Tuesday, 30 June 2015

The Sun within

there is loads to say

main points being
this ramadan is one of the best of my life
for i am combining fasting
which purifies chi
with meditation

i care to maintain my hydration level up
is vital
as water stores energy
without it
all the meditation benefits goes to waste

second this fasting is not real fasting
real fasting is not to eat at all for days
am not yet to that level

yet it has been giving me a real bonus
as far as discipline is concerned

sleeping at midnight
waking up at 3 am
is crazy rythm
combined with 5 times a day meditation
each session of 20 min

at some point i felt the cool breeze
went out of my head
like a pressure cooker that push the lid

amazingly enough
unless i meditate in collectivity
my vibrations go down
for the subtle system absorbs all that is around
and i cannot compensate

but for the first time ever!
my vibrations are increasing day by day
even though i am unable to meditate in group
that's heavenly change!

 never i would have thought
i could even maintain my vibes
even less increase them in such a short time

once discipline is set
there is space created for love to expand...

for you relax in yourself
and in such a state
i noticed
whenever i wonder about something
i see the answer in image right on the spot
and later at night
if i still wonder at it
the spirit voice shows me the rest

so by chance a few days ago
i was watching a movie
and from the talk i heard therein
i wondered about the why behind

why the movie writer made a movie
with focus on alien theory
because the theory was being argumented loads
not as a passing topic
so the emphasize on it bothered me
as it fit not the usual frame

and on the spot
i saw how prior to the movie making off
leaders of the company in charge of tv communication
had an agenda
with a list of topics
about which propaganda should be made
using well known serials broadcast
to touch the viewers' perception

so i was literally seeing their meeting
and the choice of a topic in a movie is not anodin
a topic tackled on such an extend in a movie
was being so because of a well thought propaganda agenda

it took a flick of a second
for me to see the vision
but all was said in it

the very night
somehow i dreamt of a possible future of the earth
not set in stone
but the future we are heading into
given the current choices made
so much that i saw that all that used to be "nature"
and simple joys
like going to a warm restaurant with friends
on a snowy day
became a museum
for the remaining surviving generation to witness

it was such a desolation
myself i felt empty when i saw this
even now i feel very sad
as i remember it

but is not set in stone
we can always change future
future  of humanity
lies in the challenge of every peoples to unite
to fight for the survival of their humanity

either humanity will unite and succeed
or it will keep dividing itself and fail as a whole

you see
i kind of get few years of respite
of not seeing anymore these kinds of futurist catastrophic scenes
i had even forgotten that danger exist for humanity
because so happy i am
to feel everyday spirit nearness

but i guess
respite was necessary
for me to build hope within

i don't want to see anything like that
for once i would like to see a bright future
that the right balance has been stricken
would be so nice to see another vision of the world we choose as our future

at the end of the dream
i heard spirit voice
"i am the general sun that keeps burning"
general like in command

it was said like a fullstop
like a counter balance to all the depressing stuff i saw
only by hearing the voice i felt better
because you see the voice is alive
it has a living presence

it meant to show
the origin of creation
when God sent its light to burn down
from higher levels to lower till it becomes manifested in this world
to manifest itself and experience itself

seeing and hearing origin of creation itself
is awesome
but for me
it was soothing to hear the voice
in itself i found hope
as it removed the hard impact of the preceeding images

just today
i received this quote
which illustrates very much the meaning of the sentence said by the voice :

The worlds are held together by the heat of the sun; each of us are atoms held in position by that eternal Sun we call God. Within us is the same central power we call the light, or the love of God; by it we hold together the human beings within our sphere, or, lacking it, we let them fall.

source : Bowl of Saki, June 29, by Hazrat Inayat Khan

have a blessed evening

Saturday, 20 June 2015



i could NOT pinpoint it
not because i suck
because i suck all the way at it anyway
no is because is a totally NEW one to me!

Spirit told me
"Buddha scent"!

does a scent like that exist
i wondered lol
one say rose scent, jasmine scent
but buddha scent??

quizzing look within

i just knew is sooo sweet
not roses but reminding it most
or most near to it
but thicker

and was told
'the ambrosia'

is that the "nectar of gods"!
or the amruta in hinduism
ambrosia is the greek word!!

ah oki!

i felt a column of lightness in the head
and i felt the scent tasting so good
first under the tongue
and then it goes up
on tongue

and also fully i still smell it in the nose

of course we smell through the nose
but the nose is fully of it within!

yes i understand now
this ambrosia
is secreted by the pituiary gland
which is in head
hence why that column in the head
all the down the way has been feeling so light!

and as glands are below the tongue
they are secreting the ambrosia!
hence the tastes there!

the glands secret the ambrosia
in higher stages of meditation
and is secreted that way
by the saliva
by the brain glands....

kisses to my blessed brain glands
mwah :x:x:x

Thank you.... what next? :)

ps : no wonder i could not pinpoint the scent!
is all new!

