i realised 

Hmm no more cleaning is happening in terms of entity leaving my body

as either we are THE PURE SPirit or we are a mix 

ie we are still subjugated to other entities 

ie we are possessed

Unless we admit to ourselves 

that we want to grow

Unless we admit we are not the one we perceive ourselves to be in the daily life

Unless we admit all the things we do not want to keep 

we will never be purified from them

because the Power does not work against our will

but ALONG with our Desire.

So couple days ago

I desired to get rid of my laziness

It is something I never used to have before

But developped it after my period of trauma i went through couple years ago 

while seeking truth 

so depression, calls for laziness which calls for procrastination.

So far I got rid of the sadness and laziness

but procrastination entity still there.

So doing an inventory 

I asked the Spirit what are the entities remaining

It said 3 

namely, Procrastination, Self Sabotage and Envy.

So I recall there were 12

But I asked again 

And it said 

8 more are hidden, meaning have not yet arose from the subconscious to the conscious mind

so I suppose let me give them a break for now.

So I will tackle for now the Self Sabotage as I learned about it recently.

I had a great Job prospect

but in a way i self sabotaged myself to get it slowly not in one go

as i FELT i needed time to be up to the task, which clearly now i see i can so easily handle it

so the message i got was 

that my mind wanted it

but my feeling wanted safety

hence the return was i got the job but with some progressive steps of transitioning from 

former to the new job.

Seen like this, it is amazing

we do control reality with our feelings

but the "worry" which is this not-so-hidden entity

which does cause me to tone things/success down 

ie self sabotage myself is to be cleared as the last entity,

before full enlightenment.

So the next one should be self sabotage

Just put attention on it

and then meditate 

and it should be released with some focus or intensity 

Earth quake are needed to shake things off 

I guess mine started with my anger which exploded to its height 

when i went to pilgrimage to Mecca qnd Medinq

and there i was truly angry at the lack of authorisation to visit the prophet grave

unheard of!

but as i was on the right 

i had such amazing experience of seeing angels there

how they serve all pilgrims and how they act as guardians

i wonder why i have not blogged that yet

have to do so in a later post

and there i was told that the sincerity of my desire 

make two people moved enough 

that they lock themselves a whole afternoon in a room 

and called so many of their contacts that they ended up reaching the Minsitry of Pilgrimage 

who issued the authorisation for me to enter the grave :)


But once i came back 

the intensity of meditation and rites there 

just triggered the entity of anger and hate , or both entities 

to leave the body

As in a previous post i wrote how i saw them leaving

and they left as I desired these feelings to leave me

as they got exposed

they served their purpose 

but they can't be controlling me

as the image it reflected to me was not honorable

and i could not recognised myself into this reflection being projected on a permanent basis.

so anger is a tool now 

no more a possession.

So next one, 

self sabotage.

Sunday, 24 April 2022

Ramadan and Love


10 first days you seek for Grace of God.

10 next days are days of forgiveness

10 next days are days of being freed from Hell. But also contain the Night of Power

what is all this?

Unless you wonder about it, question it; you have no answer.

When I was a seeker, I always wondered why as a believer we are not helped. 

Then, question calling for the solution, in quran it said read it so that you may find Grace.

So by then; my mom asked; but where is the Grace? How to find it.

And I found it. 

Now the Grace are to be sought in the special intensive mode.

Hence the 30 days of Ramadan.

You ask for the Grace of God, it arises from your sacred bone.

The next 10 days, you forgive, let go. So that it passes through the Agnya, by passing your own created world where there is no god, as God is not in thoughts.

and the 10 last days the night of power; told as being most powerful than 80 Years of worship.

It means what it means, once you get the Power of God; Ruhani Power, aka spiritual power

then you are blessed by it far more than if you spend 80 years ie your whole life worshipping god.

you can see a community not if you are within but without

an observer from another religion sees the other religion 

an observer standing above all religion see there is wisdom in all but is not contained by it.

This is why the prophet said the division in religion is a blessing.

Because God needs no worship, as he said worship prayers are for you.

Imam Ali said some worhip God as slave to be freed from hell, 

others as traders to get something from God

but he as a Lover, for the Sake of Love

Everything is stated everywhere.

But the insight has to be Real to understand the value of it. 

Even if i explain it to my mom, the Aha moment is still not yet born.

And even average sahaj yogi must see life through renewed eyes seeking every day the Grace.

No more with the despair of where is Grace

but with the eagerness of Love, 

a lover always wants more.

Black magician. vs Kingdom of God

 The Power

The black magician are empowering the average believer. Why?

This is because they rely on a community from which they withdraw the power.

The community of the dead, be it human or other entities.

The average well meaning believer, has no protection 

once he reaches adolescence as he breaks the circle of protection of his True Nature (Fitrah).

Then his body is no more the temple of God. Clues is his loses his light, his shine, and develop a character 

that we can pinpoint as an identity.

Which people see and then can manipulate. 

A french girl told me once "Je crois que je t'ai cerné"


People don't even realise cerner means in reality to look someone's delimitation, attribute it an identity that you can corner. 

Purpose untold or unconsciously unsaid is to identity to box to know how to manipulate in worst case scenario and deal with in the best case scenario.

So prophets have no face; as they are collective light, it is not about a ID.

The whole opposite of current society by the way.


when once the believer is connected.

Once he gets the connection to the Ruh, 

then he is connected to the Ocean, Universe; Power of God etc.

which is the Power of the Living.

