Saturday, 15 February 2014

Remembering your TRUE Nature

Dukkha  is the suffering of the citta - (citta Attention or more like consciousness?) 

ps : some links to get familiar with both words i used...

very enlightening Crystal clear sentence!

that is its suffering that you are facing, while before it was hidden -

-so the suffering appears like ripples on surface of water
as it was before immersed,
and now it is coming to the surface lol
while coming up
it creates ripples
and you call this suffering-
to give you the opportunity to face it,

knowing that you are your own master
meaning in control

on the spot
you remember it is a form,
and you are not the form

(you don't remember with thoughts!
but as automatic REMEMBERING
meaning you do it not
it appears as Crystal clear awarenss/witnessing of it
from within you)

for you are the Witness
so when the wave of suffering/like thougths in meditation comes,

your AIM is to re establish the purity of your true nature

(re establish for we are identified with it/suffering
this is WHY we can feel suffering
but suffering is NOT our nature
nor our part and parcel of True identity.
it is just things which need to re-surface
to become ONE with their own true nature of the SPirit.

of course if you know it NOT
you STAY with the suffering
as you assume it is YOUR LIFE)


by being the Witness of the True Origine/Nature of the citta.

Suffering are great opportunity to re establis the Witness state.

this night i dreamt
i said in a true way with the heart may be
La ilaha ill Allah -

this is a negation of all forms of God, except the ONLY TRUE ONE.

and then, someone removed a heaviness from Inside of me,
like a dead corpse
once can say.

so it is about the negating of form (of suffering and anything on the spot).
when facing it
with our own life/circumstances we are facing.

like this morning,
i was meditating,
putting attention on top of head
where the cool breeze comes out

and then,
doing the walking meditation

while i was turning around,
i realised that all the world AROUND
that i was seeing
all the objects, the room etc.
are thoughts but in a more dense form

(as all is energy
but energy densified permits us to experience our thoughts
from Inside,
and that is HOW experience takes place)

(of course we can ALL realise it
during the day as THEORY - imitation of others' thoughts
others who have true intuition of it
who are more Advanced than the imitators ones lol

is when the theory is practiced on the spot!
and lived and felt and verified
and integrated as ONE in you
for it is

the mind and spirit becomes one in the experience
i feel...)

so AS LONG AS the Attention remains on the cool breeze
which is a purifier/cleaner
you can enjoy
and ride the wave of your experience/interacting with the environement/densified thoughts around you

(of course NOT as an effort, but as an AUTOMONOUS  result of your prior meditation)

and you know the environement is NOT real in this sense
real = as is,

for only your true nature of spirit is AS IS (=real)
while the rest ,
is on the contrary modifiable

only the true nature is as is
and the true nature of the citta
is as called "a luminous ground"

so things are just A form
that can be modified
by our witnessing and attention

but PRIOR to that
they need to be NEGATED

for how could something be witnessed and the witness at the same time?
we are ONLY the WITNESS

and what is witnessed is the experience that we CHOOSE to enjoy/learn from.
so it is NOT us.

and of course if our attention
is being constantly purified
that which the attention looks at
is being modified to a better version of itself

the act of creation is a godly gift
i right now remember
a friend who said
"imagine, michael ange had seen in a piece of clay
the sculpture part of the sisteen chapelle
in the beginning
and now see the chapelle?!"

imagine, you can as the attribute of a God is,
create beauty out of a naked base

but whatever beauty you create
it is JUST an experience
for a beauty is NEVER everlasting

the ONLY everlasting beauty
is the one that is this very true nature of yours
and never reincarnate
for it is the PURE NATURE of the Witness.