Sunday, 6 July 2014


Devon ka dev Mahadev

it is wonderful

i watched the first episode
i loved those scenes

when sita took the leaves
i wondered what leaves it is

when she took it
bringing her both hands to her central channel
and closed her hands in the center

it was incredible
for i felt as if my own kundalini was arising

so beautiful sound too
when shiva entered the scene

and before his coming
a cool breeze sound was being heard
and white blue mist enveloping him been seen

and when he said
he needs no rituals nor other praises
YET what matters is that one
does not boast on one s individual value while
separating itself from others contribution to life too

for one thus forgets that others too
other parts of creation that boast not
and yet are such a marvelous creators
are important for creation as much

when one does this
and dharma is endangered
then Shiva destroys creation

it reminded me
of the true symbolism of meditation

that is
if shiva is that GOD
as in quran the Creator of creators

He , the silence
needs no praise nor rituals

for thoughtless awareness
is just destroying thoughts
as shiva
and all praises and intelligence of the creation put together
is of no concern to it
nor does it add or remove to its Eternal  Glory
which stands by itself

yes when destruction comes
it is because balance has been broken
when one quality tries to overpower another
like the son of bramadeva saying i am wise and knowledgeable
shiva asking him
what about other creation who is also worth of great role play
in contributing to the beauty of the world like him
but which boast not

he became silent
for when he get attached to a personal conviction
he forgets it is just a passing one
and others convictions or role too are as much important as his
and as much impermanent as him

while there is no permanence except in the Eternal Essence of the spirit
who is peace in the sahasrara

this i realised it shockingly today
when i was taking a pic
someone came in the scene
so half a second later i took another
while the person had moved away

and that is when i realised shocked
that is how much life is impermanent
not at all hanging onto anything
but just flowing

and my mind in comparison is sooo slow
that it stays with an image
even when this image or person is no more
in the camera

oh yes
the trident of shiva
reminds me of the arabic letter allah
with the three laam

it represents i was told the three
principles of the universe



as related in this first movie

so one is not above the other
but like the story of the rainbow colors
which are disputing which color is best
they seen that they are more beautiful when together
than when separated

so the beauty of universe
is to be able to witness
the beauty of creation
and its preservation
and destruction

to protect the path of dharma