In a battle of Evil vs Good

Or black magician vs Kingdom of God/High Power who take over to work for you, this works ONLY if you forgive; let go.

So in that batter of river of power based on the kingdom of dead

has no bearing vs

the Ocean of Power of the Living.

This is a realisation that if understood and felt would indeed create great change of Power balance in our current society.

As most of it is based on manipulation, power hungry people.

Consulting a therapist ...?

 A good exemple to illustrate previous post.

During a discussion, I said, I do not go to restaurant to eat alone.

The newly met person replied with a smile or maybe you should go and consult a therapist.

To which I retorted you do not know how many activities I do on my own, but meal eaten alone defeat the purpose of being shared and enjoyed, the more we are; the merrier.

After effect shock for me, was how rude this person is.

Second after effect shock; maybe I should have added with a smile, maybe you should be consulting a therapist as you feel selling your own house as you feel alone into it..

Typical people, not seeing the grossness of their own problem but filtering and distorting reality through theirs. That's how you end up spoiling everything you touch.

Stepping back i could nip it in the bud these stupid comments.

That is one way of seeing it, I have the freedom to judge, especially when feeling feisty.

Likewise, from her viewpoint; she has the freedom to be rude topping the judgemental part and lack of social manners. Because unable to deal with her own pain; she has to project it onto others and try to fix her problem in this way outside of herself.

As she can't fix it inside; because it hurts to face the ego.

Hence she has to spit it outside on people, thinking they'll do her homework.

Side note, a typical well bred british won't be doing this. I guess i got too much used to good sensible british people.

Now, once the reactional part is over.

What is interesting is to know how to integrate that experience.

The last two posts are not vain wisdom, they are pointers to help to remember so that 

I can on the course recalibrate myself. The sooner the better.

Integration cannot be done mentally

but the mental remembrance serves as a guidance to remember, let's state it again.

Now having the power of purification, when that experiences arises in the consciousness next time, 

i should just say I forgive and let it go.

So that I can make space to new experiences that would be highly valuable to me, 

while not dwelling on this rare case that popped out of my subconscious, and manifested itself in the conscious life.

And that is also why one should treat the people as kids, because in terms of maturity they are kids.

But if you do not forgive, then you are a kid too. 

Makes no difference, because you'd like to keep enjoying some mud battle.

So to sum up, 

be true to yourself on spot

if you are still in reaction mode, then react

then let go, as fast as you can 

so you can create space for the new experience

which be higher in quality than such encounter.

I must say that at some point any sensible person who grows tired of childishness

would not even raise the eyebrow 

would let it go on spot, not even be bothered by it

then higher forces take over

and merely wishing for good quality people, 

would be a wish heard and fulfilled.

Ego and blame exist not

 Interesting insight today which came out of the yesterday's one.

Ego or blame does not exist. ie have no reality.

Now i know for sure. 

In truth everything is in essence from the Source 

so divine

so what happens is just that instead of experiencing and letting it go

it is experienced and hold onto 

hence the accumulated and seperated experience from the whole is not being freed

hence never transformed nor integrated back to the Source.

That is the ego, call it a name given a transitory state of what we do when we hoard energy in ourselves.

While our body are suppose to be in the flow, assist the flow.

Next, no blame because the divine cannot blame itself.

Blame comes only from narrow vision emerged from the consciousness of the ego.

And the more it is being fed by energy the more it becomes solidified into an entity.

What religion call shatan. 

Which is why it exists and not exists.

Because if your aim is inisght from the Source, there is no God but God.

if your vision is filtered by the consciousness then there is duality and in the manifestation for sure there is good and evil.

Aim should be the Absolute

while you navigate in the experience of the relative to be integrated.

Saturday, 23 April 2022

Quality of consciousness

 What is the Power of Words

The Power is not in the words

but in the receiver of the words

and more exactly in his state of consciousness

if consciousness is to be likened to a screen or a mirror

then the clarity of its reflection determine the power of the words.

Necessary intro to put the below vision in context.

I dreamt or heard/saw or was given the insight, as both are at the same time

as the following:

You are as a Human 

the contact point of all the consciousness and living form out there

and as such you have the whole of universe inside your body

your ability as a human is unique

it contains the two horns, and the spirit

horns ie ego and subconscious balloons

there combinaision is a mechanic that allows you to experience 

as a point of contact the whole of the universe 

with your ability, of the Spirit, to love and allow them to be transformed

ie upgraded to higher consciousness

so you are the all;

the insight was of that sort.

Now written, it is totally disconnected of the clarity of the reality 

as when seen, the insight was a fact, a clear Event happening 

that had Power to imprint its Reality of Being upon my consciousness 

and the level of clarity imprinted on the consciousness only equals to the level of awareness.

Definitely awareness now is not the same.

And there is a great gap between the bright light of that is vs the filter of my current perception now.

Not the same awareness at all.

To Just Know. 

means to go from the complicated layers of filters to see reality towards the shredded naked Sight.

The impediments are only mine. and the filter is due to the channels which get obstructed by that which is emerging in the consciousness.

But when the sea is calm, the awareness is there.

and it is not the same.

Monday, 18 April 2022

Dew Drops falling from Sahasrara

The combinaision of walking with sitting cycles 
are indeed bearing quick and efficient results.

Lately the routine was contained to a good 3.30 am routine of sitting
and then mainly walking before day time starts.

I suppose it has done its time
and Spirit had told me now I am advancing veeeeery slowly 
when I had asked about progression.

Now the intensive part during the Easter break 
born good fruit so far.