In Honor of Buddha

such a nice and deeply real dream
i had ...

i saw myself opening
a buddhist text
and as i was reading it
it was flowing so smoothly
in understanding

you know what type of understanding?
the first hand one
the one that you don't use with mind
for you don't try to imagine
or extrapolate

but the one that is show to you
as is
so as i was reading
i even forgot i was reading
for is like the reading
was the symbolic act
of touching that knowledge
say the entrance door

for i ended up being the object
of what i was reading
and living it from the very point of view
of a seed of a wheat, of a pool of water etc.

is like you become
or ARE the very object of knowledge
is like the object become you
and the object is the subject of action

is like when you look at some situation
involving two people
imagine you swap your seat
for the other person body
and you can see life through his eyes?

was same here in the dream
i was seeing the teaching
from the "body" / point of view
of a pool of water or wheat grains...

so i saw the cyclical change
through which a human beings goes through
life or life times
for time matters not in there
it takes the time it takes
what matters is the state of maturation
before some shift comes

so i saw first a pool of water being full
this pool of water was alive
and i was that
for it was teaching / showing
by way of its own metaphor
how when your actual state becomes full

then you pass onto next stage
and there i saw an ear of wheat
when it became full
i mean fully mature
it was describing/telling
how human being state becomes mature
and once it does
i saw that another grain of wheat grew
out of it
leading the human being to his next stage

and the one grain of wheat
arising anew
was rising on top of a past stage
which was pain
once pain state was fully mature
had completed its cycle
then from this state another state would be born
and that state would be that of Love
and so on for each state of being of human kind

i need a sigh emoticon
so much i am using it nowadays

but that was so real teaching

you see
i had those kinds of dream 4 years ago
i could see stars in the sky
a group of them
and they were telling their metaphor
just by their presence

or i had dreamt of being a field flower
and i saw myself
my own seed germinating
and a thin stem coming out of it

see is not them who are alive
is you
the stars or some flower seed or wheat
or pool water...

i just learned firmly
that indeed the whole universe is in you
and each element has its guardian
and you can't access the consicousness of those elements within
unless you are within yourself
ie your attention is within

for one day may be two weeks ago
i realised on the spot
the freshness of the saying
"bring your attention within"

you know how it felt like?
was like i barely touched
like wind that touch a swaying petal
the importance of attention within

not as mental conviction
but as one witnessed by the body

so i understood that day
if one day
i bring my WHOLE attention within
ie not a few %
but the WHOLE of myself
the WHOLE of my attention

then as the kundalini will bear it in Her
like a child that is being beared by a pregnant woman
then this attention JUST by being PLACED in that SACRED LIVING energy within
will become ALIVE as well

you don't know
what ALIVE means
because if you knew
then you would be an enlightened being

so that was my intuitive touch of a wind on a petal
that taught me that feeling
prior to any experience of a fully enlightened attention

and once that attention is fully born in the kundalini
as a child is born in the womb
then this attention becomes alive
and by that it means
where your attention is PUT
everything you direct your - self or your attention to
so that your attention becomes at same time
the eye sight, smell, the touch
the within and without of any stuff you look at
you can feel and be the tickness of sth
no need to touch it with your hands to know it
because you ARE that

like when i was in uk
during my sufi time :) 
and the voice from within me arose
and who startled me by its depth

by then i had no clue
but now only writing that
it comes to me
so i remembered it

so the dream of tonight
just taught me that
how the human being goes
from one cycle to another
once his state is mature
his learning of one state with its associated feelings
then another seed which is another feeling/emotion/state
will sprout from this grain of wheat
because of the necessity for the human being
to learn a new state

: )
so of course
once i woke up
i checked on internet
and indeed the example of the wheat grain is
a teaching from Buddha!:)

it is a Buddhist Sutra

so fun it is
i am now studying buddhism in dream :))

i guess in this blessed month of Ramadan
i will start it honoring it with the teaching of Buddha
and start reading some Buddhist Sutra :x

:x :x :x
kisses to you all

ps : i definitely need to recognise perfume
all the way i was writing this blog
and still now
i am smelling and tasting
some scent on my tongue
hmm it feels like a soft sugary waft
of ...?
hm don't know what scent it is
i suck at it lol

