Thursday, 20 January 2022

Fire Kundalini

 Since three days, 

whenever I close my eyes

I just see a huge fire

yellow flames in the center

and red one on the outside

flaming the whole time

myself I am sitting in front of it

at some point 

last time

it dawn on me 

after I felt a big hit in the mental space

that with fire we carve images in the mind

these are hypnotic 

we live in these images 

another world is a dream

the life we live is in an hypnotic mental state 

where we have created these images and this dream 

but we, as attention, got so much sucked in 

that there is a symbiosis between the mind and the image in the fire

once I jerked back out of it

then I had a good headache

imaging being plugged for years

once you are unplug 

how do you think your mind will feel?

that was like this.

This is why the more you look for something

you will never see this thing

because you are it

once unplugged

then you can see the fire

and that thing will be in the realm of the fire

from there you can see it

Underworld and the Higher Self

 At the beginning of my meditation 

 I saw myself sitting in meditation with the root chakra in touch with the earth 

I could see the earth from a vertically sliced perspective

there below a drop of water was engulfing a hell like realm in it

and linked back to the root chakra

Before flushing it

with attention I made sure that it remains contained in the plasma drop 

like the foetus is in a plasma

then I enlarge the plasma to get a bigger bubble around it

so that when I flush it, it does not disperse but remain contained.

At the end of my meditation 

I saw the Space 

the stars 

and the outlined body of a meditating Buddha 

sitting in the above

in the constellation 

as his body was all made from space and stars 

and the outline was made in a shiny silver like colour

lent from the star light surely

I feel like calling it my Higher Self.