are indeed bearing quick and efficient results.
Lately the routine was contained to a good 3.30 am routine of sitting
and then mainly walking before day time starts.
I suppose it has done its time
and Spirit had told me now I am advancing veeeeery slowly
when I had asked about progression.
Now the intensive part during the Easter break
born good fruit so far.
The first day
I just felt warm vibrations getting out of both hands mainly
At some point I even joked about myself being a can of worm
or even a pit of fire opened up
for me to realease the accumulated heat.
But again
who is the I?
Written like this makes no sense to even mention that question.
But now the question does settle nicely
and has its place.
The heat accumulated comes from both channels
and let us not forget the left channel is the storehouse of
past individual and collective subconscious.
So even the channel itself
points at the fact that we have a storehouse in us
in such a case
how can there be an I
when we are already a bag of little i accumulated and store in us.
Hence the body is indeed is the House of God
the Temple that has to be purified.
From another perspective
during meditation, I saw so freshly remembered that the current i is still a collection of other i.
For instance on day 2,
when i was walking the cycles
about 20min into it
I could feel about 3 drops falling and gliding on each sides of the head.
Spirit had told me
once you feel the drops
you just stop everything and focus the attention on the drops.
While meditating
at some point I had the image of the moist earth
in a vertical section and I remembered
how a flower is intrinsically a storehouse of other elements
that reach her for her growth
water, minerals and sunlight.
So in reality I remembered
that a flower is not a flower
but a collection of all the other elements
embodied now into this single "item"
A bit like a chair is not a chair
but a collection of molecules
themselves a collection of atoms
So like for our body
we are a collection of these little i
Now when one read this
and attention is out
does it help much
but for me
i write this
because of attention being IN
hence it is an insight for me
a shift in perspective
but not yet a knowledge that I am as a settled perspective.
Let's just say a passing insight
like waves on shore
to remember
but not yet rooted enough
to call it settled.
the aim is the opening of the 4 petals in the brain
that are linked to the heart nadis.
This is the set intent
before meditation
that one must let go
so that the vibrations that are Intelligent
can water that area.
So on the Day 3
the water drops are more frequent and a little higher in number
than on day 2
Also since a couple of days
I can feel from the picture of Shri mataji
as if a mouth is blowing air on my heart
I asked the Spirit
it said Holy Spirit is Intelligent
but I asked how come not felt before
it said it is because now my awareness has grown
hence the perception too.
this truly show that the Intelligence levels are always there
of course
but depending on how much our awareness gets refined
the forms we perceive evolve accordingly.