Thursday, 21 May 2015

Children Innocence

ah kids are the best frequentation in the world!
each time we have guests
i don't know how come
but i end up in the kids area

i just realised it today
with conviction.
prior to that i thought was randomly
or by chance

but no
is always like this

so much the better!

this time i had as guests
two girls
and gosh last time
i gave self realisation to their friends
who had very deep and amazing experience
one of them suddenly developped on the spot wisdom
which was pouring out of her lips
even her mom was taken aback

and this time i just went out
to play with them in the garden
that i forgot to give self realisation
it just went out of my mind

at the end of the day
when was time for them to go
their mom just gestured

oh my!
the youngest
broke my heart
she retained her tears
and went out of the garden
and hid to cry

you know?
best is to look at the atmospher
surrounding someone
the atmospher gives you the real tone of the heart
of those who are gathered there

as for she
when i saw her
i felt she was broken hearted

let me just say
she went out of the garden
without any noise
and it is like in her heart
she choked her sadness!

that's it!
she choked it
and retained her tears

i have been told later
is because she had felt my shakti
and she wanted to get self realisation
and her inner self was afraid
that she missed the one in a life time chance for it

this really hit me
i knew something was abnormal
given her age, her behavior was so unlike her
usually she used to throw tantrum!
for she is very young may be 6

so i brought her back in the garden
and promised to come back for her next week
and this time i promised myself
to give her self realisation

to a friend of mine
kids apparently stick in its surrounding like glue
i felt happy at the sight of this :)

because i know
the stronger is the shakti
the more delighted kids feel
because they just feel it

this is also why
when my friend is absent a long time
sometimes i just feel like crying
is because of the spirit and the shakti
that i unconsciously miss

i guess our own shakti is the best scanner
it scans for you the right people to be with
those who emit most innocence, sincerity
and shine most the "very essence" of the spirit

for if they are not around
is just a heartfel cry of missing them

and when you hear them speak
your heart leap in joy within
wonder why ?

now i know why
is because of the spirit and shakti within
each other recognise itself in the other

unless you travel, you cannot realise
the defect of your own culture
ie the limits and excesses

when you bath yourself in kiddos surrounding lol
is like your standards are refreshed
like your lenses are cleared
and with the same filter
you just put your attention on the atmospher
around the people
and you know on the spot
what emanates

my own recommandation
for myself
because i keep forgetting that
is to let go
for past is past
and thank the people
who revealed to me what i want no more in my life
and what i want above all

this was already latent
but now is definitely sure

my heartfelt wish
is only to meet sincere people
whose nearness give me the same feeling
than the one given by this new friend of mine
or those children

because i wish to build up what is to be built
with the right people
and only innocent heart like people
emanate such ease

for there is no slyness, nor calculation,
nor play about control and action/reaction
is so new to me
only by coming to paris
i could give an image to those words

prior to that
i had never experienced it first hand
only heard of it

danger is to become what you dislike
and this happens when you let not go
and you forget your true nature

so it suffices not to dislike it
but you should forgive, let go of the past
and thank them for having showed you
what you want no more in your life

and now thank in advance
those whom you want in your life

i only feel comfortable with innocent like people
the atmospher says it all
and that is the sight from the heart
fed by your own shakti
which shows you reality

this is why this friend reminded me
"see this is why jesus said
only if you become children
you will enter the kingdom of God"

if my heart already knows
just by looking at the atmospher
if it feels innocent like atmospher
or not around people

if i know
then why don't i move on?

and take it as an adventure
to meet more people like this brand new friend?

only those who cherish innocence
can be authentic

it is seen on their face
it is "spoken/testified" by the atmospher 
surrounding them
there is no questioning nor doubt
about it

the heart just see it

so far i think
no more justification is needed

heart knows
eyes see it
and the mind decide to follow innocent like people
and this only.

and the more you wish for something
the more you attract it...
