Monday, 23 May 2016


it just hit me!

when the agnya expands
actually.. it is dissolving
as it is no more tightening the both channel passage there


in that case

is good!

as agnya has taken such a bad connotation

now if i say
agnya expands
prejudice lead you to think
ok the ego is getting worse

if agnya , which is an ENERGY center, EXPANDS

then it is dissolving the individuality into a greater space
like universe etc

i think  this is right

Synchronicities today

hmm i am assaulted with synchronicities
today it seems

in the new city i moved to
i happened to think
about horse riding

and guess what?
right 2min after
behind a bush
i saw the tail of grey horse

i blinked eyes
many times to be sure
am not hallucinating

cause was the city
and a horse near car park
is a no no

so i quickened the pace
and saw it was indeed a GREY HORSE!!!

there were such small occurances today

but the one now i saw
is that i received a mail
with the jewellers name

while i was again thinking
5 min ago
about the Blue Pearl

it is popping out
of an invisible web
and saying "hello! am there"

is funny?!

i even thought
the horse popped out of
a parallel reality
breaking out the web

actually ... i should have asked hm?

update : and now i received an email
from a Blue Star?? what's the heck there?

Giving Birth to your Soul

today i switched on TV
and again it hit me
as it was confirming my own thoughts...

cause lately as i was remembering
about soul

i remembered to have seen in a vision
4 years ago
how Soul was a ball of light in my belly
and if necessary practice was not done
it just get drawn ..

like in black seas

this is how i understand
even better Quran
which is mostly about such metaphors

and with the awakening of kundalini
i understood that
actually my soul
as said in Quran too

through It
and join back the Spirit
its Source

so as i remembered
patchworking my visions about soul

i remembered to have seen
as if i was being born
remembering the stage of delivery

so lately
i realised  innerly

that is like my soul
is the baby to be born
and that is actually what i want

people do have children
but is not what i want
what i want is to give birth
to my Own Soul

as if it was a baby
and actually it is
this is what is to be born again

and shockingly
is what i concluded out of intuition

but as soon as i switched on TV
in a movie!
the guy was saying

"i feel the true message of Jesus
is that life after life when we reincarnate
we learn to give birth to our soul..."

i said!

is the TV a human being?
it starts chit chatting with me now? hmm?

actually is the best confirmation i ever get
cause is like you give birth to Eternal Life
when you decide to give birth to your Soul
for Real

and when you think about it
Mary giving birth to Jesus
was exactly this very action
to be taught as a metaphor
for human being

you are giving birth
to your own divine Light

and is nothing about God in flesh to be worshiped
or to worship some photo
or some statue
or some imaginary God

is about completing your trust
that God has given you
as your True Light in your soul
to which you give the Right to be born

is to actualise your divine Nature
then you become a Real Human Being
who becomes Immortal
i feel

The Blue Star

after meditation
i saw in a vision
the universe

in the outer space
i saw a bunch of blue shining stars

and the Voice of Spirit said
"I will show you the most beautiful stars"

and right after this vision
i (not my mental but was the real me)
answered by word and in image

"I let go"

and the image of it
was the wind that was taking away
the pink cherry blossom petals
swaying them away

the last vision represents
the temporal nature of things
which are born and die
like waves of sea arising and dying again

so is only on the spot
that you occupy yourself with
the new situation
after you let go

and you start a new life
afresh nostalgic of my movie
it is what it was also teaching in it

i think is the most complete movie
about Life i have ever seen...sigh..

and like in my movie
i saw a blue star shining
i was fascinated by it

and that vision followed up
later the spirit told me
that the stars are realised being
that are alive
and have their own consciousness

see now even TV and movies talk to me..
once were birds
when they were chirping
i was hearing them speaking as a human being

by the way
this is the secret of languages

is not languages that are incomprehensible
is the shrinking of our consciousness that made us divided
and not understanding the others' language/dialect

cause the life that is running in your vein
is just your consciousness expanded there..

the day your consciousness expands so much..
that you can actually not only see outer space
like i did in my vision as a token of certitude
but you can INFUSE other creation and stuff
with your consciousness...