The first day
I just felt warm vibrations getting out of both hands mainly
At some point I even joked about myself being a can of worm
or even a pit of fire opened up 
for me to realease the accumulated heat.

But again 
who is the I?
Written like this makes no sense to even mention that question.

But now the question does settle nicely 
and has its place.

The heat accumulated comes from both channels 
and let us not forget the left channel is the storehouse of 
past individual and collective subconscious.

So even the channel itself 
points at the fact that we have a storehouse in us
in such a case
how can there be an I 
when we are already a bag of little i accumulated and store in us.

Hence the body is indeed is the House of God
the Temple that has to be purified.

From another perspective
during meditation, I saw so freshly remembered that the current i is still a collection of other i.

For instance on day 2,
when i was walking the cycles
about 20min into it
I could feel about 3 drops falling and gliding on each sides of the head.

Spirit had told me
once you feel the drops
you just stop everything and focus the attention on the drops.

While meditating 
at some point I had the image of the moist earth
in a vertical section and I remembered
how a flower is intrinsically a storehouse of other elements 
that reach her for her growth
water, minerals and sunlight.

So in reality I remembered
that a flower is not a flower
but a collection of all the other elements 
embodied now into this single "item"

A bit like a chair is not a chair
but a collection of molecules 
themselves a collection of atoms

So like for our body 
we are a collection of these little i 

Now when one read this 
and attention is out
does it help much

but for me
i write this 
because of attention being IN
hence it is an insight for me
a shift in perspective
but not yet a knowledge that I am as a settled perspective.

Let's just say a passing insight
like waves on shore 
to remember
but not yet rooted enough 
to call it settled.

the aim is the opening of the 4 petals in the brain
that are linked to the heart nadis.

This is the set intent
before meditation
that one must let go 
so that the vibrations that are Intelligent
can water that area.

So on the Day 3
the water drops are more frequent and a little higher in number
than on day 2

Also since a couple of days 
I can feel from the picture of Shri mataji
as if a mouth is blowing air on my heart

I asked the Spirit
it said Holy Spirit is Intelligent
but I asked how come not felt before
it said it is because now my awareness has grown 
hence the perception too.

this truly show that the Intelligence levels are always there
of course
but depending on how much our awareness gets refined
the forms we perceive evolve accordingly.

Friday, 15 April 2022

Divorce? Go for it.

 For the yogi who needs to hear it.

Considering divorce? Yes, it is the right thing to do.

True religion or Dharma is within.

All the other methods are man made support for our growth.

They change according to the era we live in. 

They are no more necessary if they are harming more than helping.

Mariage was created as an institution to provide for security and a familiar place that we can trust to grow.

Centuries ago, it helped men to be taken care of, women to be secured as not allowed to work and have sustenance. But now time have changed necessity is no more the same.

In islam, it is said your faith is not complete unless you marry.

It is also said men and women are each other cloth, they complete each other.

True only if they represent each other feminine and masculine power of completion.

If man learn to become more loveable and women learn to become more self disciplined.

Man taking in more love quality and women more discipline like qualities.

But what i see so far, either women trash their husband or husbands trash obedient wives.

Again, this is a general observation, may not apply in few cases and in other cases both may be so blind as to not even see that. 

The whole point is

we are in an exceptional era where we can become a wholly integrated personality and reunite with the Source. 

Never ever this era will come back again. Never, at least on this Earth.

So better make the most of it now.

Again, mariage is to be a support for your common goal of growth if you are a yogi.

But if it becomes an impediement and sucks you in a drama and you can't grow out of this drama 

because you just can't, then the least evil is to get the divorce and in that new context find your own footing to keep growing.

Remember if your partner refuses to meditate 

then it is a calamity for both of you

because you cannot keep compensating 

unless you are extra strong.

At some point if you feel under the water and are really regressing 

then make the next best solution 

change context and hence get the divorce.

Though partners in meditation are better

but if it is clear it will not happen 

then better go for the least of evil.

Take care.

Expansion of the Light of the Sun Within and the Reintegration to the Whole

I was listening to a talk of shrit mataji about cancer and from it this is the conclusion i draw 

for the self healing and growth.

For the healing is when we as an individual outgrow our current selfish, seperated state and reintegrate into the whole, this is by the way what sahasrar is about, the full integration of the light that is scattered here and there.

The Light in you once vibrated


and by its expansion 

it draws into it by touching the other cells into its spread 

and thus bringing them back under the authority of the deity (call it angels or being of authority) 

the deity who is linked to The Source then re-establish the order where before was the chaos.

Isn't it beautifully reconforting that changes ARE happening in us for our reintegration to the Light of the Spirit?

I suppose if we only limit our sight, to the vibrations being a tool, then our perspective limit our growth.

Which I was never into it. 

As I am more interested in seeking the state where we just know, and that happens when you, namely your attention and love, are fully integrated in the sahasrara.

This reminds me of my early days when I had asked a yogi in Paris, 

that I wanted the true knowledge; aka i was refering to the knowledge to just know it.

But he told me you are already there, aka he was refering to the vibrations.

I felt so disappointed by the insights, which is ok, as we are all growing differently and we all have a different awareness.

But if you are to listen to the early talk of Shri Mataji; which are the best, before she had to water down as of the 90s to adapt to the level of the masses, She does say that vibration gives you the knowledge through the feel but at the sahasrar you just know it. 

And I must say that even as yogi people limit themselves so much, 

while the field of experimentation is so wide.

