Monday, 28 March 2022

The Bardo - Barzakh

 Yesterday before sleeping

I was thinking about death

and it was a bit too late.

As I dwelt into the insight it gave

it did make me feel afraid 

how alone and on my own as soon as I die!

In dream I entered a place 

where it was a very old forest 

with a huge tree with creepers falling from it.

I came into it once.

Not remembering what happened.

And again I came back and I could see myself 

opening the curtain mad of the old creepers 

hanging surely from the same tree.

The creepers were greyish and very old, 

no age really so old.

On the way to it, 

I saw people walking straight to it.

I even remember the face of one famous actress 

and I was trying to shake them to wake up 

by grabbing and shaking them by the shoulders.

But they were in a trans like situation.

More like somnambulist though eyes were open.

Spirit told me

that this was the Bardo, Barzakh in islam.

It is the place where souls transit once they die 

and before they wake up.

And as I was in control there, 

this means I have defeated death :)

This sounds so reassuring.

I recall that I had read that if you can direct your attention

when you are asleep and yet in control 

this means you will be also once you die.

But this is not any dream, 

this was in the Bardo.

So I am glad and I hope I'll be in control once I die.

I also have been told 

that depending on our level of enlightenment 

we can choose where to reincarnate.

As there are 3 worlds.

The desire, the form and the formless.

Currently, we are living in the world of desire.

And there are better places than this Earth, 

which is not a so ideal place.

Well no kidding...

I will definitely never choose to reincarnate there.

PS: Though I do not remember most people I saw walking towards the place of death.

I remember one actress, she is young and I wonder if she will indeed die soon.

It won't astonish me, as she is decent. I find.

And people who are decent and got their peak time and yet can't keep being themselves in

this corrupted artistic world, may just not see their desire fulfilled and end up giving up.

Sunday, 27 March 2022

True Knowledge is smooth


The knowledge taught in the mind 

is so smooth 

very often I couldn't describe it

because it is like no noise, no edge, no spikes,

as one can feel that with worldly knowledge.

It is smoothly coming and once it leaves

it leaves you an impression of ease and simplicity.

Now, I found its equivalent,

it is fractality in motion.

You do not see how it comes or leave,

but the pattern is seamlessly flowing.

The End of Time and Time Travel

 In dream I was showed the constellation of the Hunter a second time

but this time I could grab the knowledge.

A word about this knowledge grabbing.

It is easy  and natural because it is there.

And when it is not, it is because I am not easy and natural, so the I is in the way.

Very cliché to say it, but the cliché should not be dwelled upon

what should be felt instead by contrast to it

is the softness and easiness of the access. 

Unless felt, we do not get into this vortex, and I learned today 

that we are thrown out of it, even if we try "hard".

The vortex is like a cyclone

the one who are pure; i.e. who are in the centre

access the silence of its own centre

the void

where everything is.

and that is easy, no effort to be done from your side.

Just ask question, feel the depth of its sincere needs within 

and you are answered de facto

because where there is a need, there is a sustenance

where is is a question, there is an answer.

For now, it is easily done when I go to sleep.

As the mind is not in the way.

If that state is consolidated for the day

would be perfect.

This being said, 

the Orion or The Hunter is made of two upside down triangles.

This is at least how I saw it; 

either it is in the past or in the future. 

The constellation is in movement over time and not static.

The upper triangle with base facing upwards and summit downwards is the energy that reincarnate from Orion to Earth - it is sifting through the centre.

I believe it is where from we are propulsed into the Earth Womb.

Then, once we leave our body, well it was said; very few make it back there.

The lower triangle represents those who come back from Earth, represented by the base of the triangle

numbers of those who are suppose to come back are many.

But very few make it to the summit of the lower triangle.

Those who do, I believe reach the meeting point of the summit of the both triangles.

I do not know about there.

What I saw though was when at the time of my death 

I could see myself from outside of my being, not only of body but of the energetic body.

My perspective was the one of pure energy.

Which was plain light filling up one third of the triangle.

