Sunday, 20 January 2019

When the mind is realised a pin can be heard dropping to a ground

Essential extract /

"The Mind Ground is naturally clean.  Due to not knowing this fact the path toward enlightenment is never followed, as a pure ‘doubt’ can not be generated.   When the mind is realised a pin can be heard dropping to a ground.  While I was meditating I was fully aware that you were walking around me.   I know because compassion does not distinguish between one being and another.  This is not dry knowing as the mind is equal everywhere and never ceases its compassionate function.  The last seven days have passed like a finger snap to me because my mind is concentrated fully upon its essence.  The Ch’an Dao – or ‘Mind Way’ is clear and bright and never without compassion.  A pure doubt, when harnessed correctly pushes through the surface layers of delusion so that the Mind Ground can be clearly realised – this is the powerful method of Ch’an.”   Since this time master Jie Chen followed master Xu Yun and held him in the highest regard."

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