Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Breakfast time

during breakfast time
i was drinking my tea
and when i lifted it up
and drank it

while drinking it
suddenly i got the impression of nearness of the energy within
as if it was not me , the thought, who was lifting it up and bringing it to my lips
but the interior energy

while the thoughts was the witness to that
and could be witness to it
because information passed through it
that : this is my need, to drink something

it is so strange
especially if i read this few days later
i may not get why i felt this moment so special
because it all depends where my attention is
if it is inside and deep
then i can catch this very impression while reading it
otherwise it has no meaning no pertinence

this proves also
that only when we are simple
that we can be deep
otherwise it is impossible to be so

so we have to learn back
to become simple people

what we like, we take it
what we dislike, we leave it
and we settle things as much as we can
according to our ability on the spot

so that we don't be overloaded
in our thinking

this very feeling of nearness
i only got it once in my life
may be 10 years ago
when i was praying
i suddenly felt
that closeness
of a presence, of an inner presence
and on the spot while i was praying
i understood
no rather this energy made me witness its closeness
this is how i understood
that if i am standing, then it is not by myself, but because i am being supported to stand
and if my clothes are hanging so naturally
not too tight not too messy in the atmospher
lol like in the space
but rightly adjusted to the body
it is because of this intelligent presence
who knows it alls and do it

but it acts according to the needs of our soul
and if we are not in touch with our soul
then the energy can't do much for us
because it only serves (our needs)
if we are in touch with our inner self, soul,
and thus with our needs

then, our attention is rightly put
and then, the energy follows

but truly now i understand
why my uncle used to say
"your energy goes where attenion goes"

you have no more to "care" for the effort
that you should initiate
but you have to only put your attention rightly on your soul
so that your energy follows
and care for you

one should learn that gradually
otherwise a great leap from meditation state to active life
is quite impossible
at least for me