Again I do not want to complain because thereby I would be chosing a script where I look own upon what dissatisfy me and I rather want to look up on what elate me, such as the Light of thqt inner Sun thqt draws the cell under the authority of the Source.

I found that so poetically beautiful, i am sort of recovering my dreamy state when i was a seeker of truth and was precisely feeding my mind with such intuitive images, that was my best lofty time.

Then came the hardship when as a seeker of truth you end up on wrong hands 

then come the healing thanks to the meditation and growth 

now that i see again the beautiful horizon; 

i hope to make the most of it :)

Witnessing the Collective Consciousness

 Expansion of the consciousness

Each time I feel bored because I feel I am not progressing

then I do not remember how to get started.

So now that I am aware of the solution 

I better write it for time of need 

by then remembrance benefit.

Starting point

is the FEELING.


1. Hear the silence

2. Feel your current question - ie with all emotions related to it

3. you will just have to wait to see or feel the answer 

In my current case, question was about how to go out of the selfishness as an individual 

to go into the collective consciousness.

Since couple of days, this is how it went:

First throughout the day, I had a feel that I do not feel myself

meaning that a feeling of expansion

the static image of the self

the one we behold into our mind or see in the mirror was like beign erased.

Like design on sand erased by waves of ocean

again that is only a temporary experience

it does not mean if i were to be challenged to my core 

the ego would not retaliate

it is just for the sake of experimenting or getting acquainted or getting insight into that state.

Also true growth is when you outgrow your current state and there is no going back

you cannot brign a fruit back to its blossoming flower state.

the next step, was throughout the day I could see people acting like bees

so working more or less knowingly for a bigger common goal.

That part i could witness it so

because I had made up my intention to forgive, let go of the people whom i hate 

specifically people who do horrendous dead and distrub peace of others.

Even that is not helpful to hate such people, as it let us stuck in the problem and we are unable to fly above it. And if we can't then high forces can't protect us from them.

And the deal for high forces to give you their powers and protection is for you to be humble

not humble as people call it now. Humble by accepting there is only One Spirit, even in the people who deny it and commit hateful deeds.

If they deny spirit and you also deny spirit by hating them, then how are you better than them?

When Christ says to give the other. cheek, which now i understand

it means if you got slapped, then go till the end of the game by turning the other one too.

meaning that you need to have to let go of that battle ground. It is not the correct one. Nor it has to be your battle ground, the one of the forms.

So when you let go, you arise to the formless, where the spirit is; and then the higher forces take over and can protect you.

If you take the battle of forms into your hands; then you can more or less going for an exhausting and time consuming battle. 

So waking up from the dream is more powerful solution. 

4. the letting go principle as explained above; so I just say, I let them to their Script, and I forgive for they do not know (they are the spirit within); I even went to the extend of saying I love them in Spirit.

As you make a powerful intent and act on it from within, you get your state shifted and of course you shall experience a new reality and get insight only because you are at that level to be trusted with it.

Imagine you get insider information and end up harming the other? It won't do. 

For there is no such things in Kingdom of God; and if your intention darkens then for sure you go down.

This is how you get kicked out of it.

So lately, the very people i forgave i could see them in dream and hear that thoughts and their current state of mind and needs. 

I also happen to see people of my neighborhood, and what they were doing.

Spirit said that I was tapping into these people consciousness.

From my perspective, I do not see the point of knowing what the neighbors are doing.

Nor I am interested in knowing what the people I used to hate are thinking.

And today, I could see in dream also the life of a yogi and see his marrital issues and how there was disappointment as the partner was not really at all into meditation so that was causing him pain.

All in all, such insight in the consciousness of others teach me, that it is a trust. 

Information is there from the perspective of the Spirit to Witness for me also as part of the witness to witness.

When you know what the current state of people is, you know they are all in a scripted drama of their own and surely the individual me too. 

But seeing it from above, helps you to reapportion your deeds and thoughts.

The less you "mind" the quicker you can more onto higher grounds as long as you have the firm attention of your goal ahead of you. And in the process you can enjoy to take easier and sunnier path which are more flowery and you can play in the gardens while moving ahead.

Why choose pain, when you can choose joy on the journey?

All I have to remember is not to mind, to let go, as everything that bothers me is in a script.

And I do not have to take part into that script, I just have to let it go and remember they are all the spirit within. And then you can test yourself:

Try saying I love you, to the Spirit within the people you scorn..

I did it and now i laugh at it when i remember it was hard to do it

tight lips trying to say it as if they were gonna feel pain to say these words

this is also a good proof of how i was believing more in their script than in the simple truth of the God within which is One.

Tuesday, 12 April 2022

Onboarding for the I am what I am

 I was walking my cycles 

and attention went on the question of "to which degree can I be honest?".

Firstly, unless we ask a question 

we do not get answers.

Because asking question is just hooking the attention 

and then anchoring it there 

till the answer from the waves of the sea arrive.

The wave of the seas are the intuition

and unless I write it

it will be forgotten.

Because if sea are the words

written on the mind then 

once the waves leaves 

the words leave too.

They are not engraved like carved letters on a stone

they are amazingly enough just waves passing by.

Purpose is never to create an image

but give the color, the flavor and the scent of the insight needed for a moment 

so that it can enter and go out of your body 

without carving any image and without any hoarding.

Another topic the one of writing and knowledge.

Current topic 

is the Collective.

I have written a book 

and many people ends up asking me how to now.

