Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Plato's Cave and Samadhi out there

my voice
ie. the voice of my subconscious

told me
a metaphor
about my progress

and later i learned
the cool stuff
that actually
the message is given by a demi-god

and the transmission of it
is done through the image selected by
my subconscious

it is how it works

isn't it cool?


so i was given
the metaphor of a worm underground
that is how the meditator is

he is like a worm underground

and i was told
that there is only darkness

true, when you are underground
there is no light

and the voice told me
it took me one whole year to open one eye

and i thought
gosh! i put so much effort
and only one eye opened
and it is for what? to only see darkness around?

but spirit told me after
that it is the beginning of awakening

for awakening you need to get
your both eyes open
and of course when you open your eyes
then you realise what?

you realise where you are

and so i remembered
is like Plato cave

when you are living in there
you do not know that there is light out there

and as people are satisfied
with the way they live life
they think is all this about life

but there is more

only if you read Plato cave
you can get the meaning of that worm metaphor

so Spirit told me
is good cause most people do not know
the reason behind cultivation

this is why
once they feel cool breeze
they just get stuck with vibes
that's all

and they NEVER EVER
think of reaching out for more
such as going out of that Plato's cave

again, only if you read it
you will get why people don't seek for more

and if you see for more
lol as i do
i will be told
"She left meditation
she is no more worshiping
she is leaving collective
she is so and so
she is blablabla

she is all that they are projecting actually
from their own dark mind

do i waste my time
thinking of what they are doing or not?

so give me a break

only Time will show
who succeed in meditation
and who get full enlightenment

so i am doing good
i KNOW the reason for cultivation
and BECAUSE i know it
i know what they do not know
and have the bubbling feeling in heart to wish for more
and go out for more bliss

my best achievement
was that of 2 weeks ago
when i felt the First Samadhi

do current yogi feel samadhi?
so only ignorant "yogi" can label me as having left meditation

how can i leave something i never left?

but i see they never left their backbiting
is ok suits their level of refinement

 i believe in karma
what you send out to others
is what you get back..

Prophet Muhammad prayer

On First day of Ramadan
in dream i saw the prophet muhammad

actually the voice
was telling how people/muslims of now
do not proper cultivation to grow

It was said
instead of giving out money as donation
and thinking they are ok now

they should do proper cultivation
do proper prayers

lol it reminds me of some arab muslims
who never fast
and get a medical ordinance
for ramadan
saying they are ill
while the whole year they party
and eat food whenever they want

so they give donation
thinking is compensating
their lack of fasting

in dream
the voice told me
that many century laters
muslims are so stuck with some wrong methods
in doing their salah/prayers

that even if you tell them now
they won't be able to change it
(habits are hard to change see?)

so the wrong stuff
is when they end salah
they do salam on right and left

but is not proper way

they should end if with face straight
and do salam so

and the angel
told me
is just a few times / rarely
the prophet did the right and left "salam"
cause actually people mistook it
thinking it is the way to do salah

while the angel showed me with close up
that Gabriel was talking to the prophet
so as he was listening to him
he moved his head right and left
while focusing on his talk

so i saw the prophet
doing his prayer
at the beginning he stood up
and his back was straight
(which people fail to straighten up now)

then i saw the end of it
he was in sitting position
and his back was straight
(again people fail to keep it straight)

and while he said salam
with his face straight
i saw the cool breeze / breath of life
coming out of his mouth

so that is the proper way to do salah

and of course
as the angel said to me
as centuries have passed
people won't believe it
as habits are hard to change