Sunday, 24 April 2022

Black magician. vs Kingdom of God

 The Power

The black magician are empowering the average believer. Why?

This is because they rely on a community from which they withdraw the power.

The community of the dead, be it human or other entities.

The average well meaning believer, has no protection 

once he reaches adolescence as he breaks the circle of protection of his True Nature (Fitrah).

Then his body is no more the temple of God. Clues is his loses his light, his shine, and develop a character 

that we can pinpoint as an identity.

Which people see and then can manipulate. 

A french girl told me once "Je crois que je t'ai cerné"


People don't even realise cerner means in reality to look someone's delimitation, attribute it an identity that you can corner. 

Purpose untold or unconsciously unsaid is to identity to box to know how to manipulate in worst case scenario and deal with in the best case scenario.

So prophets have no face; as they are collective light, it is not about a ID.

The whole opposite of current society by the way.


when once the believer is connected.

Once he gets the connection to the Ruh, 

then he is connected to the Ocean, Universe; Power of God etc.

which is the Power of the Living.

In a battle of Evil vs Good

Or black magician vs Kingdom of God/High Power who take over to work for you, this works ONLY if you forgive; let go.

So in that batter of river of power based on the kingdom of dead

has no bearing vs

the Ocean of Power of the Living.

This is a realisation that if understood and felt would indeed create great change of Power balance in our current society.

As most of it is based on manipulation, power hungry people.

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