Being honest with myself 

I can see the old old me say before I had met the yogi - how it would have reacted by then

I can see the old me say before my spiritual cleansing 

and now I can see the current me

and the future me.

Makes lots of perspective in one go.

Insight I got is deep and fleeting like waves, so I hope I get it written before it leaves me.

Wave like insight; this is why it is said it is signs: ayah in Quran. 

Because everything is fleeting timely symbolic knowledge. 

As it can never be permanent; hence the word symbol or sign is better than the word knowledge or writing i believe.

The first one is timely insight to make decision while the latter is about hoarding power and controlling masses.


The old old me was the Innocent kid who before having me the yogi in paris 

just spontaneously used to help people fully just because I could, just because my mother and family taught me to be so. 

I do not praise my mother enough, but she is the sincerest mother and wife I ever saw. And no not a bride as women are currently life long brides haha. Closing this topic now.

So this old old me was an innocent kid. The help I gave can be seen; insight to it can be given through the filter of the root. chakra. 

I just did it spontaneously, as Innocent just is. 

Now, the old me, is the one from paris when i met the yogi.

This is not to blame anyone but serves the experience and self learning, as flowers grow according to their rhythm, so one cannot blame the yogi of Paris, but I have the advantage of learning from these experiences, so I share:

The yogi there were doing their best in embodying the teaching of shri mataji.

Sure there need to be a starting point; but once you keep on the same road at some point you are being challenged and either chewed and spit out or digested and growth happens..

So I recall a girl she smoothed her talk with love 

and tried really consciously to be an ideal yogi

but always had fit of jealousy and anger.


Because when you do so 

you claim that you are ready as a drop to be integrated into the Ocean

yet yourself once extended is so exerted like a rubber stretched to its limit that it snaps

so the ego still cannot integrate the HIGHER COLLECTIVE SELF aka THE OCEAN.

This is why there were so many dramas in the collective yogi there

now i understand.

And this is why also it was the natural end for me. As from this point onwards I realised I was being used for material purposes not appreciated for spiritual ones.

So funnily enough, I had the green light from the spirit to experience the selfishness.

Because I was always serving and was always taught to be at the service of others that I had never allowed to serve myself.

So starting this selfish journey I of course started from guilt to enjoying my selfishness to till today feeling I am at the end of this experience. Because I saw the growth above the selfish, individual and egoisticla (not used as a negative word rather as synonym of individual).

Isn't it also beautiful to have the control of our experiences?

I mean who on earth say at some point: OK I experienced enough of selfishness now let me move on?

It is like you change experience and perspective and behavior like you change clothes.

Very swift and in control. This impression being shared let me continue now about the end of that experience.

My old self which experienced the selfish perspective; again not negative word, learned to have an insight into what it is to act and live giving oneself priority.

So I learned about the concept of priority and individuation 

how the human being exists as an individual. As prior to that I have been existing as a kid for a collective the family or the wider collective with hardly no sense of self worth and indivudal goal.

Very funny to speak like this now that I am reading it. 

So the experience of selfishness helped me to see myself as a body as an individual and I must say the individual has lots of enjoyment in squeezing out the juice of life and enjoying the moment.

But that I just lived from one experience to another and get bored very quickly too. 

And I couldn't really see how it is charming to just see life from an individual perspective.

Anyway; during this time the trunk of the tree grew and became thick enough.

And recently it got its make out and thorough cutting of useless branches and got pimped up.

That is the self purification I refer to, since I definitely got. the anger, hate and sadness purified meaning that they do not control me but I control them. So that is real mastery and self purification that I definitely witness to it.

But as I am not lying to myself 

I keep abreast and listen to the signals of my self

and the current self saw that many people wanted my help and guidance on book writing and publishing.

So my individual self felt not at all in sincere and full service mode.

Because it serves itself, it is is program. So why it would be so dedicated to serve others?

So i noted it. 

Insincerity would be to note it and turn a blind eye to it.

Which is also ok. Why? Because this reaction would merely proof the sap of the tree has still not reached the throat chakras so no need to push it; it shall in its own time.

So it is my time. 

Because I asked myself the question 

while walking the cycles - and that is key - because the cycles purifies your energy while you are walking, it stirs up the mud and you let it go and you feel more and more the cool breeze and hence your insight deepen and your vision clear out and you become the new you..

So I asked myself why I do not want to help others as sincerely I did help my self to write the book?

Then I felt the words such as: well i got no help, i did it on my own, I do all the job and now freely give it to others and again no appreciation just being used.

And yet I hit a wall within as i felt but i do not want that, ie i do not want to remain like that.

I want to grow, as i feel bore with that cycle of me vs others, doesn't really help me to grow if i don't change my way, ever.

And of course the divine never blame nor judge but i delay myself in my growth

and my growth is up to me, it can happen overnight or in three years etc.

So then keeping up with the cycles

I got that insight such as a clear vision and image of - not a notion nor theory nor thoughts - 

but the vision of the Higher Being not being a concept of being me.

I realised that the other is Me.

That the other and i are the I 

and that my experience shared is helping the I to grow and transform as it helps me the i to grow and ends up as a drop joining the sea.

But not as concept 

I saw it

Like a sea of particles of light 

that merge into one Light and it is the Higher Being the Collective consciousness and THAT is the filter to see life through the throat chakra.

So then I realised the old old me the kid saw life and served automatically based on the automatically ingrained innocence in me - i saw life through the filter of the moodhalra chakra

as and individual who picked a selfish path to experience it - the sap grew in the tree with its good and bad but as it remain stuck in mud - the purification cut off the bad dead branches and pruned the tree so that it became tall, continued its growth and then once it accumualted enough sap and thus experience it could get pruned thus purified.

