Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Sooo helpful people!

Indeed our day reflects
our meditation in the morning

is incredible

here is my today's experience

well is not incredible eventwise
but humanity-wise

i was shopping today
and once i paid
i realised i bought a frozen item by mistake

so i asked to just change it
and well it was impossible
and i tell you also that i could not at the end exchange it lol
so no suspense

but what was incredible
was the utter kindness of the first cashier
for she was all smiling
while i tell you
try to shop at 6pm in paris
is a drama there! hahaha
impossible to even get time to smile and chit chat
given the crowd
and despite themselves,
the cashiers grow grumpy

then, out of nowhere
the head of the store
who was leaving for home
saw me
while i have not EVEN asked him anything
and he wanted to solve my problem
taking literally the ticket out of my hand
i was astounded

especially when it is 6pm
and you are leaving your work place
usually you don't care for customers
especially if they bring you their problem lol

so here was contrary
he came by himself
while he was supposed to leave his job place
and took upon himself to solve my issue

but could not
why ?
because once you buy frozen stuff
they can't proceed to exchange
is the rule

i was about to leave
and a third person came from behind
a woman
and she stopped me saying
"may be i can buy you your article"

i could not believe that
finally she could not
as she was very very very bio oriented lady

but i was literally amazed at her kindness
and i told her
whether you buy it or not
i really find it very kind from you

and she said
well i heard you
and thought if i were in your shoes
i would love someone to do so to me

i tell you
this lady's kindness and attentive care
for someone literally a stranger
to consider her as her own self
is never seen
first time i ever see this with me

and again
i conclude
that indeed
if ourselves we purify our energy
then we open new doors in ourselves
and as we are a universe in us

the universe out
ONLY reflects the state of the inner

so in times of such Grace and Kindness
i thank God
for that is exciting new experiences
of seeing that it works!
purification works!

and equally
but with delay
obstacles in life are also means of wonder
and with the right attitude of excitement

to see
HOW GOD is going to CHANGE your surrounding
your obstacles
your lacks
your sorrow
your worries
your sadness

into its oh so long awaited happiness

but what happens
that we reject all of the obstacles
onto others
which is normal
for the other too is at fault somehow
as a spiritually aimed person
who wishes for personal evolution

after the natural human judgement
at others
one should learn to MOVE ON

and the moving on
can only happen

IF we use
this golden opportunity to FEEL our OWN sadness
and bring it to the altar of God within
and to let it be flown over
by his/her vibrations

and in this very emptiness
the obstacles are transformed
so are the people around

never one can change someone
is like the matrix spoon
trying to bend the spoon
one should bend/bow within
so that the spoon outside bow too
for we are the spoon

for the spoon out is the universe
that is in us
and we are this whole universe within

hence all is indeed one

ah ! feeling so much better
after having written it!