When I woke up for the 3am meditation, 

I still had the feeling of being that energy 

and had no perspective of my individuality as I know myself by the current name of mine.

It was also difficult for me to make a sentence or more exactly to grab the grammatical pattern.

Because grammar or thought construct is not a wave that is embedded into the pure energy.

So it is not recognised by it, as it cannot be constricted by such pattern. 

The Energy just is.

Also, what makes us access the grammar and all the language tools,

it is the gravity of the waves, 

that are waves which are being embedded in us, like a footprint.

The metaphor given was the one of a pottery of clay.

the potter can make a design onto its soft clay by making it turn.

This wake of the design has created a path, where the energy takes form and is being defined by it.

What become our current personality as a human being with language and other tools to manifest and interact.

So the best construct for me

is the one of desiring first, get the question, feel it.

Then dwell in the silence

To receive the answer. 

This is where the void is, and from there the key to the answer is the question.

And the void is the centre of this cyclone where most of people get caught at some point in its outskirt

but if you stay there; you will be ejected. This is where the pain will be felt and confusion, complicated construct.

But if you let it go, you will make it to the centre

it is where Peace is. 

Both centeredness and expulsion are experienced 

the key is to be back into the centre as soon as possible. 

and the feel is the key. 

If you feel the control of your being 

not of the controlling of the outside; 

but the inner solidity, in that case you are good to ask the question, to attract the answer.

Also I believe these two triangles are representing the Hourglass.

And I believe once the upper energy has passed through the Earth and the lower triangle remains empty;,

as not one comes back anymore.

Then, it is the end of the realm of creation; or the End of Time Itself.

The red sundisk shown to me in the Egyptian architecture 

represents the energy harvested on top of our head for our journey back to the Orion which is a portal to redirect to the star you come from.

The snake around the sundisk represent the kundalini actualised above our head

and its energy harvested there. Picture 2

The wings represent the travel possible by the use of this energy as fuel. Picture 1.

This is how we can choose where we can reincarnate, options being as much wider as is our harvested energy.

The Top of the Head is the purified energy of our own, not the stolen one. 

The both corns represent the opening of the spheres which are the ego and super ego balloon.

When both of them are shed off, the Sun of God is born. 


I had been told that these are also called the Cows horns 

As we are in the Milky Way, and there on earth the pattern that defines us is the horns.

ie ego and superego.

Interestingly enough, the simple and real purpose of life

which is to cultivate our own energy and purify it to get it as a fuel for our final travel is not taught at all.

Because the slavery is the goal. Not the Freedom.

Stealing others' energy for maintaining this kingdom. 

But the cultivation is way Higher in value of course.

And also, the energy itself in the root chakra is pure.

but the currently circulating energy in our body is a still muddy lake.

So the self realisation allows the ocean to purify the still waters in us

and this is real cultivation and purification.

My triangle being full by one third means I have two third remaining to actualise if I am correct.

I have been told, my energy still need to go through Agnya.

And as it is said in Quran,

God loves those who purify themselves.

Piercing through a rock or not

 The fun thing with rocks 

likened to the state of the heart that is not soft

the energy never forces itself against its will 

yet the likeness of the stem representing the flow of the energy

shows that it surround the rock to pierce through the soil into the light.

And the rock itself becomes the seat and the support for that stem.

It is how one can benefit from every situation.

Time does prove it, if we also learn to be patient.

Wednesday, 23 March 2022

Giving self realisation to ...

 If you tried to give self realisation to an imam 

and didn't get the positive respond you expected,

despite the mantras, and thus magic you were putting in

to make it happen,

and now you are feeling anger if not hatred, 

because you feel he wasn't worth it 

and he stole you of your time and effort,

Then, this blog is for you.

First of all

do not use magic

never try to bend someone else's will.

This is black magic, as you do it without their approval.

Second point, differentiate between your human reaction and your divine identity.

Your divine identity should now take over 

and see the pettiness of your human reaction, which needs to grow out of it.

Blame and anger is the human prerogative

but forgiveness and the letting go is the Spirit's.

