Monday, 23 December 2013


Chaque âme,

Chaque âme est un jardin intime,

où il plaît à la vie de royalement habiter,
elle y cultive ses fleurs et parfums de félicité

A l'image de l'Amour,
chaque âme jardin est façonné.

L'amour y a mis le suc de sa substance,
dans l'espérance de l'y voir agir et fructifier.

Notre âme est un palais,
édifié avec minutie et bienveillance.

Quel plaisir quand il y reflète la sérénité, la clarté.
Quelle gersure, quand, par nos mains, sa beauté est ravagée.

Chaque âme est une fenêtre ouverte
sur l'infini et l'immédiat de notre réalité.

Elle nous émerveille, nous charme
fabrique notre imaginaire et intériorité.
elle sculpte notre pensée et le profil de notre personalité.

Ton âme est un mirroir fragile,
ton specimen, ta vitrine

Ne laisse personne briser,
ce qui y resplendit et te donne ton éclat unique.

A toi de l'embellier, à toi de l'enrichir
à toi d'en faire le nid douillet
qui va y accueillir une autre âme amie.
A deux, la vie a encore plus de prix.

Âmes de tous les horizons
ressemblants davantage à l'Amour
qui coule, roule, roucoule
dans nos sèves depuis notre premier jour,

devenons un parterre de lys, de fruits, de jonquilles
irradions l'Amour
irradions Toujours.

In English :

Each soul,

Each soul is a secret garden,

where Life desires to blossom royally,
therein She cultivates Her flowers and scent of happiness.

True to the Face of Love,
each soul/garden is shaped according to it.

Love has poured therein the core of its Essence,
in the hope of seeing it buzzing into action and then giving fruits.

Our Soul is a Palace,
built minutely and with sheer benevolence.

What a joy when serenity and clarity are seen reflected in it,
What a hurt when by our own hands, its beauty is destroyed.

Each soul is an open window
on infinity and immediate Reality.

She amazes us, and enamours us,
builds our imagination and inner world,
She chisels our thoughts and draw our personality.

Your soul is a fragile mirror,
Your specimen, your showcase.

Let NO ONE break it,
what shines in you and gives you your unique radiance

Up to You to beautify it, to enrich it
Up to you to make it a cocoon, soft and comfortable,
which will be ready to welcome another friendly soul,
Being two, makes Life more worthwhile to be lived.

O Souls of all horizons !
looking like more to Love 
Flowing, rolling, and bubbling
in our sap since Day one of our Creation

Let us become a field of lilies, fruits and daffodils 
radiating ...
Let us irradiate Love 
Let us irradiate Forever.

-translated by Petals
for You ;)

Now that i see the Light, the Life

See my eyes are watching
Hear my heartbeat is pounding
Whatever I do wherever I go It's for you

See my days without you
I feel no shame in crying
Whatever it takes you know that
I'll be with you

Now that I see the light
Now that I touch my light
Now that I realize all I ever wanted is only you

Now that I see the light (and life)
Now that I touch my light (and life)
Now that I realize all I ever wanted is only you

See my eyes are watching
Hear my heartbeat is pounding
Whatever I do wherever I go It's for you

See my days without you
I feel no shame in crying
Whatever it takes you know that
I'll be with you

Now that I see the light
Now that I touch my light
Now that I realize all I ever wanted is only you

Now that I see the light (and life)
Now that I touch my light (and life)
Now that I realize all I ever wanted is only you

Now that I realize

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