The tree is in control of itself, as an individual wave, it is a wave because it is purified no more stagnant water as it has let go of extrems such as anger and hate and irritability and sadness, especially.

Now, the wave can become again stagnant if does not keep moving in and out.

This is the art of receiving and giving.

So the Spiriti is at the heart, you don't have to do anything there. SPirit or Light of God is perfect.

You just keep it as Goal. To get the Insight. But nothing to do here at the Heart Chakra.

So at the throat chakra I am working on it, naturally speaking nowadays.

As lately I just remember that the other are not to be blamed nor am i.

But the word other still is there, which means I am still in seperation mode.

Hence the limitation is wanting to sincerely help.

Then while I was for my own problems using the communciation between my spirit and the others'.

I struck me, if I draw upon the help of the spirit within the others and that their spirit serves me while their ego does not. 

Then me too I can as spirit help them!


While their spirit helps me when i ask it as telepathy;as we are one in spirit as the hoponopono method suggests it

I too can return the help on the gross level; as I am asked for the help.

But now the big difference is I am doing it in full control in full knowledge in full consciousness, it is now my new choice.

So Now as I had in the past picked up the path of experimenting selfishness which helped me to grow my tree and gain insight about myself as an individual energy.

Now I consciousness picked the path of experimenting the Higher Self and Be the Collective Consciousness.

Isn't it exciting? Isn't it there the new growth? 

This also dawn upon me that law is same everywhere. 

Be you a non realised or realised or advanced yogi or mahayogi etc.

The enlightened people always clash because they are under the same rule than the non realised

the refusal to grow, of course the topic are not the same, nor the scope nor the impact, and yet it is.

What differs is the subtlety of the fight 

but the law is the same

how fast you let go is what condition your fusion with the infinity, in other words with the light; ie with the Collective Consciousness, with the I am what I am.

So the whole point is to see oneself and to have that insight of the Collective being as Light 

that is a becoming an insight 

what help i do to the other i do to myself

I am a collection a sum of all the other individual energies

Isnt it amazing if i was just one i would only expereince me

but i am many and i can thus expereince so many in one moment

hence the beauty of relationship

hence the beauty of the collective

and it is the experience of the unconscious and conscious collective at the same time while you are conscious of it.

This is the new adventure and it is now seeing life through the filter of the Vishuddi Chakra; the i as part of the collective consciousness now i am onboarding for the growth of the I.

Sunday, 10 April 2022

Bride but not wife

The funny thing about this era is 

that women want to be a life long bride

and embarking upon a life long honey moon.

Bride but not wife.

Again, nothing wrong.

Except that men expect a life long wife, for other scenario a life long servant.

Now if both were true to their expectations, they would both know what they are getting out of the deal.

Though the current life offers enough scope to be independant and find one's own dream and be on its own.

This is because the current time is set for the growth. 

Individual Growth.

Search for security and thus use of a partner is motivated based on reasons that are no more the glue of current society. 

Because the average human being can have all of this on its own.

So looking towards one's personal growth is the key element of this era.

As in some near future say from 50 to 100 years onwards the society would be in an AI jail.

As per what I saw, I liked it not.

I was told I won't be there anymore so it does not concern me.

This is true but then I am all the more convinced that sensible people should not marry nor have kids for this world. 

Given it is a place that is being transformed into a hell for future generations. 

This is unfortunately true. This scenario may got delayed but will happen.

I was also told there are better worlds out there. Better than here.

This too I believe it.

So if this Earth is a ship which is wrecking and being transformed into another hell.

It makes all the more sense that the sensible seeker of truth should just do their best to get their self realisation and be advanced enough to pick up their next place of reincarnation.

This is the most sensible thing they can do for themselves.

Earth is a buffer zone; where we are transiting and depending on what we make of our time there

our next place will match our energy.

As for me, I better be sure to awaken enough to be able to pick mine in full consciousness.

How to get rid of problems

 Spirit said in a quicker and briefer way, but I write it now in my own words, to break it down so that logic be felt.

You find you are in a hellish situation, how do you free yourself from it?

In other words, you are in a nightmare

How do you win if you are stuck into it?

Some will invent weapons and start to win the battle.

But the wise, will remember this is a nightmare

and the only way out is not by engaging in it.

The only way out is by WAKING UP.

In other words

You let go of the very thing you are disturbed with.

You let the light of the Spirit shine on it

and this flushes it out 

you forget about it 

it burns down the bridges 

and you are free from the very thing that has mesmerised your attention.

the very thing that has created the dream.

which exist because like a leech, it is sucking the energy from your attention and from your fears.

As your attention is hostage of the fears, images you are presented with.

The more you want something, the more you engage it by going towards its opposite.

Because the bridge is there, the positive and negative attracts.

Let go

and you are free.

The Spirit's light is already perfected 

so it can't be a dream 

if it is not perfect 

it is a dream 

and you have to wake up from it


Now from me,

Then you will wake up to the next strata which may be still a dream 

I suppose when it is no more a dream, you will know. 

Saturday, 9 April 2022

"Aap bohot kimti ho"

After my meditation 

I heard in urdu my spirit said to me

"aap bohot kimti ho"

In english it means "you are very precious".

It is the God within who spoke this, Spirit within.

