Tonight as i was sleeping
i saw space
i saw a star
a zoom in on its surface
and could see a few impacts on it
and its relief in great details
i could have touched it really
was very real
then i was shown all the phases
of a moon
put in a chronologic frieze
i loved that
the voice was about to show
the "deep universe"
but somehow i forgot
or started to wake up
but i remembered the voice said
few and even fewer people take interest
in learning about the stars and universe
truly meaning,
that very few people got that about the universe
because very few really cultivate themselves
or cultivate the Tree of Life.
the images were very real
as i could see the relief, thickness
and fineness of the details on the star.
so was definitely an out of body experience.
and yes i got that vision
because i had asked a question to my spirit
before sleeping
lol i forgot what question i asked
but is the third time
i am testing my sincerity
in asking
and is third time in a row
the spirit does answer
so i feel happy
so is good
if it is in a row
it means it starts "establishing" itself
i just have to continue with my practice
as a good girl! lol
after i woke up to meditate
during the end of my meditation
i heard my own voice telling me
what to start eating to counter the hair loss
it came so naturally
that on the spot i was not surprised
after meditation
i checked on internet
and it was true!
was my own inner voice
which said to drink early morning
before eating any thing else
brussel sprouts water
so guys
i tell you
i hardly ever ate them
may be once in my life
and never ended the plate lol
ok i will it
is precious
is from my own spirit
and i KNOW it will work
and i checked on internet
is very much full of folic acid and vitamin B
really good for hair
and when i was about to sleep
i had my own inner voice saying
"i adore you"
that surprised me
to have heard it
and even more to hear that
but i felt happy that now i can hear more often
my inner voice