we do not meet people to GET something
but to SHARE something.
if you want to GET something from people
EVEN in terms of spirituality or quality or attention or of love
even in this honourable aims
it remains a corruption of attention
for you are saying implicitly to yourself
that you are NOT worthy
that you are INCOMPLETE
while if you know that you are the spirit WITHIN
then spirit is NOT incomplete
but just uncovered in your knowledge of your self.
once this being made clear in you :
you have ALL within
what for are these come and go to/with others?
it is to SHARE.
so you share what you have yourself within
of course, better is when the other also play the game
and wish to share what is in him
but if it happens not
then you keep moving
and at some point the image of your surrounding will shift
and you will find yourself stepping from one dream into another
the shift will happen without you knowing how it happened.
and when you share
you empty yourself
to be replenished by the energy again
the more you let go
the more you receive
and the velocity in your change of life will increase
so will the coincidence and not to say your own life settings
at some point i bet you will say how i am on this wave of constant change
where did it originate from?
for once we are on the ease side,
we always forget the struggle we went through behind
so let me remind you :
you suffered
and went and are going through the purification
for this very purpose :
there is ease after the hardship
there is ease after the hardship
remembering the quote? ; )
kiss to all readers : )