Wednesday, 17 December 2014

The Library - Alaya consciousness

ok my meditation is regular
but has lost its early intensity
it feels like it becomes harder and harder to wake up
anyway, LUCKILY it is STILL on

and i am AIMING at making it as GOOD as i wish

this being said,
i had a few days back another day dreaming vision
yes i call it so
when i am not sleeping

so as i was meditating
i entered a library
full of books
and in it
the voice said
"this is the wisdom of the Mind"

then i turned and saw
two men and a woman
looking inside of a ball of light
which was placed in a  cylinder

the feeling was quite good
and it felt like NATURAL

what i mean
it was as normal as if i am living this life
or when you switch one channel of a tv and you see another

except these ones are really pleasant.

so i learned that
the library is the Alaya consciousness
or also called the "collective matrix"
 or collective citta

imagine :)
it means
from this point everything EVER imagined
and EVER happened is recorded THERE


a sort of a God's Super Duper computer ;)

is always evolving..always experiencing ITSELF(GOD) through its images(creation/beings/forms/time/space..consciousness)

ah! again so cool

and it makes sense.

the in fact a symbol of,,the VERY reason,, of creation?..see?

and yes, 
as i wrote,
and there were three tall people around it
like they were looking into it
as one look into it as for visioning stuff
i think there were two men and a lady
......the father/son/holy spirit..holy spirit is female creating...father is the awareness..son is the it?
before and even today
i kind of forget the aim of visions
which is to know
that something better exist

by then
before myself realisation
i "waited" this to come to me

but now,
it is for ME to CREATE the life i want

i tell you guys
my LIFE gonna be awesome

because ALREADY it is AWESOME
since the first day i got self realisation
and it is NOT a trend which is getting down bu UP

the ONLY thing is

that i CAN be more creative
and when i say creative
it just means
CHOOSE to be ALIGNED to myself
and BE myself

the creation
comes by itself
like atoms are drawn together
and then the molecule of waters are formed

the molecule exists not BY itself
hey it is me the H2O molecule

but it is a formation, a cluster of these atoms
that were drawn to it

same for our lives
we need to REMEMBER
to make everyday GOOD choices
GOOD because our belly feels GOOD when we do it
and not because it is the social norm
learned by our head
and monitored by others
to please them

easy said than done
but it is the natural flow
that we lost
while children still have it.

good morning