Thursday, 18 June 2015

Strands of light

three days ago
as i was going to sleep
i got a very beautiful vision

i saw myself turning my attention within me
and i looked inside of me
and what i saw was marvellous
it was a beaming ball full of light
and its light was so intensely and purely radiating
that my whole face was reflecting this light

i saw that in the center was a ball of light
and all around it were smaller bubble sized like balls of light
all whirling around and spiraling upward

while spiraling so
the heigher i kept watching
the more i could see
these multitude balls of light
were transmuting into waves of light

you know like
when you lit incense?
and you see its fume raising up high
while dancing ?
was exactly like that

and when i kept watching
and that light kept ascending
it became all multicolored strands of light
like rainbow colors in this ascending strand of light

that was just purely beautiful
** sigh **
i feel so good


Monday, 15 June 2015

Thank you... what Next? :)

:) my heart is about to explode from joy !
the day i am living today
is like literally saying

my DREAM out of me!

even this vision!
i came across a latin scientific word
and had NO clue what organ it was about in the body
and guess what?!
i got a vision of it in front of my eyes!!
i SAW the VERY organ in my vision
and i KNEW what it was
and WHERE it was situated!

believe me

is like

you have a dream
you just detail it as much as you want
to make it like sooo much comforting to you
like answering EACH and EVERY single requirements
of yours
sooo much
that if ANYONE were to hear it
would say
she is crazy
or this dream is crazy
because is so much challenging
the odds and chances for it to happen
that it is a no-no

that EVEN you
would say
"ok God i gave you so much details
that honestly i know you can't fulfill all of them"

but i mean honestly!
is a spontaneous honest remark
i made to myself
YET still believing in my dream

so there is no room for feeling disheartened
but only may be a bit of sadness in your resolve
that you KNOW it exists
but so far the conditions let you NOT SEE it...

for a dreamer!

myself i am in-cre-di-bly happy

but as spirit says
"do not put barrier"

so i thank the Spirit
from all of my heart
for it
i am getting soft hearted now
some crying time

thank you to Life
to provide the space for the dreams to exist

thank you to my soul
for SELFISHLY dreaming it
and caring not about what others would think

thank you to the sufferings
to create the desires to dream

and thank you to my faith
to keep dreaming

and now?
What next? :)

Saturday, 13 June 2015

Pinocchio drama

you know i have already
praised so much South Korean
well-chosen drama
for they are so soulful

i got to see another one

like for any best movie
i would like to write
a note on it

but this is so soulful
and delicate
that it speaks so much to soul
that the best i dare to do
is just to advise watching it

and watch more
such quality south korean drama

you see?
is like it gives life lesson
also care for all kinds of people
in all walks of life

of course
like in any drama
or tv setting
stuff are exagerated

but see it not
as superficial stuff
ending up concluding
it exists not

it is exagerated
for the sake of the viewer
to pay attention to it
in his own life

is so very beautiful
like a dew drop in the morning
left on a petal

the writers have a very poetic
and keen eye
to such details
that are so much overlook
in our fast driven
and often superficial society

so let your soul
be touched by it


the "What next" mantra

that's it!

i am craving a mango milk shake with ice cream right now


ok i have to do my blog faithfully
after i rush for the best of the best meal
i am hunnnnnngry


yesterday night
as i was going to sleep
i got a real vision
so real
that this time i will really call it
an out of body experience

ah so beautiful
have you ever seen a real sun rise?

i saw one
in space

so beautiful
it all the more beautiful
because space is dark

and i was seeing the earth
so first i saw our blue planet
so near i was
it was so beautiful
blue with white laces
of foam

i was in the space
see the earth from the american continent
and thus could see
a close up of europ and asia
pearlescent white mixed blue tones
so beautiful
i repeat it again

then i raised my eyes
and was awe struck by the sun rising
on the other side near asia continent
just "behind" the earth planet

such a beautiful sun rising
is like the sun rays were a blurred
light bathing the earth

so shinning
no so glorious

it just lasted 2 seconds
my attention got distracted
ah i would have wished to see
the whole sun rising

you see
after in myself
i was re living that sun rising
and i happen to say

and spirit told me

"don't put barriers"
"instead say: what next"

and i remembered
this is why very often
i get to say
ok what is more to that?
once i have reached an experience
because innerly i get bored
and i want more
see, when i get all excited
even on some beautiful thing
i forget to say what next

so rule of thumb
if you want more miracle
in your life
is simple
just keep challenging God
and say :
"what next"

even make it the mantra/zikr of your life

you see we have a famous saying
in islam

Allah says
my servant should ask me more
for i love being asked

something of that effect

this gives joy to God
and remember God is within you
His Light is within you

so why He would hurt you
when you challenge him
for more ? :)

is not about disrespect
is just about the thirst of knowing him more
and He loves seeing you in joy
so He gives you more joy
and as the spirit light is in your heart
it will just not hurt Itself by hurting you

this is why
never God hurts you
is only you who forget to ask Him

so what next? :)

