Thursday, 4 September 2014

Chapter 2 : Photography - Nature

NOW the nature,

It was the MOST beautiful time EVER i had
In terms of discovering NATURE
Of course, in central France it was pretty green hills surrounding our village,
The area was Puy du Dome,

I have some nice pic, that i need to insert there, soon.

Was in ITALY !

When i went to the youth camp !
I took so many BEAUTIFUL pictures,

Sheer beauty it was,
Not only there, but also on flicker i need to publish them.

There were so good,
That a guy asked them to me,
For he failed his when he took them from his tablet,
I teased him to give me credit once he publish them on facebook.

Lol, for i sensed he would have pretended them to be theirs
By his convenient « silence ».

Some were really miraculous,
Others just with the right sun light

I need to select them and post them as soon as possible.

Yes, i started to take real good pictures in the youth camp,
For when i used to look at the landscape, i used to say i wish to capture it inside
But this time literally speaking
The camera DID capture it !

as i was taking pictures with my mobile
and yet they were of such a good quality, 
the castle guests who were passing by, 
said, you should buy a professional camera 
and start taking pictures
it would be more awesome:)

What i loved in this landscape at the camp
was that we were surrounded by green mountains
and early in the morning
we could see clouds surfing down from them

once we went for a day walk and when we arrived by the end of day
at the summit of one of them
it was FILLED with mist!

it is what people called it mist.
but i called it clouds!

for when we look at them from afar
we say there are clouds surrounding the summit
but once we are in, we call it mist!

no, for me it is clouds!
and when i was a child
and used to take airplane,
i asked my mom how to walk in the clouds
she said it was impossible
as a man would fall

dream concretised!

i COULD WALK in the clouds!
that day!:)

also, what often happens,
is that when i used to look at the mountains from the camp,
i thought that their greenery/forest is beautiful

but once i was on the OTHER SIDE
THEN i realised i was part of what i called beautiful!

that is incredible!

we ALWAYS forget what we look at
and don t realise
that we are part of it
when we are on the other side!

so i felt proud
to say to myself
that i am in the place i praised !:)
and that i am part of that beauty:)

another strong impression of mine
was when i looked at these mountains
and could see early morning
LITERALLY speaking the sun rays
which i have by the way
miraculously caught on camera!

so, when i saw these sun rays
falling upon this green forest
the light was so cool and yet intense
that i felt
it was literally entering through my eyes
and flowing like a river all the way in my belly

and i felt fulfilled
can one say nourished?

yes i have not tried
but i guess i could have stayed without eating that day
without having feeling of lack.

another time,
it is when i was really sad and disappointed
at people's behavior in the camp

and when i was looking at the mountains,
i concluded that there is only nature
which is sane
and where i would wish to be with
if i had to make "a permanent choice to be with"

and like for a video
i was seeing how roots of trees
could absorb the elements of the earth
and really integrate them!
this on the spot i found it really relieving, and fascinating

-relieving, because it was like a guarantee to me,
that nature does not segregate, it always INTEGRATE
it does NOT cut links
which is not the case with human beings

so i found safe, considering that,
that at least integration or unity existed in nature.

-fascinating, because it was alive!
it is incredible that roots of trees, in truth moves out
to reach elements around
grasp the soil and made it firm,
take the minerals and integrate them in its sap!

so that nothing was left out.

i liked it:)

with the little time i stayed there,
two weeks
i realised a few things about nature,

such as how much i was not in contact with its natural rythm,

like, one night i felt really cold
and i wondered how come
then i realised that during the day
there was no sun
therefore, the earth/soil had not accumulated enough heat
to give it back at night!

so amazing,
how much i am disconnected from natural rythm of the earth,
when i only have knowledge of heater and tar.

another, big time of mine
was when the youngster invited me to meditate with him
at the hill at 430
i went there
of course it was really cold
don t know if really meditated
but i felt happy
that it is a new experienced i never had
to meditate on an elevated place at 430 in the morning
and see first rays of sun.

i think i have to do a post about this nice guy
for at the end of my stay i thanked him
for i think he might have been the only one
who had a kind nature and was able to display it.
it is not for nothing
that he meditated at 430.

** pictures to come **

Chapter 1 : Meditation

Hi there,
My intention to go for a two month journey
Was to develop intensive meditation.

