Wednesday, 20 May 2015

In Honor of the Trees

In Honor of the Trees :

The Giving Tree

Once there was a tree....
and she loved a little boy.
And everyday the boy would come
and he would gather her leaves
and make them into crowns
and play king of the forest.
He would climb up her trunk
and swing from her branches
and eat apples.
And they would play hide-and-go-seek.
And when he was tired,
he would sleep in her shade.
And the boy loved the tree....
very much.
And the tree was happy.
But time went by.
And the boy grew older.
And the tree was often alone.
Then one day the boy came to the tree
and the tree said, "Come, Boy, come and
climb up my trunk and swing from my
branches and eat apples and play in my
shade and be happy."
"I am too big to climb and play" said
the boy.
"I want to buy things and have fun.
I want some money?"
"I'm sorry," said the tree, "but I
have no money.
I have only leaves and apples.
Take my apples, Boy, and sell them in
the city. Then you will have money and
you will be happy."
And so the boy climbed up the
tree and gathered her apples
and carried them away.
And the tree was happy.
But the boy stayed away for a long time....
and the tree was sad.
And then one day the boy came back
and the tree shook with joy
and she said, "Come, Boy, climb up my trunk
and swing from my branches and be happy."
"I am too busy to climb trees," said the boy.
"I want a house to keep me warm," he said.
"I want a wife and I want children,
and so I need a house.
Can you give me a house ?"
" I have no house," said the tree.
"The forest is my house,
but you may cut off
my branches and build a
house. Then you will be happy."

And so the boy cut off her branches
and carried them away
to build his house.
And the tree was happy.
But the boy stayed away for a long time.
And when he came back,
the tree was so happy
she could hardly speak.
"Come, Boy," she whispered,
"come and play."
"I am too old and sad to play,"
said the boy.
"I want a boat that will
take me far away from here.
Can you give me a boat?"
"Cut down my trunk
and make a boat," said the tree.
"Then you can sail away...
and be happy."
And so the boy cut down her trunk
and made a boat and sailed away.
And the tree was happy
... but not really.

And after a long time
the boy came back again.
"I am sorry, Boy,"
said the tree," but I have nothing
left to give you -
My apples are gone."
"My teeth are too weak
for apples," said the boy.
"My branches are gone,"
said the tree. " You
cannot swing on them - "
"I am too old to swing
on branches," said the boy.
"My trunk is gone, " said the tree.
"You cannot climb - "
"I am too tired to climb" said the boy.
"I am sorry," sighed the tree.
"I wish that I could give you something....
but I have nothing left.
I am just an old stump.
I am sorry...."
"I don't need very much now," said the boy.
"just a quiet place to sit and rest.
I am very tired."
"Well," said the tree, straightening
herself up as much as she could,
"well, an old stump is good for sitting and resting
Come, Boy, sit down. Sit down and rest."
And the boy did.
And the tree was happy.

Belly and its power

power everyone has it
this is why everyone has a life

but difference is about the use of it
unconscious vs conscious use

ok if i use the word power
is nothing surnatural
is about the "conscious use of it"
in my own vocabulary

so anyone thinking
is some supernatural thing
is weak minded
for i already defined it

plus is my blog
so i write as my daily introspection
flows :) kiss:x

so since a few days
i noticed
that very minimally
but surely
i kind of use my belly power
as if it is a sphere of energy
that you can project outside
and from there like a net
and you attract what you wishes

imagine a sphere of light expanding
whatever comes in
is part of this sphere
so is one

does not mean that you are
the stuff it englobes
but energetically you are that

it started
with the trees a few days ago
as i was in the car
all the trees on the road were aligned
and for some of them
it felt like they were more advancing
towards me
or with a real presence
they were really standing out
of the alley compared to others

and i learned
that trees too are very loving
in fact ...

-and this touched my heart
even now,
while writing it
lol feeling soft spot
in my heart -

... that very little attention
and love is given to the trees

and if we do give them love
and touch them
to show them our appreciation

then we can imagine
how happy and really deeply
touched they would be
even though they have
a very faint consciousness

to their core
they would be really touched

imagine yourself,
if you are never given attention
and are invisible to everyone

and some day
someone sees you
and show you its attention

wouldn't it bring you to tears?
it would make you feel very soft
and alive

and definitely
you would love this person
who was the only one
to give you such attention
from all of your heart

same for the tree
the tree when loved
will love you really loads

you would be loved by it
more than by any human being ever

because it does give
unconditional love
and in an ever present way

is very trustworthy
and faithful
because it just respond to your
own love

what you love
indeed loves you back

so, is as if they come to you
to somehow mark themselves out
that is faint but real impressive

i was just in my mind
wishing to see and hear
some documentary
about this aspect of trees
like a loving entity

as soon as i switched on
a channel
i stumbled about
a movie

which first words were

"a long long time ago,
there was a tree and
a young man who loved the tree.

everysingle day he came to the tree
and collected all falling leaves..."

believe me or not
it struck me!

the second AFTER
i wished for that
it was indeed coming
on TV!

that is SUGOI !!
i have to use this word
but in japanese
that really comes from the belly!

but this time
unlike the other time
i was not shocked long
as to how come
i got exactly
the story i wanted

this time
is a bit like in vision
i saw that

it is indeed
like a sphere of magnetic light
it goes out from your belly
prompted by your wish
and is sent out

a bit like a letter
you send out

you know like
when you send
an air balloon
with a message
to the unknown
and yet someone answers you

it is exactly same
on the spot
as soon as i switched tv
i got it back!

i also learned
that if you placed yourself
above the message you expect to
receive from a source

and you kind of merge
your sphere
with the sphere of theirs
then at the merging
if your wish is conscious
you know that your letter
has been delievered
then the excitement
is to wait for the answer

the difference i noticed
is now
just a bit more consciously
i wish
and just a bit more consciously
i know the letter is delivered

and i also feel
this grant more peace
for is a bit like
you sit in a comfy sofa
and send out your letter
to a very well chosen receiver
and once your energy blends with
the group consciousness of it
depending on God's will
you get the right feedback

at first
i guess it is a bit hectic
you remember
you forget
you remember
and so on

but once it get established
it becomes very natural

and from the belly
is your soul connection
to the "outer"
this is how you know
you are taking care
of your real needs
soulwise is most important
you are authentic
and less wandering blindly

and you feel a bit more fulfilled

this is why
5 years ago
i had dreamt
that i was very hungry

is about your soul
being hungry

and indeed
soul is in the belly

as present science
tells you
in the belly are
your emotional neurones

everything is linked
and interpreted according
to each field vocabulary

most important
is to find this space
between two busy-ness/thoughts
that you are stucked in
and to dwell on that

so that the very silence
feeds you

for the silence is not just
is actually FULL

but i can't yet really tell
as i know not more

but for sure
is more fulfilling
than ever
