Friday, 25 January 2013

Thoughtless awareness

This is called the "minimum of the minimum", meaning the first step on the path. more is to come when one work for it :

We are collective, we are nice to each other, we don't tell lies, we don't try to destroy anyone. That means we are much above human failings and this is only because of the light. You can see where you are faltering. It's just you see for yourself. For that, I think meditation is the most important thing.
Every day you should do meditation. Those who do not do meditation are capable of falling down because meditation is like putting oil into the lamp. Those who do not meditate, think they can do without it, are sadly mistaken. They have to meditate morning and evening. The problem is everything comes so handily, so simple that they don't understand that meditation is very important.
Not you, but there are many I know who get Realization, who don't meditate and their style is different. Their nature is different. Meditation is such a soothing thing ... a beautiful way of connection with the Divine, that all your problems get solved in that meditative moment.
If you are not meditating, you are not following meditation, then maybe your light will go down. It won't give sufficient light. It's important, very important to find out about yourself, about others in the meditation.
How to do meditation, many people ask. Don't do anything, just go into thoughtless awareness. Try to go to the thoughtless awareness. If you can get into that condition of thoughtless awareness, you can do your job because that's the point where you are with the truth, with the reality, with the joy....
When you meditate try not to make some sort of a function out of it - no. Meditation is something silent in yourself, silence in your thoughts and going to that deep ocean which is within you, itself. But supposing you don't do that, if you don't meditate. I can make out immediately those who are meditating and those who are not. It's not difficult for Me.
Those who do not meditate are always hesitating. They are confused. They can't understand. And that's why meditation is the most important thing....Just like a light burns with the electricity flowing in it, in the same way meditation is a continuous availability of the Divine Force. That will reduce all your agitations.
Not only that, but it takes out all the negative thoughts. It takes out all the discouraging things. And when you are meditating like that, thoughtless awareness, then you will be amazed how you are helped from within and without. It's a terrible power that works, this thoughtless awareness. So those who do not meditate cannot go very much far with the advantage of Sahaj Yog....
If you are in thoughtless awareness, what happens to you is that you get the confidence, complete confidence of divinity. You know you have it....Meditation will give you security.... It will give you are a real enlightenment and a complete connection with the Divine. Without the connection of the Divine, what's the use of doing Sahaj Yog?...
I've talked so much about meditation before, but today when I see all these candles burning, I think they are all meditating. They are all in meditation and that's how they're growing. In the same way, Sahaja Yogis who meditate, I know. And those who don't, I know. And if they have problems, I know why the problems are there....
It's very important to become thoughtlessly aware because then there are no thoughts coming from the left or the right, from the past or the future. Just in the present you are there. It's something you all have. It's not that I'm saying that to you, but all of you have this, but steady yourself. You have to steady yourself at thoughtless awareness. How long - that's not the point. The point is once you've touched it, you'll go on touching it....
It is always described in all the great books, but not so clearly as I am telling you.... Even for a second, if you get it, it's a very good idea. Then you go on increasing that second.
I think it's a reflecting mind. When you look at something, you can become thoughtlessly aware and then your mind deflects to the depth of what you see. That's how you all will become really very creative Sahaja Yogis....
Many people are here who will say, 'Mother, we don't get that state.' Try. Try that. I don't believe you cannot get it. All of you can get that thought that 'I can get it.' And you will get it. In that, you don't have to discard anything, you don't have to see anything, just go into meditation and you will be amazed how it will work out. Of course, you are very much there, most of you, but still, I would say, increase that thoughtless awareness, that area....
So today's message is that while you are meditating, go into thoughtless awareness. No thought is important because it's your own creation. But if you have to become one with the divine creation, you have to get to that state of thoughtless awareness, minimum of minimum. And that comes to you gradually if you grow and you'll be amazed how you'll be able to grow into Sahaja Yoga in a very big way.
(Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Diwali Puja2002)

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Surrender and progress

I really like this short and to the point post about surrender :
may i benefit simply from it :

What does it mean to 'Surrender'?
What is the Significance of Realization?
Why is Meditation important in Sahaja Yoga?
What does our Spirit represent?
What is the importance of our Attention in Sahaja Yoga?
How does Kundalini energy make us aware of our Chakras?

First is to Surrender
Though your consciousness is enlightened by self-realization it is not yet enlightened by joy. That is, something happens to all of you gradually, as I told you, and should happen to all of you as soon as possible. What is there to surrender - the force that itself is flowing towards you and nourishing. Do we say the lotus has surrendered itself to its fragrance? Do we say that the sun has surrendered itself to its brilliance? Do we say that the moon has surrendered itself to its coolness? It would be absurd to say like that. The word ''surrender'' sometimes can mean only, at the most, in the context of Sahaja Yoga that we surrendered our egos, our limitations, and our shallowness, what we have achieved is... our own. We have surrendered all that is useless for something that is great and eternal. This weight of the ignorance has to drop out. (Switzerland, 1983) 
petals : i had always read in quran, surrender, surrender, surrender

