Tuesday, 29 December 2015
Joy attracts Joy
Pure wild outcry of success!!
Joy attracts Joy
the Key is once you are stagnating
and WANT desperately another Higher Level of Joy
BACK into your life
you GOTTA provoke it!!!!
ah!! so amazing
even orgasmic....errrr...
i sound so funny
but sheush... can't say it yet
Gotta wait a few days
to share it!!!
share the KEY method
and the AMAZING stuff lining up for me
nowadays.... yeeeeaaaaasssshhh!
You can't learn to Forgive or Love
Forgiveness and Love
are powers of God
you can't learn to forgive or love
since ki energy is stuck
how can you forgive?
you must purify your citta
and that takes God power
or Holy Spirit
that's the truth.
The Pali-English Dictionary suggests citta is heart / mind
source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citta
In traditional Chinese culture, qì or ch'i (

Concepts similar to qi can be found in many cultures, for example, prana in the Hindu religion, "chi" in the Igbo religion, pneuma in ancient Greece, mana in Hawaiian culture, lüng in Tibetan Buddhism, ruah in Hebrew culture, and vital energy in Western philosophy. Some elements of qi can be understood in the term energy when used by writers and practitioners of various esoteric forms of spirituality and alternative medicine. Elements of the qi concept can also be found in Western popular culture, for example "The Force" in Star Wars.[5] and Jediism. Notions in the West of energeia, élan vital, or "vitalism" are purported to be similar.[6]
source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qi
So you better forgive and let go..happy new year!
You see
i had met a girl who used to shame people in public
and i used to give her excuses
you see assuming is the worst service
you could do to yourself
NEVER assume about anyone
never try to give them excuses
otherwise you will NEVER see things as they are
so that girl
i thought she was just lost
and needed help
i assumed was just bad manners
but no
she was BY INTENT
acting like a vampire
and BY INTENT has been stealing
people's energy around
you would never see her alone
she HAS to ALWAYS be surrounded
again i used to attribute it
to her NEED to be social
see ?
one always try to project
our own life onto others
but that is NOT Truth
Truth IS what it IS
and you should learn to admit it
the quicker we do
the better it is
for you to stay away from fake relationship
and time loss
cause never in months
this girl changed her behavior
she kept and still keep shaming people in public
the only time she is afraid
is when she is exposed in a group
as i did to her once
and then she started to cry
why she cried?
because she knew i KNEW her
and she was afraid of losing sympathy
from people around
cause all she wanted is to shame others
and never be shamed
to lower others
and never lower herself
why doing onto others
what you don't like them do to you?
but see?
if that girl was real sincere
she would have changed
she never changed
she went on and on shaming everyone
and this by INTENT
this was outrageous to me
how on EARTH one could ON PURPOSE
shame others?
and have NO remorse?
cause she has been STEALING
their energy
this is why
she was never tired
was like she was on drugs
she is a very much outstanding vampire
i never met one really
nor any other people i knew was
ONLY she
she could sleep only 3h
and do this for months
never tired
cause she got replenished
by people around her
which were left depleted
i tell you
never KNEW it was real!
but yes it is...
now the worst about her
is that she has NO CARE AT ALL
about meditation
so the time
i corrected her on SPOT
and saw she STILL kept behaving
lowly with others
i realised she was doing it
such vampires
the only way to stop them
from stealing your energy
for everyone to see
when they are uncovered
they run away
cause they can't anymore suck
your energy out of you
and for what?
because is ALL about competition
who will be and look superior to others
the whole society actually
i learned in that crash course of my life
in 2 years
is about competition
one day
some yogi guy lol told me
did you live in some cave all these years?
that you don't even know
women are just envious of each other
and they compete to lower the other
by all means?
technically lol
i never lived in a cave
but by nature
you can say
my focus was so much
on ONE single thing at a time
that i was totally oblivious to the rest
and by then
my single focus
and all of my attention
was my studies
and after it was spirituality
and these past two years was the study of society and people's relationship
so people thought i was some stupid
backward muslim
when they met me
i was just learning what society was about
and i am a fast learner
once lesson is learned i take the best of it
and know how to deal with people
as for backward muslim
what was funny,
was that girl was muslim
so she was racist behaving with non muslim
thinking they are bad because they eat pork
and of course she despised me innerly for eating it
but all is seen on her face
yet what she knows not
is that pork is not forbiden in islam
because some yogi told it to me
but because prior to meeting them
i met my sufi teacher
who started eating pork lol
and i was indignated!
so the WHYS started
and the answers too
by then
hence i started eating it
to crack off my limits
as spirituality is my aim
and not religion lol
this very girl
used to have sex with any guy
even some yogi
now as she judges others being "bad" muslims
let her be judged now at her turn
by her own standards
bad muslims are those who
have adulterous life
for that is a hellish sin in her islam, no?
yet as a spiritual seeker
unlike to her
i have no care about judging her sex life
for life taught me
is just about soul experience
what i despise
is hypocrisy
showing to people how good one is
and BLAMING them
for lesser stuff
while one does worse..
this is the edge of insanity
lol what is after insanity?
