during this morning walking meditation,
Shri mataji put her hand on my and for a while and we did the walking meditation together
after she took me as an adult take a child in her arm.
really there i thought she is old and i am heavy
then in my thoughts she said or i heard i don't know anymore
"what do you think I born you already so long"
meaning in comparison it is not heavy at all.
and then also i saw again her feet, and that time she put her feet i think a bit everywhere on my head
for it happens several times and each time i felt lots of coolness on that very place :)
so it was on forehead,
on back of head at the end definitely
and i was still feeling it cool when i wrote it
oh i also saw her sitting on a sofa on a stage and there was a huge transparent bell all over the place
it felt like a transparent shield
which recovered all the people there on the stage
actually it is how she used to transmit
she used to extend her shield when transmitting to the masses
and of course, Her transmission was WAY before She told them about the hand positions
soooo powerful!
she put her hand on my head, and again i wanted to rest
and then she sort of push me hardly and then put again hand on head
there i swear i saw her angry!
she had Lionness eyes
ah, next time i won't slack and sleep
as my friend say,
be erect like a coyote! haha:))
so i am meant to strighten spine
and head
and HOLD the posture
to go on meditating
open eyes
looking at a candle
and attention on vibes.
so i better OBEY next time!
i don't want to face a tiger next time luring hidden somewhere
i saw her feet like the feet of an elephant
this is the mark of Her Innocence
at the end,
i saw a huge pillar
and then i saw that on her death bed it scrolled into the pillar
and the door which was the bed ending closed the pillar hole.
and she went in the pillar on the bed.
she went away where she came from.
now, i meditate better
for i remember to RELAX before
for without relaxation
nothing would work;)
kiss and Love to My Friends
and Shri mataji:x