So the faster you choose to let go,

the quicker you will grow.

Because never forget your main aim is not to be a king over others

but be a king over yourself.

Grow into your own Spirit, identify yourself more to it, as intent.

And let Christ light sucks into it the ego accumulated at the agnya.

Sometimes we need to be reminded of this simple path.

But the edges and spike of our ego in reaction to what it considers failure

need to be rounded up and ideally quickly let to be sucked in by the Spirit.

So never forget that your own growth is your priority.

And you giving self realisation to others 

is not a favour you are doing to God...

You are learning to uncover also the immaturity hidden within you.

Anger happens, despite being a yogi

because that very Nadi is closed in your sahasrara 

and is covered by your ego/super ego.

So get connected or renew your. connection.

Also do not forget that you are like the rain to the non realised seeds

and the seeds may or may not crack open 

they do need time to learn about love.

Rain never throws a tantrum when after the shower 

the seeds did not open..does it?

So let it go.

And finally take this so called failure,

as a feedback for you to improve not only your hidden immature manners personally speaking,

but also to modify your approach towards the muslim community.

Methods have to be adapted to their own level,

the system of values is more intricate 

challenging even.

But a seed once sprouting knows its way around while hitting a rock.

Rock must be saved 

with patience and self love foremost.

Divine never forgets, 

instead awaits the right timing to readjust life lessons

so that these people in need of God connection

be ready for it too.

Tuesday, 22 March 2022


In dream I was in Israel and or an area which was labelled as Arab area for show purposes

but was Israel.

There I was in a staircase of a building.

At some point I reached a floor 

and I saw a man standing there

dressed all in white

and face also covered by a long white piece of cloth.

Tall, lean and standing out by his presence.

Spirit told me this is Christ 

So not in flesh, but as in energy 

the vision of the Spirit from the Spiritual world.

Auspicious dream indeed.

Monday, 21 March 2022

Some thoughts about sahaj yoga and purification

 Very often those who meditate 

expect great things to be done and to happen.

Very often those who reply

say either "you have nothing to do" or "expect great things to happen".

Incoherence in reply is explained by the lack of context given.

Everything is correct and incorrect depending on the context or rather phase of progression and even on the viewpoint.

First things first,

we cannot mix up Spirit with its manifestation.

Secondly, do nothing means to revert back to our true natural process of Life.

Such as a foetus who does nothing to grow in her mother womb

or a seed which does nothing under the soil, to grow.

As said in my preferred cartoon aka Rick & Morty in the episode with the crows

"We are trained to be untrained".

So revert back to the "No doing" - in the sense that only the Power of God within does it

and it does it when we create the space for it to be.

Space is created when we let go of our thoughts.

Now, for us to let go of the thoughts 

we need to let them arise.

Doing only sitting and wanting the silence, ie thoughtless awareness 

without allowing the natural process to take place, ie letting the thoughts to arise 

is internal resistance and counter productive.

Thirdly, up to a point only we do nothing.

But after we must actively involve ourselves as a co-creator.

and How?

By seeing the thoughts and giving them to the Mother/power inside of us

with the inner intent to "please untie the knot".

No more self solving issues or time waste.

Then, we get the manifestation without its duality.

Meaning the problem or experience we naturally encountered in our life, 

we witness it

so that the energy within also meets it

and then we do not create obstructions by trying to control the solving phase of this problem.

Here we act as a dormant seed and let her do the cleansing, apportioning, the job in brief.

This process every single person goes through it

realised or non realised

seeker of truth or not 

as long as it is part of creation

it goes through it.

Now the big difference is when you are realised 

you are aware of what is going on and you are above it

ie out of time & space.

So in relative terms, 

you are in an accelerated growth 

in terms of lessons learned by the soul 

and its shaping for future experiences.

Others, non realised 

will be also but much slower in terms of lesson learned

depending on the values they follow, karma they earn and most importantly

after how long they let go, forgive and forget.

