Saturday, 6 June 2015

Experimenting Shakti for healing - 2

so when i left hands during 2h
by the end of it
the knot felt unknot
and instead a vein going leftwards
started to hurt a bit

later it felt as if this heavy energy accumulated
in the elbow area
and then when down
in the rest of the arm

my body felt really
a weather broadcast
for from heart to face
it flushed HOT HOT HOT
then same from heart to back of ears
and then this arm
felt heavy stone like
with icy pricklings
and then like a watery pipe
being emptied!
and all going out
from the fingers
especially the first three ones
and especially the nabhi one
and later the two others

during this time
i kept attention
on the place of these sensations
and each time to check if
the knot has disappear
from the heart
i took spontaneously
a deep breath from the belly

with the intent
that the shield all over the body
should be a unique one
ie not some bits cool here and there
but one vast mantel of coolness

which was not the case
at the very beginning of meditation
as i could feel that knot

so i kept checking
with the breath
how the knot felt
in its size
and if that belly energy was joining
the heart one
and making one
with it

this process
of feeling
energy stored in elbow
and then being flushed
through the fingers
repeated itself 5-6 times!
no more knot
no more hurt
at the heart!

so i took a deep breath
and felt it unified from
belly to heart

by the end
i completed the cycle
and when i put my hand
on the forehead...
it felt my hands being HUGE
and the forehead like
a tiny dried nut!
into my hand..!!

so why 5 or 6 times
is because each time you
cleanse one layer
another layer
at a new level
comes up
so the purification
is ongoing

so when a new level is reached
you feel the pricks
like a beginners

thing is one should
TRUST that your Shakti
is doing her job
and not care about
you controlling the process
or why this happens etc.

so my intent was
Shakti knows when
to purify or not
and as for me
as my hands are a tool
i just keep them
where i feel is needed
like that seed which bothered me
since loooooooooong
in the heart

so as it as an intensive meditation
i could see its sign today
and now
when i woke up
rigth after
i could feel the fountain
as a unified shield
from head to toes
and i jsut stayed with it

for the purpose is to stay
with the sensations of the shield
over your body
after having raised the energy

from belly to top of head
to hands back to belly
and then same but through the legs

this is activating the shield

after activating the shield
i did the cycles
AS LONG AS i was not feeling 
it cool
and once i did
i STAYED with the vibes
thus attention on the shield
closed eyes and let shakti purify

so today i stayed may be
15min or so

lazy girl today
but i did the most important
to stay with the shield

yesterday was really
to purify that knot bothering me
and heal thereby the heart
and the other good effect
was the right  vishuddhi
connected to it
which healed too

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