The Holy Spirit or Ruh or the Shakti is the Power of God.
This is in the central channel.
The Attention is on the right channel.
The Subsconscious or the soul or the accumulation of our past lifes experiences and current ones is on the left channel.
Both channels are the manifested channels from the Source, The Spirit.
The Spirit is in the Heart.
The Spirit is set there as a Reminder.
The both channels once they are PURIFIED, they EXPRESS their POWERS.
The right purified channel expresses all the power of the PURE attention.
The left purified channel expresses all the power of the subconscious,
which is...LOVE.
What is the power of LOVE? It is to gather to ONE, to unify, to transform the scattered lives, in our subsconsious and gather them under the flag of Love.
In brief, it is HEALING.
The power of LOVE combined to the Power of Attention,
is when one becomes a vicegerant on earth, what is called in islam as Caliphate; you rule not others; but your own body in the Name, by the Power of God. You are your own true master.
Attention can fly
and Love can heal
it is like magic dust being spread over issues to be fixed.
My Aim is to awaken every single cell of my both channels
and thus awaken the ultimate powers in my body
so that I become the manifested proof that this is the next evolutionary step of what a human being can be.
A Maha yogi. That is the ultimate actualisation of our whole being that is part of the collective.
As there is a scale in our body to balance both channels so that the third one may arise,
likewise there is a collective scale that shall tip.
Whether people are ready, matured or not, the scale will tip as the minimal ratio will be reached.
Spiritual Training is starting,
Now. No weaseling out of it.
Mcmc let's do it!