Thursday, 13 April 2017

Man is a wolf to man?

Difference between nice and evil people
really nice quote

someone may do bad things like cheating, stealing etc.
but as long as he looks after people around himself
then there is still hope left in him

but those who are ready to fall/prey on others
ready to eat them
they are the evil ones

when i heard that
i found it interesting
that is like in food chain

eat or be eaten
is the law of the society

as as Hobbes said
Man is a wolf to man

and it all of sudden
reminded me
of relationship in society

why some people are considered as vampire
as they do some good - in apparence - to tame you
and make you believe how all good they are

and is a calculated good call it "n"

as they are eyeing to get back from you "n+1"

call it sneaky or calculation or forward thinking
or "if i spend on people, life always gives it back to me in some way"
whatever fancy word to make it sound beautiful

Truth is
either you have it or not

if you have it
is for you own good
you are someone who has some hope left in you

if you don't have care for others
then you are just -evil- as the guy put it

i went to a seminar
and to my astonishment
i saw how the way of thinking and finding solution even managing team is changing

the speaker is no more considering himself a teacher
the Mr or Ma'm know it all

but a facilitator for group exchange

and the group composed of a few people
say 10
are a mirror to each other ...

they hold each other in a way accountable

..and i was amazed
that the facilitator warned us
if you hear some good words as praise
good for you
but when you are confronted by those that pain you

learn to take it in
face it
don't shrink from hearing it nor have a hostile and defensive position
but take it as a challenge to get the good out of it for your own self
is your "new Horizon"

very fast forward thinking
even some deepness and insight
yet .... was a business seminar

i was very impressed

in current capitalistic model
Man is a wolf to man
applies very much

actually is the downside of Globalisation
who can eat more and grow

but that way to see people
as the link to a chain
who are interdependent on each other

is very fast forward  thinking
and may i say
very human view of life

Human are characterised as being linked to each other
aren't we family members
or colleagues or friends etc

there are always labels to qualify relationship

is because as a human being
our strength is to be part of a chain

is true so far
individuality was the focus
now the Group as an Entity not as a team only
is a new kind of emerging consciousness

i found it fascinating

Man is a wolf to man
in a denser world
but in a more subtle one
Man is a link to man