Thursday, 11 June 2015

Leap of faith and orbs of lights

Yesterday night
i dreamt that i - as a personality
using my free will
i threw myself into the ocean

while doing this
i said to myself
i should be crazy
who risks its life like that

and it was all dark around

as soon as i did it!

i saw that i had a ball of light
that is my inner light

and that light sent instantly
like ropes of lights
to the other balls of lights
who were still on the shore
because the light is One
so it creates connections

that was tremendous
especially when i understood its meaning

that was the vision of higher astral realms
where realised souls appear as balls of light

the balls of lights
are the realised souls
from higher astral planes
and once you take this leap of faith
and surrender to the Shakti within
then it is the way of real surrender

now i understand
why is fearful to surrender
because you surrender to that which is unknown
total Unknown
**goosebumps time**

actually even in the vision
i had not time to fear
but i was calling myself real crazy
usually one aims at safety of a routine
but i was aiming at discovering something new
totally new

because you can't limit yourself
with fears
you need to breakthrough

few people can do it
to break through their last fears
that's when blessings and grace of the Spirit
are the only support and guidance left

and is also the final realisation.
that's why also advanced yogis are needed

and that Ocean is the Shakti.
Mother of Creation

ahh i feel good

and yes
i also realised
at times you do see in news
or "paranormal" activities
orbes of lights described in skies, isn't it?

to my own amazement
that vision taught me
that those orbes of lights
are these realised souls from higher planes
who travel and reach our lower planes
and are caught at times on camera
those little balls of lights :)

so these advanced spirits
are kind of playing as they want
in the 10 realms :)

and imagine
i felt so much coolness in the whole right channel
and especially JOY in the right heart

usually i feel joy in the belly
or in the left heart
but never ever ever
i would spot joy in the right heart
is so unusual place to spot joy

yes for they are from higher planes
and JUST below are the demi-gods
sugoi isn't it?!
and they do this
because they are STILL wanting to experience
hmm this gives you the meaning and thirst of Life
Experience it while being realised
is just the cherry on top of the cake

by the way
it means there are infine possibilities
when one play on these 10 realms
IMAGINE the play ground?!
ah but that is the peeping sight of Tomorrow's Land, neh?

ok i will see

anyway demi gods or not
even them they forget the source
so is most important to always remember
the Source within

i feel just happy for it
i guess

so this is WHY
it explains many things

and yes UFO exist

ps : and i got that vision
which was from my soul
as to the answer i desired the day before
that was special peaceful day
cf preceeding post

so special appreciative
thank you to my soul
to my inner light


I hear Your Voice

i was very much with attention within
my own company was so peaceful

since a very long time
i did not feel like this
like when you get used to noise
and develop impatience
instead of appreciating how everything around you
has been playing its role

so yesterday innerly
i was in touch with my self
really very much
thing is when you are in touch
you don't know you are in touch
because you are in the flow

so if you know
is like you use thoughts to know
which takes you out of the flow

so is only today
that i really realised how much
in the flow i was with my soul

and i know now
the conditions that led to it

when you have noise in your head
that you are not even aware of
due to some routine
you need a trauma
to break everything in your routine

which leads you for sure
to choose
between mess and silence with your self

i went through both
total mess first lol
that is my emotional side
yes being a woman means you have to catch yourself
when you are emotional
and then with time
this time will reduce
when you are caught within
to end up like to be able to choose on the spot
between being emotional or joyful swim on your path

but when i caught myself
i made the conscious choice
to be in touch with myself

this means not to expect
something from myself
even less from anyone

this means not to find
my needs
nor what is expected from me
also to be done

what it means
is to find your true desire

so i remembered that word
and when i turned within
i just realised
that i should be constant with that single-minded focus

this meant not to expect
an answer from my soul
as per my time/space condition

when i realised that
i also felt that when i had that kind of expectation
towards myself
i had a sort of anger within me
which is not known to us
when we do stuff
but it is there
and is well hidden
and we are not conscious of it

this is why
if something happen
we would feel bothered
irritated and angered

because we had that nonesensical expectation
why nonesensical?

because if you are truthful
if you really wish to hear the voice of your soul
and to know where you are
and where you are heading
if you want in brief an answer from God

you should let the path open
for God to answer you
so i had created a channel to communicate with God
by remembering and sticking to my pure desire
single-mindedly without confusing it
with some need or request or expectation
for me or from others

once i created that highway
i had forgotten that to hear the reply
i had to let it unblock
with no roadbloacks

and that is not to leave
any feeling of anger
or more subtly
of space/time timing

most important is the What i wish
the How and When is up to God s timing

then i let it go
by promising myself to be in touch
and just remaining open and aware to the reply

and is the funny thing
when you get the reply
you don't even know
because is so much in the flow

and if the person who witnesses it
is also in the flow
there how can you know?
how can you know finally is there?
as you are with the reply at the same time
a bit like one moment
but not two?

