Monday, 6 May 2013

To be colored in the color of God

Collective meditation is the intensive way to get speed up the process of purification/vibrations
later, the individual one only need to feel its own call/passion within and respond to it

so once the ablution is done,
offering still remained to be done
and it is up to each one of us, up to each individual to do it

i love his eyes in the beginning of the video
once his inside has literally been beaten up (as you will see it throughout the video)
it is like this was necessary for him to go through all of this
for his eyes to find the softness and innocence of a fragile new born one
and only lovable one is , in truth

so is the power of divine love
which is compared to the Mercy of a Mother
cannot bear to see his children
go through the rough path
while they could go through the easy one

human nature is so
that they cannot learn the easy way
they want to try the stick before
on individual level it is called tragedy
on the mass scale world wars

yet, humanity needs not to suffer
nor to reach the pitless bottom to learn to love
or find back the never lost innocence
it just requires humbleness to make space for it

and for once, listen to it
for it has been always there.

and it just wait for us
in silence
to receive it
to welcome it
for it will never force itself upon you
so good mannered it is

thus yesterday night,
i suddenly felt a sort of rush of wind
on the sole of my feet
i realised that it was intelligent for it was trying to move up inside

this woke me up,
for i did not realise what was happening
and then, suddenly the room went dark
this is when i realised that it was a cloud of light

and it never forces itself on you
yet you have to attune yourself with it.

Few months ago, i was afraid
and just rejected it.
This time, i was still afraid, for i was not expecting it
but did not rejected it, i kept observing

if we go to sleep expecting nothing
then for sure if something good happen
we are scared
for we are unprepared

but if we go to sleep
expecting Grace
if something good happen
we can attune to it

so this is the state into which i will sleep next time
expecting good
and observing the sensations or watching what i see.

it is all about choice
and we are to choose
and then, let it happen.

these past few days were very blessed with these continuous meditation spots
day after day
and it ended up the whole "trip"
with a, what i call, "angel in disguise",
at least it is the impression that this "beggar" gave me

in the metro,
he was playing his small piece of music
and as over the past few days,
all i see and feel repulsion for
i pinpoint the feeling inside of me
so that on the spot i envelop it with love

so when the beggar was playing of his instrument
and i felt a bit of irritated because it was not really a beautiful music sound
and it was so much noisy with the metro
i used "i love you" mantra inside of me upon the disagreeable sensation i was feeling inside

at the end,
the beggar who was near me
said Hallelujah
Lol which wake me up
whenever i see people interested with some religious behavior
i am curious as to their way of seeing life
for i was expecting some misery coming from him at the end of the song
like the previous beggar i heard
but he was praising God
which really attracted my curiosity

and then, he turned towards me
and gave me his hand
so that i shake it
lol : )

and as if i was in dream,
well, who knows, i am in dream,
i was shaking his hand
then, he pointed his finger to the sky
and said, are you christian?
to which i said yes
then, he said,
then, you are ok

then, he left and resumed his work
of asking people the money for his music
while i was expecting him to do same with them.

so this made me think,
this is a very exciting meeting
when we meet each other
and speak to each other on unsaid words
and then, wear again our mantle of daily chores
as if nothing happened.

it is like our light
shines for a second
before we go back consciously or unconsciously to amnesy.

for him, i wonder, which one was it,
the conscious or unconsious one?

we are all like that,
it is just that we are deeeeeeeeep asleep.

Discernment and Judgement

When one has found the standard of Truth
or saw what it was like to have a sneak peek into Truth
into its atmosphere
when you breathe it
or see it and feel it

it suffices you come back to your former level
and you see all of it with new eyes
and you can tell
no that is fake, that is fake and that too.

the power of discernment is there
for you need night to know what day (light) is
and vice versa
so dualities are aimed at increasing your discerning power
but never to judge
dualities are there as help for you to get sharper
and what you DO after with it

but most of time people get carried away
and don't know that they have choice
seeing duality
or seeing darkness after the light
they think it is their life role and mission
to criticise, judge
either for the sake of it
for lower reasons of being always right
or even for noble reasons of making the world a better place

but all of these reasons are FALSE
for judging IS judging

judging is to try to bend the spoon from the outside
it is to mix up The Source with the manifestation
it is to go into the corruption of Attention and give unto it
it is to react to the falsehood with our emotions
call it as you wish
but these are the processes which are taking place
we are judging.

discernment is one thing, judging is ONE choice
and Loving is ANOTHER.

let us dwell into the Loving choice following the discernment period
this one we hardly imagine it to be a choice
for let us be honest

i never understood how i could LOVE
and even unconditionally
if i see a really irritating situation, circumstance or person
i am sorry, but in NO WAY i will say i love it.
for i KNOW that i am feeling irritated, angry or even NOT OK with it.

yet jesus peace be upon him said,

We see the straw in the eyes of others and we do not see the beam in ours


"to not cast judgement on others so easily and yet overlook our own faults."

Yet, ON THE SPOT,  i always see the BEAM in the other, and not the straw and i saw it into them and NOT in me (always on the spot) ...
so how come?
yet, the idiom HAS TO BE TRUE.

so how come?
it is because i chose judgement after discernment
and not love
and also because i forgot that everything is pure spirit, me and the other
so the other is always meant as a MIRROR INTO ME
and the mirror role is NOT to burden me... for it is a world of transformation and change
it is meant for me to see the VERY fault i see in the other into me
not that i should find it into me
for on the spot i SEE it (so it is already found)
but the exterior is giving witness as a mirror does to my interior
and without asking myself further question (and even less wasting time to judge)
i should do my share, and use my power to purify myself of it

so when seeing what irritate me in the other
i should close eyes (if need be) and turn inside and see
where i feel the pain/irritation in the body
very often we are able to pinpoint it
and once done, this is the proof that you have located the place to be purified inside of you!

half way
you are half way
if you came so far, it means you did NOT CHOOSE judgement (which is to throw your attention outside and let it glued with the falling and destruction of the world which is bound to perish, so you saved yourself once your turned your attention inside)

once your attention is turned inside,
you have located your pain
and this is basically painful because the energy is stuck
like a knot is made
knot upon knot
how could you undo it?
you never managed so far with your own hands or mental tricks
like for a flower
you can never open its petals with your own hands
your will crush them and the bud will be all bruised and no petals would be freshly opened in their fresh morning beauty

so what you have to do is
just to put your attention on the knot (of pain)
and where you direct your attention,
is where the vibrations/the pure power of divine Love
will flow
and this SAME power which opens flowers' petals
will open the knot of your heart (if the pain is located there for instance)
and it will undo the impossible knot, for it can locate the thread and loosen it

and then, your energy will FLOW

and lake becomes clear
Cristal clear
and when energy flow
there is no more blocage inside
thus no more irritation outside

thus you have purified the "other" in yourself
and you have purified yourself from this trapped pain
you saved yourself
and you learned to love by choosing to love and not judge

this is why it is said
"Allah we ask your mercy and not your judgement"

for the Mercy/Grace is so much more vast
while judgement is so tightening

this is to choose to do ourselves good
and do good thereby to others too.

and this is how we love for the other
what we love for ourselves.