For 10min of meditation a day is not efficient in itself.
As Shri Mataji said in her early talks, which are the best as a guidelines to grow
You need to get up at 4am and meditate at least an hour.
Goal is not vibrations, but Spirit.
Vibrations are the boat leading your personality to get integrated in the spirit.
Getting dissolved in it, if i use correct term.

So the more petals are open,
The more vibes will flow of course.

When petals open more,
It means we get less and less identified with our thoughts
And then bingo,
We are more in touch / identified with our spirit.
Which is pure light but covered with thought forms.

The process is that the more we meditate/i.e. stay with attention undisturbed on the cool breeze
WHEREVER we feel it (means not only sahasrara)
The more our channels get purified
And like for a motorway energy can pass through and cross agnya
And we are thus PURIFIED from thoughts identification.

That is for the process and how it worked.
Therefore my two month intensive meditation is a success !:)

For my aim was not only to use collective to meditate more
For it suffices that i be on my own, that it becomes heavy to get up at 4am
Which means that at some point some individual /personal effort is needed
Without which we cannot enact our pure desire for God.

Unless there be this personal routine established 
Or call it intensity
There cannot be breakthrough or progress
As i understood so far.

First two weeks, i was in central France, must say early meditation was not that early
It was just collective meditation that i joined at 7am.
Lol i tried to get up earlier but was impossible due to our 3am sleeping time
Jesus though it was fun, i was appalled !
And was in deep sleep deprivation.

Once i arrived in Italy, first month, i took part in collective meditation, 7am too.
There vibes were definitely stronger due to the quality of the yogis there.
Still, i could not get up earlier than 6am.
So i could at times meditate 1h before the collective one, as a personal meditation
And do the walking cycles/meditation.

Once my friends were all gone, i shifted to a castle and from there as i was more on my own,
I started to meditate at 4h30.
And it lasted till the end of my stay.

Would you like to hear a funny story :

When i was meditating the first night,
A Spanish lady which came recently, asked me how come so many alarms rang during the night

Lol so i told her,
It was my try to get up and meditate early.
She is a sort of collective type lady, who likes to harmonise things

So she said but this can t do,
That everyone got up at different time

LOL innerly i exploded in laughers
Who are you to tell me at what time i should get up for MY individual meditation ?

Anyway, she wished to join
Which was a good decision
As long as she prevented me not to wake up early.

Day after, we meditate together.
Then, it occurred to her, we can ask the girls dorm to join us for morning meditation
So i invited them all, some were from Belgium other from china.

Let me  tell you Chinese people have great stamina for meditation and devotion
For i often saw them regularly meditating throughout the day
And even at night, ESPECIALLY when they came back late.

One girl got a sort of heart attack
When i announced 430 ! lol
She could not make it

So we meditated all at this time
Next day she joined us.

A friend told me
To help them to increase their vibes
So i wanted in a few words next day
Tell my method to apply some cycles on their different chakras
So that their vibes increase

Of course one of the Chinese woman,
The one who could not possibly get up at 430
And was up thanks to me
Turned her back on me
Not to listen 

for she wanted to stay in silence

Such rudeness !

of course, we gonna meditate 
in silence
i just meant to give 1min indication for HER OWN good!

not forgetting, that i could have remained by myself on my own
to meditate in SHEER silence
without them
YET i DID invite them (see! :) grammar mistake this time;) )

so it is not me who was going to "disturb" their hardly earned 
meditation time!

I felt really heartbroken
That not only i do them good, but not thanking is one thing
But displaying rudeness is another.

So i left them all meditating downstairs
And i went upstairs to meditate on my own.

Yes, so far i had noted that when i meditated on my own
my vibes were strong and i felt good.
Since i started this collective meditation at 430, i had a heartache
So i needed to stay longer with attention on heart.

Therefore, i learned that i was purifying them.
I wondered what is the point, especially when people know it not
And add rudeness to ungratefulness.
A friend told me, that it makes spirit happy.

Anyway, once i was over with my anger,
I wished to have a new group of meditation
Who would like to learn my method and where i could meditate longer as i wish.

Yes it is important to wish,
And it is important not to suppress anger, and
It is all the more important NOT to linger on it.