imagine, the possibilities...
this is not magic or witch power lol
is ignorant people who fear who say that

it is merely your own consciousness expanding
and when you infuse
the mountain over there
with your consciousness
you can make it move..


as much as
you can make your arm move..
cause it has been infused with your consciousness

so the body of human being
is just meant to be a starting point
for experiencing life outside of it
by letting it go
and expand

back to the Blue Star :

 the Blue Star represents the Blue Pearl of the Agnya
which expanded and allowed you to see the vision of the Universe for real

and i had indeed no clue about Blue Pearl
i was just getting in touch with my Soul after meditation

and this is what i found about it :
Following article source :

The Blue Pearl ~ the Jewel of Enlightenment

[The following is one of three short talks delivered by Lao Gan Ma at The Phoenix Rising Experience on September 11, 2010 in Marin County. Each talk served as an introduction to the performances that followed.]

The Jewel of Enlightenment

A long time ago, the Divine Mother proph­e­sied that a time will come when two dragons battle each other for supremacy in the world: the Black Dragon whose nega­tive energy emanates anger, fear, doubt and greed, and the White Dragon whose posi­tive energy emanates faith, courage, wisdom, compas­sion and Pure Love.
It will be a time when deliv­ering real dharma is extremely difficult.
It will be a time when many things are on fire.
It will be a time when the Divine Mother appears in the form of the Phoenix – the Garuda – and flies through the world holding the auspi­cious Blue Pearl – the jewel of Enlightenment – in its beak — bringing peace, hope and joy to a reborn and healed world.
That time is now – the 21st Century.
So, what is this Blue Pearl, this Lan zhenzhu?
Wher­ever there is the union of purity and depth we find the color blue. The oceans are blue. The sky is blue. The largest animal, the blue whale — a messenger of ancient wisdom, is blue. The Medi­cine Buddha is blue. Krishna, Vishnu and Rama are blue.
The Blue Pearl is the power of infi­nite Love and infi­nite Compassion.
Love that is Pure and unconditional.
Compas­sion whose foun­da­tion is wisdom. Compas­sion without wisdom is simply kindness.
Awak­ening the Blue Pearl releases nega­tive emotions and opens our heart to the energy of Enlightenment.
In Chinese the words “busy” and “angry” are each made up of two char­ac­ters. “Busy” trans­lates as “heart-dying” and “angry” trans­lates as “heart-enslaved.” Think about that.
Though the Blue Pearl’s Love and Compas­sion are infi­nite, it is wise to remember that time is finite. There­fore, we should always keep the lesson of imper­ma­nence close to our heart – there is no time to waste.
The Blue Pearl is the Most Precious Jewel.
To the Divine Mother — Guan Yin – who holds the Blue Pearl – the Soul of all sentient beings — We are the Most Precious Jewel. How pure, how magical, how beau­tiful. This is a Divine Blessing.
The Blue Pearl is the vehicle of Guan Yin’s teach­ings. To Guan Yin, all crea­tures, even those we perceive as the most nega­tive, have Buddha nature within. The Blue Pearl is a reflec­tion of our Inner God Nature – our Enlightenment. When our forms pass away, the Soul becomes a blue light – a Blue Pearl.
Always remember who you are.
The Blue Pearl has Magical Power.
The Magical Power of the Blue Pearl is not super­sti­tious. It is the Magical Power to see through illusion.
Once our Blue Pearl conscious­ness is aroused, so too is our own magical poten­tial. We can mani­fest what we need into our lives — health, wealth, happiness.
All Divine Masters have Magical Power. We don’t recog­nize ourselves. But the Divine Masters recog­nize our magical Inner Nature – our Enlightenment.
Be open to the Magic; it reminds us of who we really are.
The Blue Pearl comes from Emptiness.
Empti­ness is beyond the 3 dimen­sions. Empti­ness is the essence of every­thing we can see, hear, smell, taste and touch. Empti­ness is form and form is emptiness.
This is the highest wisdom. When you really know this, there are no longer walls or obsta­cles. This is Freedom.  This is Enlightenment.
