Monday, 3 June 2013

Time travel

The Girl Who Leapt Through Time (2006) English

  • xXKunokuXx
    I've actually grown to believe in time-travelers. Sometimes I wonder If I died somehow and someone came back and saved me lmao xDDD
    · 3
  • The aunt said that her life never returned... But she also said that the main character isn't like her at all, that she would look for him if he didn't come back- also... He said that HE would WAIT for HER.

    Fascinating this time travelling about the different time zone/generations(?!) in the SAME time then! like the Aunt is meeting her niece/the young girl who is she when she was in the past. But then, it would be the Aunt and the girl are the same person.
Heartfelt thanks to Time travelers, who are the most loving people
to save us before we die, and thus are still alive.
It is just that others ran short of time and could not see what they did,

but some knows for they believed, even though they time leapt not ;)
kiss ;)


A great explanation given by a fan,
though i do not feel happy with the Aunt part,

i love the soothing explanation : meaning that the ending make COMPLETE sense ! ;)

You got to do some maths and be rational with that movie as much as being TOTAL open-minded lol!


re: The Girl Who Leapt Through Time... *spoilers* Explain please?

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