That is such a Good Word! It does make me feel I am on an auspicious journey and lots of care is taken :)

War in Ukraine

Yesterday while sleeping

I could see two soldiers laying in an airplane

And I could hear the thought of the one laying there.

He was afraid to die

He was to be parachuted 

and felt those left behind where lucky

as they did not have to go through this.

Himself he could not desert the army

or he would be in danger for the rest of his life.

Once I woke up I kind of knew what I witnessed - I being here the awareness of the Collective consciousness - 

Spirit told me it was the scene linked to the war in Ukraine.

A night before that

I had seen a whole building half way standing, half calcined.

The whole collective is definitely being damaged by this war.

I do not watch the news, but still I could see what is happening.

Current governments in place are of an old age, very immature. 

They do not know that above the physical damage, what damage is being done to the collective mind.

The return to true Innocence

Yesterday I ended up witnessing a conflictual situation 

Not agreeable at all

I could find and see the sincerity of both parties involved 

while both of them could not see each other good intent for one another 

a bit like a conversation between a mute and a deaf.

Both not seeing each other sincerity 

because both are insecure and try to protect themselves 

from one may one say.


Later when i was reminiscing this 

I could feel the heart chakra being in pain 

and also I had out of nowhere tears in my eyes.

And for sure I can say they were not at all my feelings

as I was not at all sad.

So I ended up understanding it was empathy 

and thus I was feeling the heart and emotional state of another.

Thus before sleep I was advised just to let this happening go.

For that I just said with full intent that I forgive and let go of everything I witnessed.

Despite the fact that I was not at all part of that argument, it did take a toll on me witnessing it.

As soon as I said that, 

the mind went black 

and I could hear the water in the womb 

Like for an echographs

Then I could hear the heartbeat of inside a body 

and finally, I could hear the sound made by the blood flow in the body.

Later I asked the Spirit what this was

And I was told it is the return to Innocence.

Like when one is being reborn.

So this is good sign of good progress and direction.

It is true that Truth is simple

but the delay in fully self realising it

and maintaining it is of our own making.

We like to play so long that we end up forgetting that we are ourselves standing between Truth and the current self.

Humbleness is not an attitude

it is not mannerism 

it is not even to be looked for outside of your self 

even less fruitful to witness it in another if not just for the sake of distraction or remembrance

depending where your attention is while witnessing this quality in someone.

Humbleness is the return to simplicity 

as a new born is.

For this you can't gain it by imitation

but simply as in the above exemple by letting go.

Because then you truly do a favor to the Holy Spirit 

who can keep growing in you 

instead of keep waiting that you unblock the way by forgiving, if one day you remember to do so.

And again forgiving is a loaded word now 

I would rather say by letting it go

just erase the slate in your mind 

and you return to your Self.

Friday, 8 April 2022

Human Map - Setting the record straight

 The Holy Spirit or Ruh or the Shakti is the Power of God.

This is in the central channel.

The Attention is on the right channel.

The Subsconscious or the soul or the accumulation of our past lifes experiences and current ones is on the left channel.

Both channels are the manifested channels from the Source, The Spirit.

The Spirit is in the Heart.

The Spirit is set there as a Reminder.

The both channels once they are PURIFIED, they EXPRESS their POWERS.

The right purified channel expresses all the power of the PURE attention.

The left purified channel expresses all the power of the subconscious, 

which is...LOVE.

What is the power of LOVE? It is to gather to ONE, to unify, to transform the scattered lives, in our subsconsious and gather them under the flag of Love. 

In brief, it is HEALING.

The power of LOVE combined to the Power of Attention, 

is when one becomes a vicegerant on earth, what is called in islam as Caliphate; you rule not others; but your own body in the Name, by the Power of God. You are your own true master.

Attention can fly 

and Love can heal

it is like magic dust being spread over issues to be fixed.

My Aim is to awaken every single cell of my both channels 

and thus awaken the ultimate powers in my body 

so that I become the manifested proof that this is the next evolutionary step of what a human being can be.

A Maha yogi. That is the ultimate actualisation of our whole being that is part of the collective.

As there is a scale in our body to balance both channels so that the third one may arise, 

likewise there is a collective scale that shall tip.

Whether people are ready, matured or not, the scale will tip as the minimal ratio will be reached.

Spiritual Training is starting,

Now. No weaseling out of it.

Mcmc let's do it!


New evolutionary Human State : Awareness of the Collective consciousness

The anchor of a ship is say the shackle that holds our Attention.

Till the anchor is used when they ship is at bay, it is good.

But a ship that stays for ever there will just rust, its function is to navigate.

It is exactly the same for Human Being.

Our attention is like the anchor.

It is thrown in the sea, when you want to dwell upon something for a particular purpose.

Yet, the attention has become rusted.

Because it remains fix to the body.

An individual attention stuck to the individual mind, 

has limitations.

An individual attention having risen, will have a larger view.

And can fly, sail where it is directed.

Remote viewing, telepathy and all other 'out of norm' capacities

are considered in the past either as magic or as super powers or miracles etc.

But they are only the manifestation of the qualities of the attention.

Which are AMAZING.

As a human being stuck at an individual level, 

the growth happens when it reaches the collective consciousness level.

Like the ants do.

Yet, I asked the Spirit what then differentiate the collective consciousness level of the ants 

to human being's?


Awareness of the collective consciousness.

This is what the next stage of human being evolution should be.

Yogi practisioner keep forgetting the main aim.

The one of the Spirit manifested in us.

And the Pure Awareness cannot be, unless we have outgrown the throat chakras where the collective is.