Certainly there is more to it, 

but in a nutshell, 

being realised give you an enormous advantage of being aware and in control

vs unrealised who see the review of their life only at death and are not in control.

Now, as a meditator

you can even more accelerate that purification process

i.e. cleaning the mud, i.e. the unorganised and chaotic bundle of values and experiences you are still identifying yourself with.

But remember, 

doing only sitting meditation is not enough.

As very often I feel coolness rapidly when sitting

but it is only in the walking that more mud is being stirred,

as you are in movement!

So the walking meditation is the best accelerator 

to face your thoughts arising.

Now the key is to take them as a blessing nor as a pestering phase.

As only thoughts arising are the clue to what is in the way 

to your success.

They point at what bothers you. 

Only when you see what you are afraid of

can you overcome it,

as it will not exist anymore.

Fears are usually undealt unknown items.

Also let us not forget we are then lucky at this very moment

to intent the following:

I give it to the Shakti within me 

to unknot the knot.

This will solve the current issue at hand 

while making space for new experiences.

It is also true that all meditators are not the same

all have not the same maturity.

Very much also those who tried to help me 

very often when it was my turn to give them back 

that was unfortunately for them, the point when they decided to give up on the relationship.

Because very often 

they put their doing as a reward, a favour they were doing.

So when the divine timing come to get the natural reward or payback

they had already deserted.

Very often the patience is lacking.

I recall a nice realised guy how helped me to settle in UK

and unfortunately his kid was into drugs

which I had no clue of. 

It used to smell weird but how could I have known it was drug? 

So the kid meditates not, it is into drug 

and used me as a third party for collateral damage.

I.e if food was missing or fridge was empty, I had a good back for that.

Now what I learned, 

as drug is still a pain in the uk..

that the kid was smoking marijuana

which makes him hungry at all time.

Hence he was emptying the fridge 

and blaming it on me.

Of course I was even unaware of this blame.

Because the nice father never checked this with me,

yet he felt being stolen by me.

And of course went even to cry about this to other third parties,

who also took the word for granted.

I must admit for many years, 

I had shoved this under the carpet, 

thinking I had let go of the issue.

To forgive

is to know that you have nothing to do with their personalities.

That they are themselves contained by it, like in a jail.

But you only have to do with with their Spirit 

which is the same as mine.

So when the time came for me 

to help this nice guy back 

in one way or the other

you can imagine his reluctancy to get back in touch.

Monetary and vibratory payback is unfortunately his missed blessings.

While I remember 

when I used to be in Paris

I had given shelter to a yogi 

so I remember I gave her a room, food and even a job.

Now, I realised I had never asked her to contribute be it for food or for rent or anything else.

Instead, she stopped meditation and ended up as soon as she got the job, to make sure to create there a hell, so much that I had to leave that job place as a bad apple just contaminate the rest of the batch.

Now, that I think of this,

I was raised as such. 

You just help and the guest is a God sent person.

It never occurred to me to make her pay, nor I felt constricted by her presence.

I was just enjoying the process.

Moral of the story, 

focus on Spirit, as everyone is you.

Let them be with their own personality.

The progress of purification is equal to the swiftness of the "Letting go".

Blame has no place, especially if you want to grow.

Finally, most of the yogi I met are stuck at the same level.

Vibrations and even powers, growing from yogi to mahayogi, is nearly unheard of.

Why is that so?

Because while worshipping the Mother within

all the focus goes to the Mother without..

The picture of Shri Mataji should be used as a sustaining means to keep in touch with vibrations

at the same level as Mother Nature, Trees, clouds etc.

The Goddess is within

the Feminine Power is within

the Spirit yet is the aim, to be the witness 

to be born again.

Which brings me to this last point:

when we were born 

we had no clue of the personality of the people

we just smiled and beamed joy 

Imagine yourself when born, as a baby did you hate such and such 

by seeing their face? No.

So that is the Truth, the Nature on which we are born and should revert to.

Now, very often I remember 

when I hold grudge,

I exclaim to myself, when I remember,

what a waste of time! When I was born that person or situation already existed

and yet I was not bothered by it.