because to know what you see it
you need to be a moment apart from the reply moment
and you are two

but when you are the witness of the moment of the reply
then you are the same moment
and there is no two
but one only

and very funnily
i was watching a very beautiful drama
of course korean drama

they are just soulful

and guess what that very drama
name is
"I hear your voice"...

is only today i realised the coincidence

and during it
in a vision
i saw the vision
of a white lady
mother mary
she represents the pure desire
and in nostalgy
she was passing by slowly
near the desk
and lingering her finger on it

i found that very nostalgic
and sad too

even know while writing it
i do feel the throat tightening

it is because
when you feel the presence
of the divine
then is normal you feel so
as it is the pure desire itself

i guess
it is what lacks here

a few days back
i realised that
why i was so knowing
of where i was going till the end of my studies?
is because i was in system that protected innocence
of children and students till they graduate

but once you are out of it
you are into another system
and there
there is not really anymore protection
for the innocence

often i said to myself
why they give us rules during school time
if it is to break them all once you work?

after it,
when i was just going in my day
or touching stuff
was like i was hearing and talking
to that voice
that was very faint
but i was conversing
without using tongue
 and i could hear
without hearing a real  voice

like even if i touched
a kitchenware
it was as if it was speaking to me
first i thought the kitchenware
as it is an element
may be it is its voice?
but at same time the reply too
was from same level
but was from within

so the voice was the same
so wherever i looked
it was flowing
a flowing voice
a continual communication

that is very calming

anyway i recommand korean
especially this one
so much to say about it
but the major actors say it all
so beautiful life teaching drama it is

and especially that soundtrack is
really lovely
yea i am in love with that soundtrack
especially the beginning! :)

this dram is about hate/love
choices in life
transformation of people

except for rare american movies
korean drama are the ones
for those  that are really well made
who make me cry most
so beautiful they are

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Honeydew perfume

that is how daily things
look like miracle to me :

a few years back
like today
while eating a white honeydew
i got amazed

is that possible
that its perfume
which is such a volatile set of molecules
has been safeguarded
looong after it being picked up!

is incredible
it is a perfume
which is being closed
into a ball
and transpires not
so much as to leave the honeydew
emptied of its scent!

on the contrary
the honeydew preserved
the perfume within
thanks to its bark like skin
it let air comes in
and gave its own scent
by letting its own sap
mix with water and being warmed by sun rays
and magically some perfume is created...

and imagine
won't it be same within a human being?
some bodies after death
smell just rotten smell

some particular ones
smell roses
these are the body of the saints

but among the living too
if you cultivate good
at times you do feel
that scent is oozing from the tip of your tongue
like now i taste it while i am writing this
is funny

is because our own ki channel
when they open
they testify
like for the fruits
your used your own sap/energy
in your channels
let it be in its equilibrium
ie balanced state
ie by getting in touch
with the right amount of air
and "sun" which is the spirit light
and this created thanks to the shakti powerful effect
the transformation needed for you to smell good

of course
some says the roses is the mark of Mother Mary
well what is the Shakti?
is the Feminine Power
that Mother Mary embodied
as a SIGN of God
to show you that that which you see outside
in her example
is the same inside you

and some says they
felt the perfume of that or that saint
like jasmine flower and so on

is because in your nabhi all
of these masters
people who have reached mastery
are present in it
not as the mind conceive
but as a network of balls of light
all connected one with the other
to form that Higher Being
that is the SPirit
in the manifesting realm

so those who got annoyed off
by reading me mention Imam Ali
knows that is same as if you are being pissed off
reading me talking about Jesus
for me all the saints are from the Same Source
one does not get without the other
their are from the same Tree Sap
and they form energetically that Harmony
which can be certainly seen,
and even smelt

and you can never reach that equilibrium
and even less witness that Harmony outside
unless you reach it inside :)

capish? ;)

kiss and love to all:x

Saturday, 6 June 2015

Experimenting Shakti for healing - 2

so when i left hands during 2h
by the end of it
the knot felt unknot
and instead a vein going leftwards
started to hurt a bit

later it felt as if this heavy energy accumulated
in the elbow area
and then when down
in the rest of the arm

my body felt really
a weather broadcast
for from heart to face
it flushed HOT HOT HOT
then same from heart to back of ears
and then this arm
felt heavy stone like
with icy pricklings
and then like a watery pipe
being emptied!
and all going out
from the fingers
especially the first three ones
and especially the nabhi one
and later the two others

during this time
i kept attention
on the place of these sensations
and each time to check if
the knot has disappear
from the heart
i took spontaneously
a deep breath from the belly

with the intent
that the shield all over the body
should be a unique one
ie not some bits cool here and there
but one vast mantel of coolness

which was not the case
at the very beginning of meditation
as i could feel that knot

so i kept checking
with the breath
how the knot felt
in its size
and if that belly energy was joining
the heart one
and making one
with it

this process
of feeling
energy stored in elbow
and then being flushed
through the fingers
repeated itself 5-6 times!
no more knot
no more hurt
at the heart!

