Thursday, 12 February 2015

White Tara the Milky beauty

yesterday i did some recording

woa incredible
how one can discover stuff about our own self
while it was all there all the time

i did not recognised my voice!
lol i kind of fell in love with my voice
it was the voice of a child

do i really sound like a kid when i talk?
unless it be the recording
but it hit hard as if it was a new aspect of mine i had not known

anyway it put me in tender mood about myself

but then it is may be linked
for that night as i was going to sleep
in a vision

i saw such a beauuuuuuuuuuuuutiful lady
i call it an eeric lady
she was all white like milk

her face was bright shining white
her clothes too
her face too
her hair too

all like bright shining milk

she was so awesomely beautiful
when she turned her face to me
just for a few seconds

actually she was standing in a cave
her face turned towards the front

when she turned back
i was stunned by her beauty
and we hugged

she has an ingrained peace in her
a well grounded and solid peace

this reminded me of this quote :

Beauty is truth's smile when she beholds her own face in a perfect mirror.

she was perfect beauty indeed
ah there is more to it
but i don't know 
i love her
i learned she is called "white tara" 
and i read this part : 
Myth of the 1000 White Taras
White Tara © 2000 Romio ShresthaWhen the 1000 White Taras are named the tone of the planet will shift from one of fear to one of compassion, of love. It is something like the Durga myth. When the world was on the brink and the Gods threw their hands up in surrender and called on Durga to save this world, Durga came. She cut away greed and avarice and restored harmony. The Gods asked her to stay and be our goddess but she said , "No, that wasn't the deal I signed onto, but if you need me again you can call on me". And so we are. We are calling her to cut away avarice and we are calling on White Tara to remove the fear, thus allowing this to happen, through compassion... through love.

The myth of the White Tara began when she showed up as the tear of Avalokiteshvara, also known as Chenzering, who the Dali Lama is a reincarnation of. She appeared when Avalokiteshvara, the Buddha of all Buddhas, moved into a state of compassion... when his mind and his heart met in wisdom... and the suffering he saw because the the lack of this balance, made him cry. Then he could see Her... or it is said she appeared. For that is who she is, the compassion expressed in that tear. It could be said the tear cleared the eye to see her. She is the expression of compassion. It is time to let the waters flow... let our tears cleanse and nourish... let it dissove fear in all its manifestations especially hatred. Like the water thrown on the Wicked Witch of the west... melting, melting... let the fear melt as we see we are one with all.

When the 1000 White Taras are named, acknowleged and joined... the force will be so great it will spread quickly. Like the 100th monkey theory, when a critical mass changes, the whole will change. The naming has begun...

Very true
you know i met a friend who taught me yoga posture
one is called the prayer of the sun
it is nearly same as the muslim prayer
such a fine teaching

indeed all postures and rites
are about balancing your body
and then your subtle body
to get this yoga UNION

and guess what
she warned us
this posture will bring up tears
and you won't know why

to be honest
i did not believe her
i said to myself why i would have tears
especially one always have a reason to cry

well that very night
and for no reason
and the day too
tears where indeed falling from my eyes

and now BY CHANCE i read about these tears in this article about
the white Tara
it is no randomness
but yet is very timely

and about tears and compassion
i end up on this quote which came to my mind :

"We entered the house of Abu Saif - the blacksmith - with the Prophet (pbuh). Abu Saif’s wife was the wetnurse of his son, Ibraheem. The Messenger of God (pbuh) lifted his son Ibraheem, and smelled and kissed him. After a while he went and saw his son again - he was dying. The Prophet (pbuh) started to cry. Abdurrahmaan b. Auf said: ‘O Prophet of God, you too cry!’ The Messenger (pbuh) said: ‘O Ibn Auf, this is a mercy’ - the Prophet (pbuh) shed more tears and said: ‘The eyes shed tears, the heart is saddened, and we only say what pleases our Lord, and we are saddened by your death, O Ibraheem!" (Bukhari #1241)

i feel 
the tears clean the agnya 
and hence is the mark of compassion 
of God to you
and of you for your self.