So let it go, as it is same now, and that is the Truth.

Tuesday, 15 March 2022

Doing what we dislike is key to our progress

What we dislike 

is the key to our progression.

I totally disliked walking the cycles

and yet today the spirit told me just to do it

with the above mention.


once I did it

let's say hardly when I start doing it

I felt coolness going from my knee caps down to the tibia 

and then when I continued just 20min 

I could feel coolness all over body 

flowing from head to toes.

The ego of ours knows the mean that will dissipate 

the illusion and thus its existence

hence our dislike to do it.

We should indeed learn to push our limits 

in that sense that everything bears goodness

and we need to integrate it into our light

and its light will also de facto elevate us

and make us wider as Existence Itself.

Rose oil perfume

 The good thing now

is since couple days in a row 

I can smell around me and on the tongue nice Rose perfume

I'd say Rose oil as it has warm component.

Spirit told me 

that it comes from my heart chakras 

which has opened up.

Heaven is embedded inside us

for sure.

Thursday, 10 March 2022

Joan of Ark - Gross vs Subtle Minds

I saw also a lady in armor

very knightly - gave a Joan of Ark feel

and a man standing behind her

she was turning her back to him

while looking ahead 

She said 

"People are gross 

they do not let a seed grow out of the soil"

She meant gross as in opposition to subtle.

And the mind of that man and of all the people I knew 

standing behind in my surrounding

are truthfully gross.

Meaning they keep taking the seed out of the soil 

and are impatient 

they do not have subtle manners 

Their mind is not matching mine.

It is true that very often 

I feel like I am talking to a wall 

as I can lower the standards to explain the knowledge that shall benefit

but the attention span, quality and focus is so scattered, low and unstable

you can't put any seed into it

The seeds do fall on rocks and they can't grow.


Universe is an electric circuit and a womb within a womb

In dream I was seeing how the universe was a giant "electric" circuit
actually what we call orbit 
is part of the circuit

and I could see how I passed from one dimension 
to the other

it is more like being an electron
and circulating into another section 

so this is immense 
and where you go
you have little chance to be found again

well depending how 
our energy match other people's
we met here in this lifetime.

True though 
I did not really died 
I just moved into another place

so body is just borrowed
and we keep living our cycle 

Later I was showed 
as a foetus 
whose parents keep waiting 
for a baby to be born
but they kept getting miscarriage

it was told to them
to dedicate the child to the service of God

once this divine attribute is allocated to the future baby
it will give it a goal to grow
and then it shall be born.

I found it beautiful.

Spirit explained me
that the baby is me
the many miscarriages I saw
are the former life time
where I was not reborn

Now if I want to break the reincarnation cycle
I need to truly be born again in this life time
and there will be no more death (miscarriage).

So I do have to increase the meditation 
to get my enlightenment 
and avoid this whole cycle being repeated again.

Intuitively I can add
that the parents part is true
in higher dimensions
they are certainly trying to have me
but as I have not managed to be born again here
they can't have me there

Dimensions are vertically linked
what you are here 
you are another form elsewhere.

Also this matches the dream
I had about 10 years ago
where I saw that 
a baby light bright like sun 
was in a womb
and had the person not believed
the baby would have drown into the "sea" 

Of course
the baby was her soul/sun
and the sea being the deep black waters into the womb

I also remember when I was in a nursery 
I looked at the grass 
and thought how as a consciousness 
it must hurt if we walk on it
when I zoomed in it
ie with attention 
I wondered how would it be to be a grass

Now I can say about this experience 
I often thought about 
that I was that grass 
in another dimension or in the past
that is why I know it
as it is a stored experience

is just that now I am outside of it
while before I was it, so I was inside

Likewise these parents are outside 
and I am inside them in a womb

this is like Russian puppet
a universe into another universe

and when you think of it
a foetus did grow up and had to be born 
so we changed form from one universe the womb to another the current world.

Likewise this world is a womb to another one
and we need to be born also out of this one
and what we are now seeing from inside
will be seen from outside later.