Most of us have a purpose – always searching, always wanting some­thing. We don’t like the term empti­ness. We prefer abun­dance — but this is illusion.
There should be no wanting. Between each inhale and each exhale is Empti­ness. And in that moment a drop of the “nectar of being” can enter our conscious­ness, revealing that Empti­ness is Abundance.
Today, the Black Dragon and White Dragon of the prophecy are strug­gling, and like the posi­tive dragon, the nega­tive dragon has a Divine Nature as well. The essence of both is the Blue Pearl. We too, have both dragon ener­gies inside us, and the Blue Pearl deep in our heart.
Now is our time to surrender to the awak­ened Blue Pearl – the jewel of Enlightenment – balance the ener­gies, raise our aware­ness, become One with the Divine Mother and help heal the world.
Guan Yin holds the Blue Pearl in her hands.
The Phoenix holds the Blue Pearl in its beak.
We hold the Blue Pearl in our hearts.
Om Mani Padme Hum
A long time ago, the Divine Mother, Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa, the Bodhisattva of Compas­sion, observed and heard the “cries of the world.” Assuming her male form — Aval­okite­shava in Sanskrit, Chen­rezig in Tibetan – she paid a visit to the Himalayan Moun­tains. There, in the Land Of Snows, she gave the people of the world a precious gift – her sacred magical sounds, her heart sutra – “Om Mani Padme Hum.”
She promised her “chil­dren”, “If you hold my heart mantra in your heart, you will always be in my vibra­tion, you will always be connected to me and you will always have my blessings.”
In the mantra “Om Mani Padme Hum” – which means “the precious jewel atop the lotus” – “Mani” is the precious jewel and “Pedme” is the lotus.
The Blue Pearl is this precious jewel – the “Mani.” Within it is the compas­sion and wisdom of Guan Yin. It is also a metaphor for all the esoteric teachings.
Here in the West, it is a different kind of “money” that is the most precious. We often hear the mantra, “Oh money buy me a home.” Would we not be better served counting our bless­ings rather than our money?
The lotus is a metaphor for the exoteric teachings of Enlightenment.
Why is the lotus consid­ered a holy flower? The reason is because it grows out of the mud. Mud is a metaphor for our world. Just as the peacock — the progeny of the Phoenix — has the ability to trans­form the poison seed that it eats into the beauty of its magnif­i­cent plumage, so too, the Blue Pearl can trans­form the “mud” of the world into the beauty of the lotus for all sentient beings.
“Om Mani Padme Hum” beseeches us to fall in love with the mud, to fall in love with the Blue Pearl. The way of the Blue Pearl is not the human way.
By reciting the mantra “Om Mani Padme Hum” every day, we are reminded that during these diffi­cult times, we must shed our fear, our anger, our doubt and our judg­ment. We must remain calm in the face of disaster, and mani­fest the quality of the lotus, emerging from the mud pure and without stain.
The 21st Century is the century of the Divine Mother. It is the time when the femi­nine energy of Enlightenment will assert itself throughout the world.
A tran­scen­dent Master of the Dakini lineage once imparted the following wisdom to her beloved granddaughter:
“Life throws rough circum­stances towards us, and only wisdom can resolve their meaning. When we are tested by Heaven, there is a reason. Whether we can view each obstacle as a blessing, whether every “bad” person we encounter is a messenger, depends on whether our hearts are with the Dao, and whether our love truly reaches high and deep. We can retrieve some­thing worth­while out of karma, but only if we make offer­ings in spirit, even to forces we perceive as nega­tive. We should give thanks for the wonderful oppor­tu­nity to be tested, which enables us to develop patience and compassion.”
It is a common misun­der­standing to think that when we recite her mantra, we glorify Guan Yin. Rather, it is Guan Yin who glori­fies us – the precious Blue Pearl inside each one of us – our true Inner Nature, our Enlightenment.
“Om Mani Padme Hum.”
Lotus and pearl