i read today something like that :
"it is neither in religion, nor in thoughts, but in experience that you find God'
on the spot i wondered what it means.
then, at a critical moment, today,
when under pressure,
it is always at those moments that we seek for an open door,
i realised
that neither thoughts, nor religion helped me
when i had come to a dead end
it is when you face a cul de sac
that you realise there is no solution
except in the Grace of the Experience which gives you all the peace and joy and love you wish for
and that is the REAL experience of God
for you experience it with your life
and your life testifies that there was no other solution
for its happiness,
for its lasting happiness
i have tried religion deep down,
till i was sick to death
and i tried all thoughts i could
as deeply as possible
yet, none of them
have been so helpful,
and peaceful
as you are
you are my best experience
of Love, and happiness
this is why i can never let go of you
you are my best experience of God.
and i love you
with all of my heart, mind, soul
and strength.