Tuesday, 8 March 2022

Black mountain of s-crap

 In regards to the protection 

from the spirit

It is true that if you have a thought

and your thought become an ideal-ogy

you then are bound to protect it

as it is the extension of your ego

and it is your existence

you integrated as such

your choice of defending it 

becomes then a matter of survival

and of course you are right

and of course 

everyone is thus right 

Even those who then uses force against other's people will

be it even the use of low-black magic methods.

Or sending of negative thoughts etc.

Because they are their thoughts 

they have to protect them

and they are on their rights.

This is the logic.

And it is of course the reason why the world is in a mess.

Hence in dream I saw 

how those who were under my protection

or rather under the protection of the Spirit

as I do nothing except keeping up with the connection to the Source

Sent such a huge pile of negativity 

represented by black metallic scraps 

so much that when this mountain of metals 

landed into the forest in uk

the spot of light of the forest got darkened

and as soon as it landed

the shied/protection of the spirit

threw it back to where it was coming from.

and it was swiftly done

as it was said it would make the mind of the 

children/people affected 

as the metal scraps are 

black, spiky, hurtful, loaded and burdensome.

Of course

good luck to the originator of such negativity

as this is what I call

the boomerang effect.

Immediate return of one's intent, action and magic.

Butterfly of Light

In vision I saw in space 

the Light of spirit

the rest was all dark space around.

The light was enclosed in a cocoon

the cocoon does not exist as per itself

inside is the light One Spirit 

and around it creation that is separated 

either out of ignorance or one purpose 

from the spirit

so it sucks it light out

or is being fed by it 

for a time

the cocoon which is brown

like a dead shell 

before the butterfly is born

is merely the dead creation 

It was said that 

it is up to the creation 

to migrate within to the light

to the core where the light is One


once the cocoon opens up

and the Light becomes a butterfly

the shedding of the shell 

will of course discard the rest of creation 

which would have decided to remain on the outskirt.

Monday, 7 March 2022

Giant in Hell


I was going to sleep

and I saw hell


and a Giant made of fire

walking in there.

I. can even remember 

the noise emitted by the friction of his body of fire

against the 'air'

while it was walking

wush, wush

Spirit told me

it was a warning for me

to meditate more.

During the week end 

I was supposed to do an hour meditation

to release the negativities 

I was definitely feeling 

the whole left channel was often burning

since I had absorbed a goo deal of negativities 

of couple of people that I take care of

Usually it gets eliminated

by daily meditation

except when it does not

as it is exceptionally persistent

sparing details here.

In that case,

one should increase the purification

otherwise one will get attacks 

as one will fall in lower vibrations/realms.


this morning 

luckily I got enough push 

to purify enough to re-establish a good level of vibrations

proof being that I could feel the coolness gushing forth the right side of the head.

If it was not for the push

it won't have ended good.

Thank you to the Spirit 

for keeping an eye on me

and thank you for reminded me 

to purify.

Shri Mataji & Releasing the negativities

 Two days ago 

I saw Shri Mataji laying in bed smiling at me

and so many little hands were massaging her.

Spirit said I need to get the negativities 

out of my body.

Once our body absorbed the negativities

due to where our attention goes

then unless we purify it

the negativities are trapped in our system

hence we need to make sure to purify it.

I use the Kripto cycles

I would need to highlight the method into the main page of the blog.

It is basically hands that act like a mantra 

and burns the negative energies.

Saturday, 5 March 2022

Inside Out is same

 Interestingly enough 

the outer reflecting the inner has never been so blatant talk to me than

The era where 

the fireplace used to be lit - Inner Fire within Human 

to electric heaters being installed - starting to cultivate and pay attention to the Flow of the Energy within, own human body circuit

to Wifi - messages into the Ether

to Cloud - Hive mind - the new consciousness where We are all One.

Effie Gray


Portrait made of John Ruskin by his protege the painter John Everett Millais.

