Saturday, 6 June 2015

Experimenting Shakti for healing - 2

so when i left hands during 2h
by the end of it
the knot felt unknot
and instead a vein going leftwards
started to hurt a bit

later it felt as if this heavy energy accumulated
in the elbow area
and then when down
in the rest of the arm

my body felt really
a weather broadcast
for from heart to face
it flushed HOT HOT HOT
then same from heart to back of ears
and then this arm
felt heavy stone like
with icy pricklings
and then like a watery pipe
being emptied!
and all going out
from the fingers
especially the first three ones
and especially the nabhi one
and later the two others

during this time
i kept attention
on the place of these sensations
and each time to check if
the knot has disappear
from the heart
i took spontaneously
a deep breath from the belly

with the intent
that the shield all over the body
should be a unique one
ie not some bits cool here and there
but one vast mantel of coolness

which was not the case
at the very beginning of meditation
as i could feel that knot

so i kept checking
with the breath
how the knot felt
in its size
and if that belly energy was joining
the heart one
and making one
with it

this process
of feeling
energy stored in elbow
and then being flushed
through the fingers
repeated itself 5-6 times!
no more knot
no more hurt
at the heart!

so i took a deep breath
and felt it unified from
belly to heart

by the end
i completed the cycle
and when i put my hand
on the forehead...
it felt my hands being HUGE
and the forehead like
a tiny dried nut!
into my hand..!!

so why 5 or 6 times
is because each time you
cleanse one layer
another layer
at a new level
comes up
so the purification
is ongoing

so when a new level is reached
you feel the pricks
like a beginners

thing is one should
TRUST that your Shakti
is doing her job
and not care about
you controlling the process
or why this happens etc.

so my intent was
Shakti knows when
to purify or not
and as for me
as my hands are a tool
i just keep them
where i feel is needed
like that seed which bothered me
since loooooooooong
in the heart

so as it as an intensive meditation
i could see its sign today
and now
when i woke up
rigth after
i could feel the fountain
as a unified shield
from head to toes
and i jsut stayed with it

for the purpose is to stay
with the sensations of the shield
over your body
after having raised the energy

from belly to top of head
to hands back to belly
and then same but through the legs

this is activating the shield

after activating the shield
i did the cycles
AS LONG AS i was not feeling 
it cool
and once i did
i STAYED with the vibes
thus attention on the shield
closed eyes and let shakti purify

so today i stayed may be
15min or so

lazy girl today
but i did the most important
to stay with the shield

yesterday was really
to purify that knot bothering me
and heal thereby the heart
and the other good effect
was the right  vishuddhi
connected to it
which healed too

Experimenting Shakti for healing - 1

so yesterday morning
i started the walking meditation
and i felt a knot aching at the heart
so i just hold hands there
as the cupping of hands last not long
i get easily tired
i put right hand there
and left on top of it

actually i realised
it is EXACTLY as muslim prayer
when you are in the standing position

so amazing really
indeed muhammad (pbuh) Wisdom
was divine
by then it could not be explained
for there are level of understanding
this is why in his last sermon
he said
"transmit my words to those that are not present
they may understand better than you"
something along this line

and i had always loved this statement
because it gave me meaning
to seek deeper for truth

so this hand holding
became ritual
without the spiritual transmission
attention out
on the very ritual
instead of WHERE your hands are pointing at!

like bruce lee
when he shows the moon to his student
and lol hit the head of him
as instead of looking at moon
he was looking at the finger hehehe
we always found that one funny

same with rituals
instead of looking at where the hands are pointing to
we look at the ritual as a stand alone thing in its own

besides in the movie
Tomorrow's Land
there was this say
how the hands heal
when they are in contact with the earth

as i had a talk on healing a day before
i said to myself
why not heal that knot i am feeling in the heart
for it often comes back
since past 3 years especially

so let's heal it
and i remembered
that if you put your hand
on the place that needs healing
safer with yourself oki?
for an hour
and this without moving your hands
from an inch
then this heals
so i wanted to try

combined with the walking meditation
as legs evacuate the energy through feet
it must work better!

by the way
this is why i need not to do footsoak
as my energy goes through the legs
out to the feet
and most of time i do feel coolness there
why use water coolness
when i can use my Shakti's?

is like saying
why muslim do ablution
well is on mental form
the use of water
the Shakti is the evolved
and most efficient form
one should strive to feel it
in the feet too

so i let hands on the heart
and walked for an hour
and the knot disappeared
may be for a few seconds only
i sat
and i felt it again!

this time i said
i better renounce it not
like last time
and heal it!
for i felt it was the one linked
to the betrayal stuff
usually who cares to what it is linked
but as for me that is a laaaaaaaaaaaastttttttting stuff
i really wanted to heal it
though for any hurt you feel
you should have same intent
even though you knew not the cause

and the FUNNY thing IS
that this was a happening going back
to my childhood!
when i was just a few years old!
and then the seed grew up
being fed by circumstances
and i kept projecting the betrayl issue on others
without me knowing
it was me all the way who projected it
so no one is to be blamed
as we are just One Spirit
if the Experience happened
you need to be two
to make it happen
and so if I projected it
the other was drawn to it
like a magnet
because they TOO
had the seed in them to betray
and as my behavior authorised this
they felt free to do so

so this is about the process
and the cause
which no one needs really to stop onto
but i did
for i was really curious
and honestly it sucked me
and i wanted really to know
because i AM curious lol

but promise no more
cause seeking
just BE and Love all in spirit
... oki...juuuuust after i straightened them up lol
hehehe me too i need to give back the change
but i don't intend to stick to that
just for the fun of the moment

i re-started the walking
and this time i did again an hour

i tell you guys
i felt like being a
weather broadcast station!

i felt my eyesight getting wider
like thick clouds went off!
from 45° to 180 ° for sure!

because there are layers
energetic layers
so it feels like the covers are removed
once denser ones were removed
i could see more

and also
the most amazing stuff
is what i experienced about
the energy
from heart to finger tips.

i will detail it in my next post
cf coming post
good night