Saturday, 20 June 2015



i could NOT pinpoint it
not because i suck
because i suck all the way at it anyway
no is because is a totally NEW one to me!

Spirit told me
"Buddha scent"!

does a scent like that exist
i wondered lol
one say rose scent, jasmine scent
but buddha scent??

quizzing look within

i just knew is sooo sweet
not roses but reminding it most
or most near to it
but thicker

and was told
'the ambrosia'

is that the "nectar of gods"!
or the amruta in hinduism
ambrosia is the greek word!!

ah oki!

i felt a column of lightness in the head
and i felt the scent tasting so good
first under the tongue
and then it goes up
on tongue

and also fully i still smell it in the nose

of course we smell through the nose
but the nose is fully of it within!

yes i understand now
this ambrosia
is secreted by the pituiary gland
which is in head
hence why that column in the head
all the down the way has been feeling so light!

and as glands are below the tongue
they are secreting the ambrosia!
hence the tastes there!

the glands secret the ambrosia
in higher stages of meditation
and is secreted that way
by the saliva
by the brain glands....

kisses to my blessed brain glands
mwah :x:x:x

Thank you.... what next? :)

ps : no wonder i could not pinpoint the scent!
is all new!

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