Friday, 15 April 2022

Expansion of the Light of the Sun Within and the Reintegration to the Whole

I was listening to a talk of shrit mataji about cancer and from it this is the conclusion i draw 

for the self healing and growth.

For the healing is when we as an individual outgrow our current selfish, seperated state and reintegrate into the whole, this is by the way what sahasrar is about, the full integration of the light that is scattered here and there.

The Light in you once vibrated


and by its expansion 

it draws into it by touching the other cells into its spread 

and thus bringing them back under the authority of the deity (call it angels or being of authority) 

the deity who is linked to The Source then re-establish the order where before was the chaos.

Isn't it beautifully reconforting that changes ARE happening in us for our reintegration to the Light of the Spirit?

I suppose if we only limit our sight, to the vibrations being a tool, then our perspective limit our growth.

Which I was never into it. 

As I am more interested in seeking the state where we just know, and that happens when you, namely your attention and love, are fully integrated in the sahasrara.

This reminds me of my early days when I had asked a yogi in Paris, 

that I wanted the true knowledge; aka i was refering to the knowledge to just know it.

But he told me you are already there, aka he was refering to the vibrations.

I felt so disappointed by the insights, which is ok, as we are all growing differently and we all have a different awareness.

But if you are to listen to the early talk of Shri Mataji; which are the best, before she had to water down as of the 90s to adapt to the level of the masses, She does say that vibration gives you the knowledge through the feel but at the sahasrar you just know it. 

And I must say that even as yogi people limit themselves so much, 

while the field of experimentation is so wide.

Again I do not want to complain because thereby I would be chosing a script where I look own upon what dissatisfy me and I rather want to look up on what elate me, such as the Light of thqt inner Sun thqt draws the cell under the authority of the Source.

I found that so poetically beautiful, i am sort of recovering my dreamy state when i was a seeker of truth and was precisely feeding my mind with such intuitive images, that was my best lofty time.

Then came the hardship when as a seeker of truth you end up on wrong hands 

then come the healing thanks to the meditation and growth 

now that i see again the beautiful horizon; 

i hope to make the most of it :)

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