I found a thing
it is said that we can use our power best
if we use ONE thought and One Emotion
at a time
so there was an insect flying in the room
so i raised energy
and put my attention on it only
so it makes one thought
and one emotion
so i felt joy for that very attention of mine (who was the insect)
if the insect would remain stuck up there and move no more
it hit me,
the attention is not ON the insect outward
the attention IS FEELING inside
how joyous i would feel FEELING the insect stuck up there
so it is as if the attention was the insect !
therefore i understand
this is why the awareness is ALL that around
for the awareness is aware/witness of EACH SINGLE THOUGHT
therefore ONE thought
and ONE feeling OF it
equals you are it inside
and can have power on your "self"
this is WHY there are this picture
about the awakening with multiple eyes
for it means
ALL the thoughts that one is AWARE of,
is the COMPLETE awareness
Friday, 13 June 2014
what i have learned
before i had doubts
even with sufism
because i knew not what is Truth
i knew not how could i trust
with a spontaneous awakening
and feeling of cool breeze
stemming from inside
i knew it was not controlled
from outside
it was mine
neither by someone nor by my ego
but i wanted more
a new change
for Truth brings change
because if you don't change for the better
than you stay in same situation in your life
not evolving
and turning in circle
with the same "issues"
more or less worsening
so i learned it was about taking charge of one's own life
the cool breeze is the manifestation
that the inner divine energy
pushes upwards
at heart level take the spirit
and bring it upwards
above head
above thoughts
and thus liberates you from your bonding
of identification with your own thoughts
above thoughts
is pure silence
once liberated
we have space
space to create what we wish for
therefore each person should seek for what
his or her pure desire it
to allow it to be manifested
the more more thoughtless awareness
the more silence
the more silence, the more emptiness
and when ONE thought with ONE emotion
is placed in this shrine of silence
encircled by emptiness
then this ONE thought
becomes empowered
and is manifested
for power before
ALSO existed
but used to be divided by different thoughts
when divided so much, quota of power per thought is weak
but one thought one power
is a powerful condition for your desire to become real
thus you are your own master
at last free to experience what you wish
which is no more illusive daily striving.
but if you trust not
this spirit inside
which is the container of the Pure Love
then you cannot gamble your Life
for a new change
for letting it take a new turn
and become first
transformed by Love
and then, become itself Love
once it is Love
it is actually a level of manifesation of this Pure Awareness/Silence the spirit is brought in
for in vibration
Peace is above Love
and i guess above Peace
are new levels
for Face of God
shines ever day into a NEW splendor
as there is NO limit to GOD
but if one takes not this turn for Pure Love in life
then, there is no more space
for the Pure Desire for Love
to transform us
and as God forces not
one has no more natural ground to live
for Pure Desire cannot be removed.
This is why
no conditioning
even be it the apparent ultimatum of Quran
given by ignorant people
see the scene :
As the battle continued, Malik al-Ashtar fought his way through the opposing army until he was two rows away from Mu'awiyah's tent.[5][7] Only two rows away from killing Mu'awiyah and ending the war. However, a situation occurred. Mu'awiyah wanted to trick Imam Ali's army to stop fighting and disunite them by creating confusion. So he asked Amr ibn al-As, who told him, "I'm sure we can cheat them with the Qur'an."[8] Mu'awiyah loved the idea and ordered his soldiers to place the Quran on their spear.[4][5] When most of the soldiers of Imam Ali saw this they stopped fighting. Though Imam Ali knew that it was a trick by Mu'awiyah to create confusion and disunity, he told his army "It's a trick! I was the first to invite them to Allah's Book. And I was the first to believe in it. They've disobeyed Allah and broken His promise." (this is referring to the negotiation/persuading process before the war)[5] Imam Ali wanted his soldier to continue fighting because they were so close to victory. Despite Imam Ali's effort, 22,000 soldiers of Imam Ali disobeyed his commands and said "Stop fighting and order al-Ashtar to withdraw!"[5] Knowing that his own soldiers had turned their backs on him and a few group of true believers, Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib told his soldiers to command Malik to return for safety reasons.[4] The messenger gave Malik the order. Even though, Malik knew that he has the opportunity to end the war and rid the world of Ma'uwiyah, he stopped and returned.[4][5] Malik said "If Ali ibn Abi Talib orders something, I have to return".[7] This moment was a defining moment in Malik's life because it shows his discipline and submission to Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib.
Quran ties people in fear - that's a trick
Quran cannot be understood by mind, but by heart.
while Truth is Spiritual and ever preached,
few can hear it,
to be led to Victory
source : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malik_al-Ashtar
nor the outwards play of power can deter the Truthful people :
see the scene :
Their enmity and open threats of a breach between Abu Talib's clan, the Banu Hashim and the rest of the Banu Quraish distressed Abu Talib who was aware of the cost that his nephew Muhammad had to pay if deserted . Abu Talib sent for Muhammad and told him the news, "Spare me and yourself and put not burden on me that I can’t bear". Muhammad thought that his uncle would let him down and would no longer support him, so he replied:
"O my uncle! by God if they put the sun in my right hand and the moon in my left on condition that I abandon this course, until God has made me victorious, or I perish therein, I would not abandon it." Muhammad got up, and as he turned away, his uncle called back and then said "Go and preach what you please, for by God I will never forsake you.". Abu Talib then recited two lines of verse with meanings of full support to Muhammad.
source : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_and_third_deputation_with_Abu_Talib
Moon is the Left channel in our subtle system in our body
Sun is the Right channel
even if ALL kinds of Power of BOTH channels were given to Muhammad (peace be upon him)
he would have NEVER abandon Truth, which is in the CENTRAL CHANNEL, the Middle Path (ehdina sirah tal mustaqim = the straight path) for any other manifestation of power.
He stood his Ground.
for ONLY the middle channel opening leads to Victory.
and Victory is in Surah Fatah ( Chapter of Victory) in quran,
Fatah, with the sound Fa, means the Opening ,
like the opening of a seed
or like in surah Falak (the day break)
the cleaving of the seed which leads to see the light
and this cleaving is that of your Inner Energy
which pierces your fontanel area
and brings you to Light
while before you were closed into an egg/seed/ darkness
nor could ever make a true seeker of Truth waver
see the scene.
Heart being capable of All Form of love
is not a poetic moving wish of ibn Arabi
THE VICTORY talked of above
for it is when the Kundalini takes your spirit
Above your thoughts
thoughts are mental FORMS
and once your are ABOVE those mental forms
you are in the PURE AWARENESS which is the ONLY state
where your Heart can be capable of ALL forms of LOVE.
for Love is the Meaning of Life
and without Love Life is no naturally no more.
so unless you already know what you desire
and that desire be your DRIVE
and unless you test your belief
to see if this belief feeds you and quench your thirst
for Life, Love, God
you will never find Certainty.
For finding ever fresh and renewed Life
is finding God
finding this constant Pure Love in continuous way
is finding God
and finding God
is finding Certainty
Finding Love is finding Certainty.
For the Constant Presence of Love felt on your path, is the Proof of you having found God inside you.
it is the proof of you being finally fed by your Pure Desire.
Therefore, your life will naturally flow and go on.
for God is not outside
it is the REAL YOU inside
the HU (arabic meaning WHO HE IS)
and the real Eternal Life in you
is the SPIRIT
whose manifestation at heart level is LOVE
and above thought is PEACE
and above is as far as you can go.
Natural Drive
if there is no more drive
then self obviously
the inner life can no more flow
and when the river is no more
life is no more.
then self obviously
the inner life can no more flow
and when the river is no more
life is no more.
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