so i took a deep breath
and felt it unified from
belly to heart

by the end
i completed the cycle
and when i put my hand
on the forehead...
it felt my hands being HUGE
and the forehead like
a tiny dried nut!
into my hand..!!

so why 5 or 6 times
is because each time you
cleanse one layer
another layer
at a new level
comes up
so the purification
is ongoing

so when a new level is reached
you feel the pricks
like a beginners

thing is one should
TRUST that your Shakti
is doing her job
and not care about
you controlling the process
or why this happens etc.

so my intent was
Shakti knows when
to purify or not
and as for me
as my hands are a tool
i just keep them
where i feel is needed
like that seed which bothered me
since loooooooooong
in the heart

so as it as an intensive meditation
i could see its sign today
and now
when i woke up
rigth after
i could feel the fountain
as a unified shield
from head to toes
and i jsut stayed with it

for the purpose is to stay
with the sensations of the shield
over your body
after having raised the energy

from belly to top of head
to hands back to belly
and then same but through the legs

this is activating the shield

after activating the shield
i did the cycles
AS LONG AS i was not feeling 
it cool
and once i did
i STAYED with the vibes
thus attention on the shield
closed eyes and let shakti purify

so today i stayed may be
15min or so

lazy girl today
but i did the most important
to stay with the shield

yesterday was really
to purify that knot bothering me
and heal thereby the heart
and the other good effect
was the right  vishuddhi
connected to it
which healed too

Experimenting Shakti for healing - 1

so yesterday morning
i started the walking meditation
and i felt a knot aching at the heart
so i just hold hands there
as the cupping of hands last not long
i get easily tired
i put right hand there
and left on top of it

actually i realised
it is EXACTLY as muslim prayer
when you are in the standing position

so amazing really
indeed muhammad (pbuh) Wisdom
was divine
by then it could not be explained
for there are level of understanding
this is why in his last sermon
he said
"transmit my words to those that are not present
they may understand better than you"
something along this line

and i had always loved this statement
because it gave me meaning
to seek deeper for truth

so this hand holding
became ritual
without the spiritual transmission
attention out
on the very ritual
instead of WHERE your hands are pointing at!

like bruce lee
when he shows the moon to his student
and lol hit the head of him
as instead of looking at moon
he was looking at the finger hehehe
we always found that one funny

same with rituals
instead of looking at where the hands are pointing to
we look at the ritual as a stand alone thing in its own

besides in the movie
Tomorrow's Land
there was this say
how the hands heal
when they are in contact with the earth

as i had a talk on healing a day before
i said to myself
why not heal that knot i am feeling in the heart
for it often comes back
since past 3 years especially

so let's heal it
and i remembered
that if you put your hand
on the place that needs healing
safer with yourself oki?
for an hour
and this without moving your hands
from an inch
then this heals
so i wanted to try

combined with the walking meditation
as legs evacuate the energy through feet
it must work better!

by the way
this is why i need not to do footsoak
as my energy goes through the legs
out to the feet
and most of time i do feel coolness there
why use water coolness
when i can use my Shakti's?

is like saying
why muslim do ablution
well is on mental form
the use of water
the Shakti is the evolved
and most efficient form
one should strive to feel it
in the feet too

so i let hands on the heart
and walked for an hour
and the knot disappeared
may be for a few seconds only
i sat
and i felt it again!

this time i said
i better renounce it not
like last time
and heal it!
for i felt it was the one linked
to the betrayal stuff
usually who cares to what it is linked
but as for me that is a laaaaaaaaaaaastttttttting stuff
i really wanted to heal it
though for any hurt you feel
you should have same intent
even though you knew not the cause

and the FUNNY thing IS
that this was a happening going back
to my childhood!
when i was just a few years old!
and then the seed grew up
being fed by circumstances
and i kept projecting the betrayl issue on others
without me knowing
it was me all the way who projected it
so no one is to be blamed
as we are just One Spirit
if the Experience happened
you need to be two
to make it happen
and so if I projected it
the other was drawn to it
like a magnet
because they TOO
had the seed in them to betray
and as my behavior authorised this
they felt free to do so

so this is about the process
and the cause
which no one needs really to stop onto
but i did
for i was really curious
and honestly it sucked me
and i wanted really to know
because i AM curious lol

but promise no more
cause seeking
just BE and Love all in spirit
... oki...juuuuust after i straightened them up lol
hehehe me too i need to give back the change
but i don't intend to stick to that
just for the fun of the moment

i re-started the walking
and this time i did again an hour

i tell you guys
i felt like being a
weather broadcast station!

