Monday, 9 March 2015

Blue Tara

another experience when i was meditating

my intention was this time
to clean all the remainder of any right vishuddhi blocages
for we better settle stuff on this earth
than to store them in our body
and get reincarnated in weirdo life scenario hahaha

for i felt a very light prick on the right finger
and i decided the above

which is very very much illusive
to say "light" prick

for i tell why

my intuition says
when it is light
it is not necessarily minor
it means just it is deep down
and the kundalini is working it out
to bring it to the surface
and purify it

for remember
any "small" matter
can easily cause a catastroph
as much as getting you reincarnated
so is never a small or light matter
as one may thing

but the "light" prick
does mean that it is not a stuck blocage
in deep mud lol hahaha

so i stayed at this chakra
and hold it loooooooong
during my walking meditation
the walking one is way more efficient
in terms of purification

and yes i hold it
till i felt it all cool
till this coolness spread to all other fingers
and whole hand too

and guess what happened
as hardly as i sat down
and closed eyes for the sitting meditation

i saw myself standing
near a group of people
and my head stretched itself to the far away group
and asked them
"why don't you see me?"

it was like the me of this vision
was as the spirit identity
who was bewildered
that that which is present - as my true identity- i.e. the spirit
is not seen, while is so obvious

and lo! it was no more my head i was seeing
once it came back
it was all blue!
a female head with beautiful eyes carved like in stone statue
wide open
and such a nice smile on her face
i would call it a serene smile mixed with wisdom
for it has such a self knowledge/control

then after meditation
when i was going to start my day
i felt lots of rain drops! on my back
at the right side of it - near the right heart level
so i said to myself
neh, is for sure the cool breez no rain lol
so no need to verify by touching

and yes each time when i challenge
lol it puts me in doubt
so it became so intense
that i literally thought droplets were falling
and that at this very place my shirt was WET
lol so i HAD to touch it to check
and of course! i lost my challenge  i had to verify!

it happens again after
at the right ribs

so later came the knowledge
that this is the right vishuddhi which got purified
from any old resentment i had
and i bet it was related to 5 years ago
for it was the very first time i learned
that people could be betraying
in a way you can say was my first betrayal experience

for you see
the thing is
if you don't purify it
then you experience your NEXT experience
through this VERY filter of betrayal
and hence you cannot "let go" on the spot
and after you NEED to use meditation

to purify it
but this requires adequat discipline
and persistence
for it to be healed for good.

all praise be to God!
i am so happy it is healed!

how so?

when we have experiences with people
negative one from our perspective
what happens
is that once the matter is over
this trauma and "negative" energy
in our ki channels

we purify it
by bringing them INTO the emptiness
we cannot heal ourselves from future "bad" experiences

so the emptiness heals these left over unbalanced energies
in us
and this is HOW one is healed and balanced and acquires NEW
which are not NEW
but only were clouded by this past trauma

hence the numbnuts who says
"well meditation is not everything,
you gotta develop qualities"

i tell them
you are already the pure spirit within
what qualities you have to develop?
you want to force a pooh out of yourself? hahaha

and pretending having such qualities?

you just have to CARE for yourself
instead of caring for the ass of the other
if he or she is doing well or not
is NOT your affairs
your affairs are YOUR OWN SELF

once you clean yourself
you do a favor to the others
by shining more purity
and being less a pain in their ass
and creating more compassion thereby for them

true compassion
is not the one in word or in deeds
for they are meant to be an extention
of the essence of this compassion in you
which is this spirit
and you can only let it shine compassionately
if yourself you are compassionate to yourself
by treating your blocages
in order to let emptiness absorb this trauma you had

and then
may be one day
make your presence so lovable
that one can see this cool and soft gracious energy
overflowing from you

i think it is how we have standards
we see beauty
like this light for me
and it suffices to see people after
and you can on the spot tell
where they are in their evolution
as regard to this light

it is nothing bad to be
on different level of evolution
this is what makes the beauty of Life
and i love it

but that which is bad and sorrowful
is to remain STUCK to a level
for it means one refuses evolution
and that is sad
for oneself
and for the others

and how do you know that you are stuck?
when you are not letting go of your past "bad" experience
and you keep repeating it like a disk even months after!
so much that even months after it is "sticking in your throat"
this idiom exist not for nothing
it means you have to purify your clogged throat chakra
and of course the agnya as you can't let go

for life thrives only when we are in movement
let it be an ascending one.

and for the wet rain
lol as if a rain could be not wet
but i call it so
it was situated at my right channel
so indeed it was linked with the right vishuddhi purification

and the blue face
was the one of the blue tara

hm, is very beautiful
to be given such gifts after meditation
it is like kids who get mark after their school work
they want more so they work more
is rewarding

and yes color blue of the face
for the vishuddhi color is blue.


ps :i know not much of blue Tara
but will have a look

Though Tara & Kali are same yet their complexions are different. Kali complexion is dark whereas Tara complexion is blue. Tara killed the demon 'Hayagreeva'. She has Lord Shiva lying under her feet like a corpse. Her bluish complexion's beauty is magnified manifold by her three eyes, which appear like a blue lotus flowers. In her four hands she has a scissors, a head (skull), a lotus flower and an axe. She wears tiger's skin on her body, and has a necklace of skulls around her neck. She is considered to be very violent in nature, but her eagerness to shower blessings on the devotee is infallible too. So she is the most merciful. Tara or Ugratara is worshipped for the attainment of powers of speech, pleasures and even salvation. She is also worshipped for the destruction of enemies. Tara is worshipped in the night and is an another appearance of Shakti. She is considered to be the ruler and presider of miraculous effects and accomplishments.

source :

Lovely shots! fell in love with them:x
and i love the mantra and the devote singer voice too
was told that when she was still in her mother womb
her father used to recite her this mantra nearing the womb
every day. :)