Quotes from the movie below
which i really agree with
and are worthy to be highlighted there:
the ego construct is nothing more than the impulse to repeat
is simply the path the energy once stuck (in our body - hence importane of purification that erase it)
and the tendancy for that energy to take that path again
whether it is positif or negatif for the organism
end of quote
this is why the "let go" notion
is the one that helps to "purify"
let go of money like by paying alms/zakat
let go of your precious stuff by gifting to people what they like when they look at your belonging
is why arabs of middle east (lol not of north africa) are for some
known to gift their belonging when they get praise for them
initially is meant for you not to stick to them
as the more people praise the object
the more you will get attached and finally identified with
hence the giving of it
is what i feel is the meaning behind
such now cultural mannerism
another quote :
eyes of child
have no trace of self
only luminous emptiness
in an awakened person consciousness shines
through the personality
i particularly like this quote
as is what i had experienced in life
the prison is your current limited belief of self
and prison is an illusion
if you identify with your illusory self
then you are asleep
once you are aware of the prison
and if you fight to get out of its illusion
then you treat illusion as real
then you are still asleep
except the illusion becomes a nightmare
very on point quote
because is exactly how i felt
before i had self realisation
as i wanted not to receive an injection
to get asleep and live a life of work-marry-sleep
i gave it up
to get out of it
part of seeking was mainly blurry
as i knew what i wanted not
but knew not what i sought
and once i came to a dead end
and was jerked back into "you must live as others do and stay asleep"
that i fought again
and literally speaking life was a nightmare
so were my sleep time full of nightmares
so what the author of this vid said
is very on point
now.. i must also point
there are good stuff i quoted not
but it shows how much is for an open minded muslim
if he listens to it .. its true islamic spirit /religion can become clearer to him
and am sure if a christian listens to it, he would also find this vid confirming its true christian teaching
about being reborn
same for an agnostic etc.
here i take two examples for muslims
in hadith it is said
"die before you die"
this topic is being treated in this vid
but when you look at the islamic teaching and hadith
how much the average muslim knows about the meaning of this?
yet is so openly laid in this vid
may be too much for an average muslim to get it
yet is where he can see the way pointed by islam
to its true self
another example
hadith : every child is born in true religion (fitrah) only his parents, society corrupts him
in vid the quote about the child eyes
when you look at them
what you?
luminous emptiness
is the hint about the true self
could the average muslim
see what the quran made of aya points at for him to seek?
did you know
if you are a muslim
that the word ayah..translated as verse in english
means in truth "signs, evidence, that are pointed at" for the belivers to look at..?to find truth..
same another example in the vid
metaphor of prison is given
in hadith it is said
the world for a true mu'min/believer is like a prison...
never i had understood it
till i got self realisation
so this vid is pretty good material
for any seeker of truth
whatever its religious background
it helps you to fathom your own references
taught by your religion
as the vid pointed at
your aim is not to fight the illusion
as you create a hell..as terrorists do
not only eternal hell for themselves
sadly enough is what happens to each single wannabe terrorist
but also engulf in hell other victims along with him
is why also in hadith
was told that in end of times
people will kill and other will be killed
while both of them won't know why this happen
when i look 5 years back
is true that situation has become so precarious
and unsafe as violence spread in europe and intensifies like never before in middle east
but also
what is incredible to me
is that is the time
when the human being was the most at its technological peak
and mistakingly religious people think they are the most near to truth
while they have never been so far from it
when you look from the point of view of awareness in humanity
the teaching are so much distorted
that what was meant to help and guide
such as religion
is what is being used as an excuse to push even more towards destruction
another last quote of vid
see things as they are
isn't it what you can read in hadith
the prophet prayer being often
"Allah let me see things as they truly are"
so this vid should be just enough for any seeker of truth
even for and especially for muslims
provided they seek truth
but if you think
you have it already
then you are doom to never get anything beneficial from life or even this vid lol
Good vid for those who want to have a good overview of their situation :
source : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bw9zSMsKcwk