Therefore, the collective should be viewed in its real nature, ie the Spirit within manifested through creation.

Till we are separated from yogi AND non yogi.

There is no way we see the collective as One.

And no amount of rituals in the name of whatever deity, however powerful and auspicious it be, can work on an individual commitment of simply forgiving and letting go.

Finally, the Spirit Awareness of the Collective can only be realised by the Spirit.

And the Spirit. can only be awakened - as an established state, not only sprouting as vibrations - once it is manifested through 

the eyes that see with no eyes

through the ears that hear with no ears

and through the voice that speak with no sound

Later on the following post.

Monday, 4 April 2022

En Masse Self Realisation

Tonight after the 3am meditation

I saw a huge endless crowd of people sitting in an open park 

The weather was sunny

It was in a park, open space area with green grass and hills 

and there were so many packed group of people sitting 

rows after rows 

sitting for getting their self realisation.

A bit like at an open air concert 

Woostock type 

Except that it was here orderly and many times such a crowd!

I think i saw at least that endless screen being swiped in front of my eyes couple of times.

After I saw myself sitting in front of Shri Mataji 

and She was pulling me in and asking me to put my hands open towards her 

and was working especially on my left channel.

As currently this is the one which is really very much absorbing too much of negativities like a sponge.

And extra help to get this unloaded is most divine timing.

The endless crowd images are truly impressive. 

Sunday, 3 April 2022

The Mariage of True Minds


Unless we speak from experience 

then it is only words or theory.

But when one shares in words 

about the experience of our own

it is still theory for the reader.


with clarity yesterday it dawn on me

the importance of quickly Letting Go, ie forgiving.

Life is short

Time should be used as it is gold 

only on that which matter to our growth 

mine is on creativity nowadays.

Yet when I keep thinking about the whys and why nots 

of extended family members which are not really behaving in a loving way

then I am putting in myself a block.

Firstly, by not using time for something creative and valuable to me

Secondly, by wasting my power on petty matters which would drain me of my time and energy 

which obviously won't be allocated to the above.

This is not by all means a petty matter.

Because then, this attitude becomes a habit and a bad mannered obsession.

Even though we know initially, we are just toying and playing with thoughts,

at the end the thoughts become our box and we are jailed and limited by it.

As density definitely jails us.

That feeling being considered.

I quickly let go and forgave.

Which creates a space in mind and emptiness.

As the other party is forgiven 

it cannot hook onto me anymore

as it exists no more in my fractal universe within.

And as it is incapable of pure love

then there is nothing for it to hook onto.

Either way.

This is how forgiveness is your best protection.

Not forgiving creates a bridge for the other party to send its thoughts to you

which are not fruitful to you.

And love being rarely existant, you can't expect anything good coming.

Hence you are free to look for that elsewhere 

as your attention is free.

Finally; the second insight which dawn upon me

is that each era has its building block and focal point.

In this era, family, mariage and children is the last of them.

Expansion is the first and foremost.

People marry for a lesser gain 

than if they were to cultivate themselves for the ultimate freedom.

In no way, I can see, in this era, a greater benefit in marriage which is more like for most people

trying to fill up a void or just follow the tradition.

Hence even in this era, benefit is mostly found out of family

Family being karma

after a while and stage of growth 

you need to expand your branches out 

to exchange and water and be watered by such wondful creative people

the world is filled with.

Only self created shackles to cater for comfort and security 

have become the very means of our slavery to a very boring an dull routine 

in the least or of useless headaches in the worst case scenario.

The blessings of a true marriage of souls exist

but does not need the form to exist

as the Spirit does not need the body to Be

though it is necessary for Itself to be expressed through it.

Likewise Spirit does not need a paper; religious, ritualist mariage to exist

as it is neither a cause nor a consequence of forms 

and always pre existed and will continue to post exist these

Yet it is the Key to the growth and sanctity of a mariage.

But if you lack the sanctity and the intention of self improvement 

based on the Let go/forgiveness which is the ultimate condition for final purification 

you cannot benefit from any form be it mariage or family

they too would fail despite having initially taken the Spirit as Witness to their form.

Because Spirit is not bound by the forms

but is there to bless the forms.

And if we take no responsibility 

to clear the way by forgiving

the path will always remain blocked

and the mud will keep accummulating.

Two pools of mud getting married 

can only create more mess really.

Again, this is in worst case scenario; 

In the best scenario, they would be blessed with growth 

if the above is followed.

Unfortunately, I never saw two people 

being identified as Spirit after mariage

but rather being identified as husband and wife

as parents as other one or two roles at best if they have grown wider.

But it dawns now on me

wouldn't it be beautiful 

to witness a mariage of True Minds?

as Shakespeare would say.

Let it be no impediement to the mariage of True Minds.


Sonnet 116: Let me not to the marriage of true minds 

Let me not to the marriage of true minds 
Admit impediments. Love is not love 
Which alters when it alteration finds, 
Or bends with the remover to remove. 
O no! it is an ever-fixed mark 
That looks on tempests and is never shaken; 
It is the star to every wand'ring bark, 
Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken. 
Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks 
Within his bending sickle's compass come; 
Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks, 
But bears it out even to the edge of doom. 
If this be error and upon me prov'd, 
I never writ, nor no man ever lov'd.

When I think of it

That Sonnet I did bear it to the edge of doom.

That definitely, the Spirit knows.

But as a Phoenix I have risen ... again.

That I can say, 

I was truly reborn and given a new life.

Waiting now; for my ultimate rebirth.