i felt my eyesight getting wider
like thick clouds went off!
from 45° to 180 ° for sure!

because there are layers
energetic layers
so it feels like the covers are removed
once denser ones were removed
i could see more

and also
the most amazing stuff
is what i experienced about
the energy
from heart to finger tips.

i will detail it in my next post
cf coming post
good night

Friday, 5 June 2015

Welcoming of the Spirit

today i dreamt
that i was dancing in a circle
while holding hands with other girls
we were dressed indian style
i was wearing a yellow-orange fabric
and saw myself with bindi on forehead

there was a nice music behind
very eeric
the girls were singing in circle
the mantra ham
while they started turning clockwise

so i broke from their circle
and started to chant it
while ascending the staircase
and there
the spirit was embodied
in the form of Imam Ali
as was told
i could not see his face
was full of white light
and he had a white piece clothe
as garment
topping a green one

so i chanted while ascending
the little staircase remaining
3 or 4 steps
and i joined him on the stage
where he was standing and waiting for me:)

and i was told
that i broke from the circle

because the problem was that
they were rotating clockwise while chanting the mantra

so there was a misuse of mantra:

when you rotate clockwise
from the vertical point of view
you force the "upper" pure and divine energy
to go "down"

see physical law of the screw principle

so as i sensed it
i departed
and i was greeted by the true spirit

rotating clockwise lower the divine energy
this is why all sufi dances
eg the dervish
are dancing counter clockwise
even the muslim turn counter clockwise
around the kaaba
same for the amerindian and their traditional dance
counter clockwise

for they do NOT force the Above

counter clockwise
allows the energy from the Earth to arise
up to the legs
and does NOT force the "upper" energy to descend ...

that is respect towards the upper energy
you don't lower it
to serve you
but you raise yourself to IT
to serve it
ie your serving
is to know you are
and so are the others
the Pure Spirit within

and this is the meaning of Ham in hindi
"know thyself"
so i was chanting it while ascending

and broke from the circle
when i perceived it was being chanted
against the spiritual movement

and it makes sense
to know thyself
is to know you are the pure spirit
so you "merge with it"
by rising UP
and NOT by bringing it down
to your level...

and was said
that using mantra
to try to use Shakti
and refusing emptiness in meditation
all of this served not
the true purpose
that the pure spirit welcomes

so the problem
is that they "force" it
they force it by the use of mantra
the divine to come down
instead of raising themselves up to it
by cultivating their emptiness
and abiding into it

so cultivate the emptiness as much as you can
and abide with it...
meditation is everything you need
to be One with the Spirit.


Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Prophetic Light of Grace

was monday
so three days ago
was a particular night
in islamic calendar
is called the 15th of Shaban
is the night of the decree

is one of the most special night
of the year
and preceding ramadan

is th night during which
the muslim consciousness
strives for special purification
and put forward the inner desires
to God so that those desires be fulfilled
if God will

of course
it is a mental level of worshiping
far below the spirit level
but still is devotional
and as long as you mix not
devotion with purification
and when you are into devotion
you worship not an outer God
but the God within
is right

for when you profit
of the devotional time
be it christmas or islamic month
as their is the worshipping power behind
of that very consciousness
you can use it
to boost your own devotion
in that very time

so monday
when i was about to sleep
i had such a nice vision
that i have to describe it now
but again the writing of it
has no equal to the softness of the vision itself

because now that i write it
is very mental description
of what i remember

but the very vision
was alive
like for a movie
it just flows
is so natural
that i even wondered
if is real and meaningful
so easily it flows

is a bit like
when you attune your antenna
to some tv station
and it just pops up
on your screen
and you do no effort really

i loved the energy of it
was a soulful soft and light energy
very agreeable
and delicate

so it was showing me
an alley of trees
and how the light expanded
as a waft of light from imam Ali
to the trees
and how the trees bent themselves
to this prophetic light

this reminded me of a true happening
in hadith indeed
there are testimony of trees
bending themlseves
bowing over the prophet
when he used to walk under them

so the prophetic light
when out of Ali
and its waft touched the alley of trees
and they bowed

and i was told
it is this Grace that i was feeling
and witnessing
that is true meaning of humility

and that it has nothing to do
with what people "asks" you
when they requires you to be humble