In the movie Effie Gray, 

at the very beginning, the teacher John tells his students

that Nature should be painted as it is seen

the good and the bad that occur 

they must be true to their observation.

Later, the painter John E. Millais

happens to be hired to paint the portrait of John Ruskin

as he fell in love with his wife.

The interesting part is 

when one wants to win 

one truly does its best to look good

either by shining one's own qualities 

and/or by degrading the competition.

According to me, the student surpassed the master

as he remained true to his self

by honouring and painting what he saw 

not letting temptation of sabotaging his master's portrait becoming his goal.

Instead he made sure to paint his master as is

doing so, he did not darkened his heart with a goal that was not his.

His initial goal was to become a recognised painter and for this you need to be true to your learning.

Therefore if you are true to your initially set goal

which is your heart desire

and do not forget it 

do not exchange it for some other secondary goal, say revenge

then your gain is the ultimate gain

this is the real success

as you followed the light of your heart

in the service of the fulfilment of your goal/heart desire.

Ironically; the same teacher fell short of his own teaching

as he refused to accept his wife as it is

due to his own fears - whatever fears he had.

From a deep and exalted love and devotion he had for his by then future wife

once married he let this being compromised

because of his inability to face his own fears 

and contrary to his teaching 

instead of seeing things for what they are 

and painting his own life with what he had

he preferred to give into his fears, denials, covering up his own weaknesses 

which his own self loathing ended up being directed towards his wife

who started leaving a life of an "eternal torment"

Effie's mother happened to lose at least 7 kids

and Effie's husband made fun of that barnyard who should not be at this point distressed..

Anyway the fun part is once Effie remarried

she ended up having 8 babies

Definitely the souls of the lost ones 

must have reincarnated by her

I couldn't prevent myself of having that thought.

All in all, though the movie could have been more expressive in exploring these aspects

it was yet an honourable take.

May be the deep silence and the gravity displayed by all the actors was enough of a silent talk 

pointing at these very emotions.

Feedback and not failure

 To be in charge if your own Life.

Fears take control of our life 

when we believe they are in control.

This happen due to a panic reaction.

So what should be done

is to take what we do not like

as a feedback.

Instead of taking it as a failure, 

ie failure, because it did not turn out to be as we expected.

Failure is only if you label it so.

This is the power of the words,

the spell-ing.

So take it as a feedback.

Then, integrate it in your field.

Imagine your field being your body

it has like any organism to grow

we grow either through our own choices, stepping ahead to accomplish something - joy

or forced by pain

either way to make our field grow.

The growth of this field happens 

once we learn to integrate the feedback to our field

call it magnetic field

it'll grow like a cellular division that gives a foetus.

So this feedback will integrate our field

like a cell 

and will grow

and be part of us.

For this to happen

we need to pluck that feedback 

like a flower

and give it love

look at it with innocent observation 

with the unique objective of reaching our set goal.

Wednesday, 2 March 2022

Attention is the wave and the particle

 Important thing about the agnya

the attention should be seen like a particle of light

that hit the object

and return to us its wave

to be stored into our ego or superego.

By the way, that pretty much answer the 

question if the atom is a light or a particle, honestly.

Back to the main point, 

therefore, the intent behind the attention 

is that which you reap for yourself.

Intent, judgement that hit the objects by a loaded attention

will return you back a wave that would be quite asymmetric.

such as fear, and other imbalances, judgement and other imbalances.

Example: You see someone doing something funny

you instantly judge it

and that data returns back to you and is stored in your system.

No harm there.

Yet, next time you want to take part in say a talk,

you will feel fear of being laughed at; that is stored in your system

through your previous experience.

You are judged by which you judge.

So this is why the letting go is a key element in our attention.

As a human being, we cannot suppress such hasty judgement,

but as a work in progress, we can remember to forgive, ie let go of the embedded judgement 

in our attention,

so that in the future, the attention be so bright, liberated, unloaded, that we just are in the moment,

and just enjoying the moment.

The whole purpose of life

is to remember our Divinity; how we are the expression of it

and also to embody it to help others to remember theirs too.

