Sunday, 15 March 2015

Heart burn

A few days back
i was making some tea
and when i pass my arm over the hot tea pot
which was steaming

i got burned
funny thing is i had no hurt
and did not even notice i got a mark on my forearm
next day i saw a heart shape red mark

so yesterday
some yogi girl told me
it is linked with too much responsibility

another yogi
a real nice one
ah i like her
sorry that she has to leave
she said it is something probably positive

and guess what?!
she was RIGHT

for in dream
today i saw shri mataji
and she said

"..I say was a blessing..and a message..that you are on the heart path..this is called ,,syncronicity,, when something happen outside..and it reflects your state of a heart burn on your arm.. only fools could have taken that negative."

hm, indeed :) i am happy
ps : this is WHY i am feeling more and more rain on the right heart!