Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Light in the Present

God is Ever Present
and He shines

"It's in our nature to look back & regret our mistakes.
I hope you value the present & love every minute of it "

• Kimberly Kirberger

You are luminous, or your face radiates that light,
only when your dark path is enlightened by your soul
when your soul is happy, it glows, hence the light

and your soul is happy when you align yourselves with it
when you feed it with its light
which is :

to listen to it in the present
and respond to it

and you can do this BECAUSE of YOUR AWARENESS of its need in the PRESENT.

This is why when it is said
"to be kept in the dark"
it simply means not to be AWARE of the present
of an aspect of the present state

for the present is light,
is all clear
it is bright clear obvious and there.