for that one is a human humility
a mental one
the one that dictates over you
that is a hard one energywise
and has no truth in it

compared to the Divine Grace/
or Divine Humility
the divine humility
is like a waft
that comes inside of you
and expands around
and touches

now i see
it touches the tree of life
in others
and makes them bow to you
in terms of respect and love

so that which is inside you
and literally speaking
resonates outside
and the universe is bent
for you
to serve you

was such a delightful
waft of Grace/Light/Humility

even my belly feels all relaxed
when i am writing this

so to honor the imam Ali
the night of devotion
i read a bit of his sermon
and as always i am astonished
about his testimony about the beginning of creation
and the details
that only now science let us know about

then the rest of night
i meditated

lol and of course
did not get up for early morning meditation

these two days
i opted for fasting

the fasting
if practised correctly
opens up/purifies your chi channels

i would deal with that later
in another post

and indeed
today as i was working
suddenly i felt a a little tiny
tube like outlet popping out
on the right side of my head

a bit like for a pressure cooker?
when you let the steam go out?
but this time was cool breeze going out
in that way
and at the same time
i was feeling a new scent on the tip of the tongue
so i stayed with it
and put hands on both sides of head
to help the opening deepen
it was even more flowing
then i stayed a bit in meditation

it feels good:)



is incredible
prior to start blogging

i would like to give special thanks
to my US readers
guys you are hitting my all time charts record
always topping lol

myself i am astonished
i would have bet on European readers
but no is you guys
so kisses to you :)

two days ago
i was driving with a family member
as we went out of the business center
he called me by my nickname
which is the name
i was given and called by
by my family mostly

thing is
a few weeks ago
i told them to just use my real name
the official one
the one that everyone uses

because is very important
to be called by only one name
for the name which is being used
bears your soul identity

so if you happen to have two names
and a switch from one to another
then you have a split of personality
and part of the strength linked to your real name is lost

so when i am called
by the family cute name lol
let's call it so
i DO feel another person
but when i am called by my official name
it feels different

so even my family
have hard time remembering
to call me by my real name
and when they do
they DO feel
that it impresses a different
personality of mine into their mind
and i feel it too

besides the meaning of your name
shapes your attributes
this is why a great care is given
when giving a name
as it definitely affects the personality

so, if you have two names
you will definitely get a split of personality
and a loss of your soul light

choose ONE name
and stick to it
and let your light shine


so the miracle that happened that day
we were going out of the business center
and of course
he called me by my nickname
and i told again
noooo call me by my true name lol!

and guess what!
hardly we turned in the street
getting off from the parking
that we got stuck in a traffic jam
with a van in front of us
and guess what?!

on the van immatriculation plate
was my name written!
correctly spelt!

i laughed so hard!
and i told him
as me saying to you
to call me so
was not enough
EVEN GOD is telling you
READ and hehehe use my correct name
ah! too cool
it was FACING him
and right in his face!

so see?
this is called synchronicity
is when the universe adjusts itself
to support you
and show you
that you are right!

and ONLY the universe
can do it
so imagine
the probabilities involved!

ah a quote has to be quoted at this point
this always strikes a chord in me
let's call it my all time quote :

"is the stuff that the dreams are made of!"
is always incredible when it happens!

so if people
pay more attention
they would understand the magic of creation

the universe ALWAYS
gives clue
is just that people do not see them
because they think
the "outside" experiences
are not their own "inside" projections

he was all smiling
and gave up
and agreed
a bit more convinced
but habits are hard to change
but is fun !

just another remark
about the being-more-aware-of-the-inside :
when the universe allows it
the outside changes too
and when you witness it

is what one calls miracle

for example
for some interior design project
we convened to buy some carpet
and of course the wrong size of carpet was bought
and of course
is easier to remain with it
and adjust rest of room to it
we tried
but it won't just do it

so as the seller habit is not
to pay back
one just had to find the right size
YET he had it not

so inside first
i assured myself
to just KNOW what i wanted
i assured myself to feel GOOD about it
the center of your mastery
and well beingness
that is the belly should feel good
if not just rotate it

once i knew what i wanted
and felt good about it
i precised my solution
ok i want carpet of half size
even if he has it not
and of course cash back
as is a lesser carpet size

and we went there
and miraculously
i use this word
because one can witness
what one has asked inside
when the universes decides to give it

he guy was allllll meek
and by magic he got the carpet
with half size
and what is AWESOME
was EXACLY the SAME design
i wanted
tell me where he got it

in times like this
i wonder
is it a fairy that knitted
the carpet overnight?
just tell me
because i don't get it!

and guess what?
he gave cash back!

just perfect!

once it happens
don't forget to thank the universe
and let it go
so that you may move on
and keep witnessing some more magic
in your everyday life
