Thursday, 16 May 2013

Mass responsibility

when society sees something which goes against its rule
society/mass religions or any other organisation
first reaction as we all have is to give lessons/make nice talk to give other the lesson
that what you are doing is bad.

at a smaller level it is also what happens in schools, families.

before i used to wonder why in court of justice
justice tries to understand what is motivating a criminal to do what he does
i used to think what a loss of time
for fact is he did wrong and he needs to be condemn.

but no, what is good,
is that society/a mass/ a collectivity is responsible

for if it failed this person
instead of judging it right away and making him go to silence
it has to LISTEN to him
and see where they failed!

for society is there to give lessons of morality
when people deviate from its set rules
but WHERE was the society, this very society WHERE was it
when the INDIVIDUAL was in trouble?

oh so ready to jump to give lesson
but blind to other's misery when meeting individual
and then when this very individual crosses the line
we judge and stone them
be it with true stones in middle east countries or with verbal stoning there
that is same
we divide and become suddenly a master
over a slave which has no good manners.

but had one forgotten that this very mastery image that we display in judgement
is plain bluff?
for there was no mastery when a woman met another woman in need
and failed to understand her need
and starting to judge her
and so how could she suppose then to give lesson of morality?

indeed, in asian countries
like it used to be in middle age in France
if a woman was unmarried and with kids
she had to raise them on their own
while having to suffer the society blame.

rules are made for individual to follow them
so that they be at ease
if somehow these rules have been broken

then, society is not meant to judge, stone, blame or become blind
to others' misery
but society as a mass consciousness is meant to make up for the lack
experienced by the individual
and provide him/her shelter
for the person punished himself/herself enough by self judgement or feeling
ashamed or having his/her dreams broken due to inconsiderate behavior of his own.

rules/advice are ok for a time
they are a kind of easy path shown to others

but if the other fails
sufficient is for him/her to bear the momentary burden and hurt
but you as part of this mass consciousness you have to move on
and help this very person when you can
bring him/her something that relieve the pain
but do not add to the burden.

it is the time of action
but people use judgement and work against each other
to give lesson as to show off their sense of responsibility of values
while they had no mastery when it had come to effective help
concrete help
when it comes to reduce your comfort in order to help someone else.
this is our two faces, this is not one face.

as an individual we follow rules
as much as it is in our capacity
but when one fails momentarily
what is needed is that collectivity/mass consciousnesses
help this person to go back to his path/track
what is the need for judgement?
does it ever repair something?
it only burdens the person while he has already punished himself
and it increases the illusion of the one who judges making him think that i have mastered the lesson i am giving others or judging them against these very standards

growth or proof of the mastery is not through words nor casting judgement upon others
it is by giving of yourself for the comfort of the other
by finding solutions which relieve the other and the society
but not that which increases the lost soul's burden
nor increase fear into the society.