i always wonder ok but HOW?!
After Realization 
Now those who have got realization, those who have felt the vibrations must know that they are now developing into another being. The germination has started, and you must allow the germination to work out in its own way. But normally when we get realization also, we don't realize that it is a tremendous thing that has happened within us. That this triggering, which is an impossibility, has taken place within us and it has to work out slowly. It has to develop and evolve us into that and because we don't feel it, we don't take it that seriously, as we should, our realization does not grow.
Moreover, we are surrounded by people who have not felt the vibrations. They don't know this area, they have never seen it. … They don't know that there is a power of God that exists, which understands, coordinates, cooperates with you, which is working in the collective being, which makes you aware of that collective being and of others also.
So one has to realize that it is love, and love is the basis of all this creation. God has created this world this universe only because He loves you and He wants to bestow His blessings on you because He loves you. But how far you love yourself is the problem. How far you understand yourself is the problem. You don't evaluate yourself and that is the reason why, though the Kundalini has risen and you have got realization, your vibrations are flowing, the growth is very slow. Because attention has been outside and even after realization it is outside. Sometimes it is sucked in and again it goes outside. Then we don't change our old habits at all. We go on sticking to these old habits. Our structure of life, our styles of thinking, continues to be the same. Again we find ourselves lost into the same shambles. (15.10.1979, London) 

Importance of Meditation
Now you all have realized by this time that within us lays the peace, the beauty, the glory of our being. There's an ocean of all that. We cannot seek it outside. We have to go within - what they call "in the meditative state" you seek it, you enjoy it. Like when you are thirsty, you go to a river, or you go to an ocean, and try to quench your thirst. But even the ocean cannot give you sweet water. So, how can anything that is spread outside give you that deep thing that is within you. You are trying to find it outside, where it does not lie. It is within us, absolutely within us. It is so simple because it is your own. It is within your reach, just there. Whatever you have been doing-going out to find the joy, is so-called joy, and is so-called happiness, so-called glory of worldly powers and worldly possessions. You have to reverse it back - the whole thing. You have to project 'within yourself'. It was not wrong that you went out. You should not feel sorry for what you have done so far. It was not a correct way to get to the real joy of life, the "real glory" of your being. It has worked in so many people, that you have entered into that subtler understanding. Some people are only at a mental level, maybe, doesn't matter. Maybe some are only at a physical level that they can feel it. It doesn't matter. But you are on the correct lines. You are moving correctly.
Try to meditate. Meditate more, so that you reach that inner being. And this inner being is the vast ocean of bliss, which exists in every one of us. In the vast flood of light, that floods everybody's inner beauty. So to approach it, you have to go "within" yourself, by denying things which are against it, against your movement. (14.03.1983, Australia)

Representation of Our Spirit
What is Spirit? What work is it doing residing within us and how is it related to God? It is said that Spirit is the reflection of God in our heart. This reflection is like that of the sun in water. Although reflection of the sun is seen in water, he is away in the sky and not in water. Similarly Spirit is as much as it is seen, it is beyond all that and not limited by it. But, for any reflection to be clearly visible the mirror, which is the cause of that reflection must be clean. If the mirror is not clean, or instead of mirror a stone is there, the sun's reflection will not be seen in it. In the same way, that may look disturbed who has not yet become clean like mirror, so that he can see the God's reflection within himself. Although the sun is seen taking different shapes on the ripples of flowing water, he is steady at his place and it is only his reflection that changes its shape. Similarly, the reflection of Spirit appears to be absent or it just shines for a moment and disappears, in the person who is full of sin and wickedness or whose heart is loaded with false ambitions and desires. It thus entails that all these - body, mind, intellect, ego etc. that we know, should be converted into a mirror. (18.08.1979, Delhi) 

Importance of Attention
Spirit is never disturbed or destroyed. Only human attention, in pursuit of desires, leaves its inner path. This is illusion. She (the illusion entering our path) has been intentionally created. Without her the attention would not have developed. You should not be afraid of illusion and should recognize her so that She will illuminate your path. Cloud hides the sun as also makes it seen. In the same way once the illusion is identified she moves aside and the sun is seen. The sun is always there but what is the purpose of cloud? Because of cloud you have an urge to see the sun, which shines for a moment and again hides somewhere. It gives strength and courage to your sight to see the sun. (Mithya, 05.05.75) 

Kundalini energy and our Chakras
Kundalini energy that is residing in us has been placed in us by God and has been created by His desire. Kundalini energy creates our mirror, develops it and cleans it. Slowly She (the motherly and soothing spiritual energy within us) makes it capable of receiving in itself the reflection of Spirit. In Sahaja Yoga you know that awakening of Kundalini is very easy and spontaneous. But Sahaja Yogis must know that they have come to Sahaja Yoga primarily to clean their mirror, to wash their sins and past deeds, to become purified of all the dirt that has been accumulated within from time immemorial. They have not come to collect sins and dirt, but to become pure. Many Sahaja Yogis are aware that Kundalini is that current which passes through their Chakras and awakens their Chakras. When the light comes on your Chakras you can know their condition even on your fingertips. This is the knowledge. This alone is to be known. So far the knowledge that you have had was not enlightened. There was no light in it. Now because of the light, you can know which of your chakras have problems. There is a way to clear the Chakras of those problems;
how to do it is also taught in Sahaja Yoga. You cannot see the filth so long as there is no light. It is not visible in the dark. You will see it when light illumines within you. So the first object is, to accomplish the light, to what people call - achieving the truth or knowing the truth. First we should know the truth and in the truth we initially come to know what our qualities are. In Sahaja Yoga, man easily accepts his faults, because he can see them in the light. (18.08.1979, Delhi)

Milky way : )

The milk Lady : )

She said
i love you and always have

He said
It is me who was here and there
in your dreams or in your visions

I say
but who are you?
Are you the same? 

i do not know
but i am so happy
that you saw me while no one else did
and i saw that you saw me
this is why i love you : )