To be in charge if your own Life.
Fears take control of our life
when we believe they are in control.
This happen due to a panic reaction.
So what should be done
is to take what we do not like
as a feedback.
Instead of taking it as a failure,
ie failure, because it did not turn out to be as we expected.
Failure is only if you label it so.
This is the power of the words,
the spell-ing.
So take it as a feedback.
Then, integrate it in your field.
Imagine your field being your body
it has like any organism to grow
we grow either through our own choices, stepping ahead to accomplish something - joy
or forced by pain
either way to make our field grow.
The growth of this field happens
once we learn to integrate the feedback to our field
call it magnetic field
it'll grow like a cellular division that gives a foetus.
So this feedback will integrate our field
like a cell
and will grow
and be part of us.
For this to happen
we need to pluck that feedback
like a flower
and give it love
look at it with innocent observation
with the unique objective of reaching our set goal.
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