i found myself many times in conflictual situations
1-on the spot it is too late to have a "correct attitude"
for we are only covering up our "defects"
if we try to be nice
at some point or another, the emotions of anger or disappointment
will come back, but at a bigger level
2- so just behave as you feel like on the spot,
for it is a matter of seconds , be what you are by then
3-as quickly as you remember,
best is on the first impact,
to raise your energy and turn it at the belly level
and know or say that "it is ok"
then i suppose it should be ok :)
4- we all do mistakes, errors or create tensions around us
which is normal, otherwise life would be boring
but when we HOLD onto it for hours, days and years
then, it is when it becomes a problem
for we ALWAYS have choice
and at ALL time, we CONSTANTLY make choice
and repeating over and over a dislike towards someone, is a choice,
taking your mobile and calling all of your comrades 10 miles around is a choice
and letting go is also the choice
and is the BEST choice ever
for it is a choice that creates a more FREE world ahead of you for the day and week and months
and even years to come
otherwise, how come so many people when they grow up
end up "jailed" in their routine?
because of their choices
their choices have revealed their quality over time
and they equal to what their current life
displays of its freedom
just enslaved to some hate, anger, dislike or fears
therefore, when you put your attention on a potential "choice"
the choice is actually a seed,
and the seed itself is a WHOLE world within
as much as a seed contains a tree and even a forest in its full potential
if we look at its development over the time;
so when you choose to reiterate again and again
your dislike towards someone
actually you only choose to enclose yourself more and more
into the world you dislike
and the dislike of a world
means that you are closing this world to you
practically, it means that during the day,
ALL the extensions to this seed,
like a network stemming from it and going towards it to feed it
is CUT from you
and you are NO MORE nourished by it
so, even though everything is there for you to enjoy
you are cut from the water of joy during your day
yes, your day has dried out
and you see no more point to life
that is a sad state of affair
the neurone itself, is the seed
the core of your experience
it happens you disliked it
and the dislike takes the form of a person
if you keep cutting your link with this person
all of the other branches that you see coming and going from him or her
are also cut from you
like for the neurone and its synaps,
like for the seed and its offshoot in the soil
or the tree with its roots
so is a person with his world
you better assume your attitude on the spot
as best as you could
and be responsible of its consequences
without GOING on blaming the other
and later on, you better forgive and let go
and see the next day as a NEW day
and expecting much new joy to come your way
otherwise, you will just let the branches dry out too
and one by one, they will die,
and one by one, your doors of choice will close
and your day will become a dull routine
LOL that is too sad to consider that
let's quit on a brighter choice :
how about forgiving the person
meditating at home
for when you are stuck with an issue
your attention is on the it
it is then a GREAT opportunity to meditate
for then the Energy knows what needs to be restructured
and transformed for the best
then, you can try out and see, if indeed the people have changed
magically overnight towards you.
that is the ideal choice. to let go, meditate and have this excitement of seeing
what new might have changed in your favor overnight the next day
that is witnessing yourself by your Self
i like these :
it is real
no kidding
picture : http://thecount.com/2012/04/06/amazingly-colorful-japanese-flower-garden/
An amazing choice,
is a choice that leads you towards more doors,
it frees you
and gives you the luxury to choose ALL kinds of possibilities
yes, an amazing choice,
would lead you to a rainbow of possibilities,
and would color your day,
your day is no more dull,
but really is "aLife"
ps : some people say 'i forgive'
this too is an attitude
is witness by your change of a transformed MIND!
and actions prove it,
it is not by backstabbing someone
and then, heart happy
you can say "i forgive"
this has Nothing to do
on the REAL world!
:) kiss to those in the spirit