Isn't it paradoxical on one hand to pretend that, 

on the other hand to see same people feeling envious, jealous,

and. thus not wishing the good for the others that they have been asserting as philosophy of their life before.

This point I never got it.

I had definitely felt these feelings too

but. again; how long do you stay with them?

You can let them be passing shades 

or become your fossilised identities.

Kundalini Fire at Agnya & Computer Download

Amazing happening 

Yesterday night

all of sudden I got awake

and as soon as I opened my eyes

I got an intense extremely quick flash of light

it was all red in my vision in the background.

And then there were a non stop succession 

of rapidly scrolling images on top of that 

I would say may be thousands of them!

I couldn't even see the images, so fast the speed was!

It was like thousands of computer files being downloaded!!

Impossible to have time to view one single image

so incredibly fast that download was..

This lasted at least 15 to 20sec (?) or less or more

no idea but that was my first time having such experience.

After this I could also feel electricity going down towards the heart 

due to me going back to sleep there were couple of occurrences 

where I could feel this electric activity 

I even saw myself sending messages lol on WhatsApp 

and then once I woke up I did not see any message sent 

and got panicked what if I had sent them to the wrong person 

describing the happening!

Anyway at this point, dream and reality were one I believe.

Luckily, nothing sent in the middle of the night hahaha

but the senses were for sure extremely heightened after that during the sleep.

The spirit explained that the red background I saw was the Kundalini Fire

and that is very rare to see that 

as very few people have seen it

also the images were all of my past and future

and I could see them, as the Kundalini passed through the Agnya.

Now that I think of it,

it is true that Shri Mataji explained 

that thoughts are like waves 

and when kundalini passes through Agnya 

it straightened the waves!

Also it makes even more sense

when you are your thoughts

you are into them

meaning you are identified with them.

How ?

it is like when you are riding a car

you cannot see the car from the outside.

This is the most close example, I can come up with the thoughts identification.

If you are identified with your thoughts,

you are in them

you can't see them

meaning you can't observe them from the outside

only then you see that for what they are

and are not limited or confined by them 

so here in my nightly explosive computer download 

I'll call it so

thoughts, of the past and the future where seen, from the exterior.

And this time, 100% seen from the exterior, as in pure awareness.

First point being; the pure Awareness of my own thoughts - which I experienced.

The second point, I'd like to highlight is the Power.

That is a mix of electric feel - no element of pain involved - with the sensation that it is so vast and alive.

Incredibly enough, in it located in a human being!

what a hidden wonder!

Lol a bitliek Dr Who phone box, where the inside is bigger than the outside.

No wonder that a human being in full power 

would be more powerful than any nuclear technology.

The third point I'd like to mention

is it is independent from you, the you as your usual day to day self.

so it is indeed a power that is in you and yet not dependant of you, the personality

while being the true you at the same time.

So the only part is the mastery of awareness that is missing.

Once you are freed from the bondage of your thoughts,

then with that Risen Power

where you direct you awareness, 

you can direct and move mountain of power I feel.

I think this is the meaning of reference by Jesus 

when he said you can move mountains if you have faith.

and faith should be understood as a Being in you

to have Faith

is to have the Kundalini Awakened

Once you have it Arisen 

like in Quran in chapter Muzzamil

it says O you enshrouded; Arise in the Night

The meaning in that verse is the command to the Kundalini to be cultivated 

at night 

the vigil at night 

will help it arise

you can't force a seed to arise 

you need to make it grow by watering it 

same here.

Also, the redness of the vision

reminded me of Surah Ar Rahman 

  1. When the sky is rent asunder, and it becomes red like ointment:
  2. Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?

This verse came up in my mind.

One should understand that scriptures are meant as a coded text for all levels

from the average man understanding to metaphors which height matches the height/source of revelation.

So it would be unnecessarily fussy to explain the meaning to masses

and nor would it serve any purposes as even then it has to be experienced.

So no point in talks.

Scriptures are also more like rain that water your breakthrough

and also a roadmap to check where you are going through.