incredible stupidity
this is what the words come into my mind
i had a dream
showing how
some yogi that i knew
think that whole muslims are numbnuts
and crazy killers
and this include
their muslim in their surrounding..
now i call this incredible stupidity
but of course
how could it be otherwise?
those who are supposed
to spread message of Love
are those who are caught into their worst conditioning
which is the anti-muslim one
on the contrary
i was incredibly surprised
by the beauty of the piano player
right after the paris attack
or again of the english guy
see article below
especially the "self spiritually labelled one"
have no ability
to take Side of Beauty
but only to take side of fear induced behavior
and prejudices
which is ok
for any common people
but oh so disappointing
when you put give yourself
the label of Humanity Saviors
because i call this usurpation..
all the more i am
disappointed at the thoughts
of those "yogi"
and why this reaction?
amalgam and inner hate even?
and total LACK of respect for their "muslim yogi" comrad lol?
because they meditate NOT in the morning
a yogi that refuses morning meditation
what remains of a yogi
except its name and rituals
that God even care NOT of...
unless you SHOWER yourself
with morning bliss
how could you feel love
instead of fear and hate?
why so much lowliness showing up
in those who are precisely supposed
and yet i see SHINING beauty
in those who have not even the knowledge of
self realisation?
because when the shit hits the fan
you see people spirituality
its potential for some
and its fixed and stratified state for others
be it good or bad
as none of them
penetrated the sahasrara fully
and as they persistenly refuse
the morning shower of bliss
what else is to be expected?
if you feel the BLISS
you CRAVE for it
and you CRAVE for its sharing
and your actions or LACK of it
speaks for you
to celebrate the mix of our national identity
and French culture
i was invited to attend some very nice
humorist program
which was planned
before those terror attacks
and it HAPPENED to be some spiritual humorist!
such a great one
i will post about him
but these people
SHINE with beauty
when the shit hits the fan
because they have the RIGHT potential
while i feel revolted
that yogis i know
shine with SHITTY thoughts
about their OWN fellow yogi muslims
as God said
in Quran
yea read the word Quran
and fume just in case
you think i am speaking of a muslim God
is a God of humanity...
in case some numbnuts think in a twisted way.
if you Love me NOT
then i will raise
other people
who will love me more
and that IS
for those yogi
who meditate NOT in morning
so that when the shit hits the fan
you see the matured spiritual state of their sour state of mind...
cause is too late
fruits is there
of your PAST "spiritual" practice
but again
i send kisses and love
to those whom God awaits
for their have not lost their potential of Love
and when it blooms
it will SHINE like never before for them
while the past generation of yogi
having NOT achieved to Love God
will just be past..
on this i say
Let's celebrate the Love
of those who really Love
cause fear, hate, prejudices and Hypocrisy
shine NOT
except by their stupidity
i Love to see people INNER
beauty or the lack of it
for it shows me
and guides me
to lovely people
such as this english one below
or the humorist spiritual artist
coming soon in next post...
Commuter's moving account of how he defended a young Muslim woman from a thug who was abusing her as a 'terrorist' on the London Underground goes viral
- Ashley Powys was on the train home from work when man launched tirade
- Targeted teen in hijab with horrific racial insults then branded her 'terrorist'
- The 22-year-old then stepped in protecting shaken victim Yara from abuse
- Missed his own stop to make sure the woman made it to her friends safely