These are three rules i learned and applied during my stay,
And have lots of anecdotes about them. And how it works out.
So for next post.

Anyway, that day when i meditated on my own upstairs,
I did not see time passing,
I started at 430 and when people started to enter the meditation room,
For the collective one, i realised it was 730 !

So happy i felt !
I did not see time pass,
It was also due to the new music track i got,
Such a beautiful one, i could meditate non stop thanks to it.

A 20min track, repeat it 3 times, and one hour is gone !
So i did probably 1h walking combined with 1h sitting, and 1h sitting in silence without music.

Later on, when people asked and i told them,
Those downstairs wanted to join and the guys which are sleeping upstairs, half of them too
Wanted to join J !

So happy i was, there i had a new meditation group !
So next day we meditated all together
Most of them meditated 1h others a bit more.

So i felt happy that half of castle residents meditated that early.

I had met a french guy who was really happy to hear about this new method of walking meditation
For he was enthused about the increased of vibes
He shared with me too that he had met an Indian guy
Who sort of also develop a method, as he was aiming to increase vibes rate in body
And talked of it to Shri Mataji,
Who validated it
And advised him not to advertise it to other yogis
Except those who are ready.

Hmm, there i realised
Even among those who meditate
Only a few seek for a breakthrough
Others have a faint desire to progress.

Anyway, i might get in touch with this Indian guy
And see, for i am curious.

Who knows,
I feel like travelling a lot next year,


Yeah !

After the castle, i moved to a camp in the mountains,

There we were only two to meditate at 430.
The second person, was a youngster of 17 J
He was already meditating in the castle with me,
And if one day i missed meditation, for i was sick that day,
The next day, he would come and enquire why i came not J

Ah i really loved that guy,
For his early morning dedication

Imagine he was the only one to meditate that early out of the 60 people in the camp !

Desire, maturity and aim is not the same by the yogis.
All do not remain seeker of truth, truly.

So i went on with this 430 meditation once back in the village,
But he could no longer
For he used to sleep in a tent in the forest,
Which makes things not in favor of early meditation in a hanger ! lol

Still i remain proud of him.
And happy.

So i went on once back down in the village,
With my 430 meditation
Quality i feel had dropped a bit.
In terms of combining meditation.

In the castle, i systematically
Did the walking+sitting with and then without music.

In the hangar, due to the atmosphere,
Lack of light and cold i guess
And also the fact that it is a dormitory + meditation room

I only and mainly did the walking meditation.

By the end of my stay i can say i succeeded to do a whole month intensive meditation
As i call it !:)

Here is my formidable beautiful meditation music
Upon which i used to meditate J

Kiss :x

PS : effect of meditation ?
I felt and also got this comment,
That my heart opened more.

May be when i was purifying the others
And had heartache, it purified my heart and opened it !
Hence when one told me spirit would be happy,
Literally speaking my heart opened J
When i purified others ?:)

An English lady who had met me a month before,
When she saw me back in the village
She literally stopped me
Took me by the shoulders
And looked into my eyes
And said
« your eyes have changed. You have something of Ganesha/ say Innocence in it »

Best thing is to hear change from people
As we ourselves do not realise it
And once we hear it

It means it is true !

For the Energy is a transformative energy !

And i feel for the lady managing the camp,
She used to criticise the 17 year old guy,
Without knowing that me too i meditated that early
For i kept it secret
As i know if people have no interest in meditation
What’s the use to draw their attention on it.

Somehow she learned about the youngster meditating that early
And reproached him of not being collective !

This is how people justify their jealousy,
And how they like to boss others around
Without bossing themselves around,
Get a hold of your OWN meditation, of your OWN attention
And THEN you can play by teasing people in a light way

But here it was not even teasing,
It was pure silly judgemental conceptualised behavior
About WHAT a collectivity SHOULD BE !

Of people living together
It is NOT something forced upon
And certainly NOT something that mind can SHAPE through judgement.

Though i have wisdom,
I lack words on the spot
To tell people what i think

May be because i am artificially conditioned to respect their egos
But it won t last long,
This behavior of mine,

For i noted during my stay
How people, who mostly follow their ego, even though yogis,
Are in a position of abusing those who are lenient and kind.

I gotta chisel their ego a bit
Next time !:)

*****Too long process to upload mp3 file 
for now
will try later*****