Saturday, 18 December 2021

Hate, Love or both?

Striking the balance between what is in your hand (creation) and what you shall not judge (destruction), otherwise you will be judged in return.

If you are in conflict with someone and take revenge. 

As a wise friend said to me, 

No one attacks another, unless they love doing it in the very moment. 

Because truly, you will never do what you like not, you will find a sadistic emotional satisfaction while hurting back, taking revenge. So why not continue on that line? 

Because hate can never be sustained. 


To fight, and sustain the hate, you need much energy, and it is how you feel wasted. 

Love, instead is your friend. 

It is the one that Self Sustains Itself. 

One of Allah attribute, muslims know them, but do not yet see it is pragmatic teaching for a daily life. And not just a rot learning with a nice faith to be framed on wall for display and proof of your tenets. 

God is pragmatic, is real, is Life. 

So why your teachings are still dead in your life? 

Do not try to hold people accountable for what they did against you, as it is said God judge their action, will not ask you about theirs but about yours. 

Which means also, this is where you can strike the balance. 

Creation is based on Balance. Cf surah Ar Rahman 55. 

If you meddle with others affairs/revenge, you will not create, but destroy. 

And you can never sustain destruction. 

The well will dry out anyway. 

Plus, the kundalini has the safety clip, not to be able to ascend if you block her way by new obstacles/burdens. 

As your energetic centers reduce when depleted or blocked by extreme actions that need to be purified, if it is your will. 

This is you being judged in return. 

Also, in Spirit, if you let it go, by not trying to take the other accountable and taking revenge, 

you will gain mercy instead of justice/judgement. 

And what the mercy is? 

It is to grow, as gardens do. 

Growth brings with it new opportunities to be experienced. 

Garden under which rivers flow. Surah Ar Rahman. 

How would you have Gardens unless you are watered by the kundalini? 

And we can not dodge the Judgement part. 

Secret is... 

My inner Mother is the same Mother in you. 

My Spirit is the same Spirit in you. 

You can thus bet that this won't be forgotten. 

But your role is not to focus and wait on the revenge. 

The sadistic part is where you secretly wish for the fall of the other on one hand, while you advocate on the other hand Love..? 

How is that sincere? How can you preach love and yet, when someone wants to improve, you want his or her downfall out of revenge, envy, jealousy or just because you can? 

Women are best for that. 

They are, in truth, each other enemies. 

Friendship lasts the time it lasts, the common temporary enjoyment of the hour they are together. 

But once the warmly chit chat is over, the dark face of the moon appears in its full glory: in its full darkness to be exact.

Again, it is good, as long as you see it and resolve to let it go. 

But when it becomes a habit, because no one sees you. 

Know that you only have the choice of one attention. 

You intend to experience destruction, degradation of the other, you will. 

And the pleasure will be so long. 

You intend to experience an ever lasting bliss? 

Then, keep to your course, as it is a reward, once your spirit is watered enough to be awakened. 

But if you waste your water, even 40 years wandering in desert will not be the end, but your ever lasting loss. 

The tragedy is you will not even remember what you were looking for in the first place,

when you in-carnated on earth. 

As the rainbow below in the video, we are made of water to shine. 

People wonder about this being the creation of God, 

I say you are also made of water and you are also the creation of God. 

We do not see our own , literally speaking, rainbow, because we made a series of choices to experience more the clinging onto the judgement than on the mercy.

Choice between good and evil. 

Attention is one, ie you can only experience one thing in the moment, the revenge or the grace. 

Never both at the same time. But because of our free will, we think we are free to get the revenge and yet also expect such rainbow-like reward from God 😅  It is one or the other.