Saturday, 3 January 2015

Godly advice or karma

i learned a very valubale thing today

Godly advice or karma.

i have been trying
to do my best to give advice

and as for me, i advised myself
to give advice in the most clear, sincere and ON THE SPOT
way i can

so that myself i have no regret
of not having adjusted
to the listerners' level of understanding

and not reproach to myself
for not having delivered
in all trust
the piece of advice needed
by the others
so that they may start life on a good basis

so ONCE i have done this
in my belly i feel FILLED UP
which means i did good
my best

and then,
i can let go
and i know
if they don't follow the advice
it is about their own mastery

it means
they are choosing
the hard way
the long painful way
to get the learning from life
to grow wisdom for making decisions

the result is same
they develop either mastery
the soft way

it means
you listen to the advice
and you take it gracefully
and THEN once you see the result
you know you did right decision

this is mastery in the soft way

you refuse the advice
you test
life is, i call it, with boomerang effect
you see later
if you have eyes to see
why it failed
of course you learn it the hard way
anyway at least you feel the hard way of life
learning it is another thing
because in the meanwhile you will forget
you have anything to learn lol

it is for those who remember
mastery the hard way

otherwise it is just the hard way fullstop
without any learning.

so once you give advice to them
in the most precise, clear and sincere manner
then, let them choose
if they listen not
i learned
it is their karma which is choosing for them.

so when i learned that
i felt no more sorrow for them
because i know
it won't come from my lack of efforts
but it will come from their own freedom
to choose
between godly way or the one of their karma.

and then
oen should leave it to the Silence

Kundalini Mild Arising

meditation result of today

there was a happening with someone
that i was trying to help out
and as most people
this someone was not sincere with herself
so she thought i was doing to herself what she was doing


so silly details are not needed

so on the spot,
i felt really angry and bitter
and sad
for this lack of intelligence
well lets' say it for this stupidity
and lack of trust

for i think the person still gets it not
i JUST wish to help out because she ASKED me for it
and because i care
not because i have any gain from it
i just feel restless when i see people making uninformed  choices
i prefer to tell them
and THEN they can decide
then i don't care for it is THEIR choice
and i have no regrets
for i would have done my job IN ALL TRUST.

but when a person ask me for help
and then change mind in the middle of the path
just because of her own fear
and then ask me not to tell what is true
this i find it aberrant

i said her what i am writing here
and she got it
no more tension
and the RIGHT information reached the RIGHT person
able to make HIS choice

of course, that is the MAIN goal of mine
to give the people i care
the RIGHT info so that they make INFORMED choices
and yes thereby have the best life opportunity

i feel sorrow otherwise
to see them starting their life on wrong basis
at same time i never impose
because i know decision is theirs
but i want always to make SURE
i explain as clearly as i could
for their own benefit

my weak point for now
is my anger
i am really not diplomatic when angry
to say the least

but at least
i see it
and i can correct it:)

and i did !

here is the point of my post

after i felt so much angry ...
i said to myself raising my kundalini and meditating is a MUST

the other times
i KNEW i should do it
and i did not
because i wanted to settle the matter
by my mind
by my emotions
because it felt MORE REAL
i could see the effect of my reaction
on the person or i could anticipate the effect of it on them

while meditating
on the moment gives you NO effect
on the VERY situation past.

but if you meditate
it calms you, brings you peace
because it purifies your emotions and mind
thus your both channels and mind too
then as this energy transforms
its effect will be seen LATER
when you will TEST it
when you encounter the very persons

with time
i learned to meditate on the spot
but what i did was meditating 30min at best

but that is not the key
the key is to meditate TILL I calm down
because this means the kundalini would have ABSORBED my tension

second key is to meditate WHILE walking

the walking part has nothing to do with the sitting
it is WAY more powerful in purification

which by the way i never managed to teach it to yogis in paris
i hardly taught the sitting part
that i realised they are so conditioned lol

if you say you teach a new method
they think
oh it is NOT what mataji told us

and if you show them it is IN LINE
with her OWN TALKS
they say
well nothing new

on one hand the conditioning?
on the other hand the uselessness of their perception?
and in the FIRST PLACE
do i ASK you to COMPARE?
i ask you to TEST it for yourself
do you feel cool breeze MORE than usual?
do you FEEL IT DEEPER than usual?

if YES
stop it with your comparison
apply it
and progress you too.
that's all 

if i wanted to explain
which i don't care
because for me a sincere person say it in front of me
to get a clear answer
but when hidden
it means "i don't care"
neither do i lol

point is
till you do not go over your OWN conditioning
you will never integrate bits of yourself into this light
so sahaj yogi are conditioned by their "own" thoughts of what should be or not
as meditation.

for the story
i met a french sahaj yogi in Italy
and there all people in the castle mediated with me
on this method
and were enthused

because they tried it
tested it
noticed it worked
stronger vibes than usual
on the spot effect
for a tcheque girl even had an amazing experience
of feeling a downpour of light on her sahasrara
yes eastern yogi are very much devoted

and the french guy told me
once an indian yogi
had a new method of meditation
he said a bit like yours
he showed it to shri mataji
and she validated him
but do not teach it to all
they won't have the level to understand it

in brief,
you are a true sahaj yogi
you are open to any method of meditation that makes you progress
and you know it is true
for you can test it
and see if you feel stronger vibes
more deeper silence
you see if the person teaching you is progressing

and then you conclude

but concluding before trying
is judgemental
and sheer conditioning

if i may add
once you feel cool breeze
you do not get self realisation FULLY
only 0.00000000000000000000000000001% of it

so while after 10,20,30 years most of sahaj yogi i met are STILL
on that level
having ONLY entered the gate of heaven and this NOT in an ESTABLISHED connection/way either
which means permanent

others i can say are RUNNING into heaven
having passed the door entrance since LONG
and are ascending higher and higher
and of course
their learning will seem different from shri mataji

but in no way the former can benefit from the latter
due to their conditioning
because they are stuck on ABC
and try to judge MNOP by the standards of ABC

had not shri mataji asked them to meditate
in more intensive way
very early
and every day?

so when the base is not there
why do they judge those who are advancing
when themselves they have not established their connection
as others did.

back to my walking meditation
i was doing it
and when i started
of course
my mind was full
attention everywhere except on vibes

so i used intent
i intended to give up on such people
not to care anymore for them if themselves they decide not to care for their own self
i realised that only i can trust what is in the NOW
and that is this cool breeze
so my attention went back to it
and i stayed with it
and i walked so
and suddenly i felt my kundalini arising in my back of the head
it is the back agnya
where the conditioning about society is stored

raised my head!

this MEANS
i did NOT
usually when we meditate we straighten our back
spine, head

so we USE a self conditionement
to INDICATE to kundalini

we are ready 
by mimicking AHEAD of time
HER work
and tell ok you can pass there lol

and indeed
this time
She arose midly
and i felt my back of head straightening up
as if an exterior hand would do it!

so i was happy
coolness increased
and i went on with my walking meditation

here it is :)
i have found much more about my black out experience in dream
that i wrote in the precedent post
but would write it in another post another time.

yes let's call it so
black out experience
lol is strange the black out happened when i was sleeping hahaha