what you know not
each single PAIN and JUDGEMENT
YOU have been inflicting onto others
you will get it BACK in full FORCE
once you die
cause this is as the spirit said to me
"before they hurt you
they hurt themselves"
so you better learn to forgive
let go
and try to have nice intent towards others
if you want Life to be nice to you too
with Love
Being the extension of the Spirit or of the Ego of others
"The fifth ascension initiation is the first one that brings a person into the path of true Ascended Mastery. The transfiguration in one’s physical being begins here. It is most easily defined as the “activation” (NOT OPENING) of the heart chakra. This takes an initiate into Christ Consciousness. When the heart chakra activates the light becomes an intense sensation of LOVE and true bliss which becomes permanent in one’s body. There is NO mistaking it as it feels like a little sun has lit up where the heart used to be."
this is what i have NOT experienced so far
just may be 2 or 3 times
that i can remember to have felt so
like once i remembered
i was standing in metro
and felt sudden love for all people around me
just the joy of seeing them
and feeling warm love
wherever i looked
a second time
was right after a meditation
so much that a yogi
called me after
and said he felt my heart opening
so it confirmed that was special indeed
and a third time
which lol now i remember no more
but see?
it is NOT stable
is just there to show you it exists
as i read in that article
and reformulate it in my way
when you feel God Grace
is like a spark that leaves a trace in you
then as you hang on it, to remember that sparks
that is actually "past" so
you should let go EVEN of this watermark
cause if you don't
then is you who are into it
by yourself
is no more the initial Grace
that you experienced
you are only feeding on its souvenir
next :
"Lower vibrations always find fault. Higher vibrations don’t have that experience as it all has been mastered. That is partly why those masters previously went to an ashram away from all those who are in the lower vibration. They don’t want the crap or need to learn the lessons those others have not yet understood and completed. Do you blame them?"
and this part
really made me laugh
as i remembered an experience:
"As the current ascension begins we are finding ourselves associating with others of similar vibration and on the same path, and with the same awareness as our own. We share knowledge and help each other because we each have different pieces to the puzzle. We are all both students and teachers. As we do we go through the process of increasing the light in our own field and vibrating ever higher. We find ourselves relearning or remembering many things we knew and have always known hidden deep within our soul. Being with others of the same or similar vibrations helps us to remember and to unlock those codes of understanding, bringing ourselves into ever higher awareness and states of ever expanding consciousness. We are becoming aware of All That IS (God, (“ourselves”) as we ascend out of the densities of forgetfulness and the veils are removed. That IS ascension in one description."
source : http://www.shiftfrequency.com/bill-ballard-mastering-holding-your-light-the-ascension-of-mother-earth-humanity/
so we are suppose to SHARE knowledge right ?
for we are both students and teachers
and guess what ?
one day a yogi said to me
"dear, don't be so deep when you speak
otherwise i feel you are teaching us
you should change"
so i asked her
of her ridiculous and nonsensical request,
"do you want me to be superficial and fake?!"
there are people
who are just envious
and not only they hide it not
or are not ashamed of it
but they OPENLY assert it
as if lowering others will make them superior
WHO on earth gives the advice
to be lesser than your true self?
only EGO.
never the Divine
even in the name of "collectivity"
will be trying to put other down
and make them deviate from their natural qualities see?
so the worst in the spiritual quest
is to find people who are pretending to be spiritual
and try to put you down
just to remain superior
but such people DO exist
and they are so oblivious
to their bad manners
that they glorify each other
for it
and act as thugs
by acting in group against a person they single out
this is why
they call people one by one
to teach them how to do puja
as is a group vs one new comer
never a group teaching puja to a new comer group
cause patronising and manipulation
is what count
and NOT spirituality
otherwise their "spiritual ego"
will lose its reason of existence see?
what i DISLIKE most
is traditions
and any religion or spirituality
once it starts carving you into their group image
is a SECT to me
and has at some point LOST
the real AIM
which is to find God Within
for God gives a flying no-concern attitude
about your rules and rituals that you teach to others
at best applies them to YOURSELVES
but please
don't to others
for you are just trying
to carve people
new comers
to your OWN image
and that is EGO
there is a very interesting episode in Dr Who
which of course i don't remember the number of it
in it
a woman came at the head of the cybermen group
as her mind was strong enough to control them
Dr who gave her the possibility
to leave this earth for another with them
cause he valued her spirit strength to control them
so he gave her the CHOICE to not harm other people free will
on this earth
of course
she refused
as she wanted whole control over others
and what he did?
he disconnected her from the network
she had with those robots
she thought he was going to harm her
but he harmed her not
she just harmed herself
he just removed her connection
that tied her to them
and then
her eyes opened up
to the hell she was in ...
cause she was no more in control
of the hell she had created
she was an observer in a deep shit
thus a victim
is like that it feels after death
once you die
your consciousness dies
so your connection with the WHOLE is cut
but your subconscious
is there witnessing and being affected
by the hell you created
which you could not see before
as your consciousness
and your excess of confidence
were a veil that prevented you to see
where you are
and you are in "deep hell"
such a beautiful drama is this Dr Who
is same stuff in this life
when you are into a group
you are part of it
you swim into it
you are connected to it
and you are part of its karma
the day you get disconnected from it
you can see what you reaped
and are affected
consequently according to your deeds
same for me
as the natural distance installed itself
i saw that the only thing people where interested in
was the marketing of their sect
through the image of a muslim to aim at other muslims
large scale recruitment
of muslims lol
you don't need to recruit
when is Truthful
you just need to be GENUINE
let your light shine
and it will attract those who are of your vibrations
so if you really care for yourself
you will care to increase your vibes
to shine
and then you won't be the extension of the EGO of some other group, sect, religion
but you will REALISE (self realisation...hm?)
that you are the extension of the Spirit
you, the Soul
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