Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Conscious and Subconscious

Have ever heard of people playing a role?
or again that life is like a drama, role play?

i JUST understood today its REAL meaning! :)
feel SOO content and fulfilled :)
yes findings like these are bread like to me,
well rather sweet than bread lol

it functions like this..you do to other what you would WANT to yourself,but you're afraid to do/experience this by doing this to yourself

so.... the human being found a way!
that  is projection !


"we think of the other the way we think of ourselves"

here is a little story,

at midnight a pious person was coming out of a church/mosque/ saint place
and he met a guy in the street

his first though, "oh the great guy, he is so diligently working out himself to keep vigil at night in prayer."

and when this other guy met the pious one,
he said to himself with a malicious face " ah, this guy playing the pious but in truth no better than me,
sneaking out at night to go to discotheque"

when i heard this
i laughed a lot

and it was a revelation,

it means we think of the others, the way we think of ourselves.

same about the rest of our life
we are wholly experiencing ourselves at all time
by doing unto the other what we are afraid to do/admit to ourselves of our inner/hidden desires/personality.

why afraid?
for we have a logical mind which is afraid for it can't manage to control the inner deep power of his inner desire.
it knows that it is SO STRONG that it will defies its logic.

thus this BLOCK
which is too traumatising to self experience (i.e. being experienced by the consciousness)
will be soften by being projected i.e. being experienced TOWARDS the other!

BY PASS way to experience it

so our subconscious is projecting on the other
to know itself
by passing the block between the logical brain and the inner desires of the individual



why the need for this self experience?
ah, suddenly it becomes clear, isn't it?

SELF experience
before i could not get what  SELF experience
it is the subconscious trying to know itself
while the conscious, as the name point at is CONSCIOUS of this EXPERIENCE

knowing how it works..automatically makes the ,,inner,, being understood

and the block was about

lack of communication between mind/soul/spirit..etc 
orin other word

 the conscious vs the subconscious reality

this projection creates a ,,connection,, between the conscious and subconscious - mind and soul?

this connection is
a medium to communicate between both.


so we always,,project,, the inner ,,outside,,..to ,,see ourselves,,

so the pious guy wanted to see his own piousness
to see what his piousness looked like :)

and the disco guy wanted to see what his depraved life looked like lol

true a mirror cannot see itself
it NEEDS a second person to be able to see HOW it reflects WELL!
so far so good

when our attention FORGETS THAT! (man forgets, so use remembrance - quran/islam)
when it forgets the rule of the game : to know yourself, to experience your self
as a mirror would want too

and starts thinking that it is the beauty of the other i want to possess (one of the 10 commandments not to transgress -judaism)
or the ugliness of the other that i want to wipe off ( do not judge or you will be judged - christianity)

then it is HOW our attention got corrupted
and we forget WHO we are.

see ? all of the religious teachings AIM at bringing man back to :


- dedicating this clarity of revelation to my husband to be :)
kiss to you ; ) and HUGE love



Back pain healing

I had to imagine what it would be like having back blocked
and not being able to walk

guess what?!

it is what happened,
ah, if i am so good at imagining
i better imagine next time GREAT LOVELY things
happening to me

;) well i did
delicious ones lol

i know they will happen :)

yes, so in the morning,
when i got up
my back was blocked
and i had much pain, going from the back to the right leg

so i raised the energy
and put hands on the main chakras
doing thus a cycle

and then,
when it started to feel cool
i stayed with this feeling
as long as this coolness spread in the body

of course,
i put first my attention on the area of the pain
for once the attention is in the cool breeze
then WHERE we direct the attention, the energy follows

thus when i directed my attention on the painful area
the attention was like a laser
or like the concentrated rays of sun
that remove the dark clouds

so the realised attention EMPTIES the area where it is directed
and then the pain disappears!

because the body is the densified extensions of our immaterial thoughts
so if cool breeze can provoke a state of thoughtless awareness
on the manifestation realm/concrete physical space
the cool breeze WILL ALSO provoke THIS emptiness
so here the thoughts materialised (my projection of experiencing this blocked back)
have been wiped off by the attention loaded with this cool breeze

et voilĂ !

my back got healed within 1h max!

ah so happy! :)
