Amazing happening
Yesterday night
all of sudden I got awake
and as soon as I opened my eyes
I got an intense extremely quick flash of light
it was all red in my vision in the background.
And then there were a non stop succession
of rapidly scrolling images on top of that
I would say may be thousands of them!
I couldn't even see the images, so fast the speed was!
It was like thousands of computer files being downloaded!!
Impossible to have time to view one single image
so incredibly fast that download was..
This lasted at least 15 to 20sec (?) or less or more
no idea but that was my first time having such experience.
After this I could also feel electricity going down towards the heart
due to me going back to sleep there were couple of occurrences
where I could feel this electric activity
I even saw myself sending messages lol on WhatsApp
and then once I woke up I did not see any message sent
and got panicked what if I had sent them to the wrong person
describing the happening!
Anyway at this point, dream and reality were one I believe.
Luckily, nothing sent in the middle of the night hahaha
but the senses were for sure extremely heightened after that during the sleep.
The spirit explained that the red background I saw was the Kundalini Fire
and that is very rare to see that
as very few people have seen it
also the images were all of my past and future
and I could see them, as the Kundalini passed through the Agnya.
Now that I think of it,
it is true that Shri Mataji explained
that thoughts are like waves
and when kundalini passes through Agnya
it straightened the waves!
Also it makes even more sense
when you are your thoughts
you are into them
meaning you are identified with them.
How ?
it is like when you are riding a car
you cannot see the car from the outside.
This is the most close example, I can come up with the thoughts identification.
If you are identified with your thoughts,
you are in them
you can't see them
meaning you can't observe them from the outside
only then you see that for what they are
and are not limited or confined by them
so here in my nightly explosive computer download
I'll call it so
thoughts, of the past and the future where seen, from the exterior.
And this time, 100% seen from the exterior, as in pure awareness.
First point being; the pure Awareness of my own thoughts - which I experienced.
The second point, I'd like to highlight is the Power.
That is a mix of electric feel - no element of pain involved - with the sensation that it is so vast and alive.
Incredibly enough, in it located in a human being!
what a hidden wonder!
Lol a bitliek Dr Who phone box, where the inside is bigger than the outside.
No wonder that a human being in full power
would be more powerful than any nuclear technology.
The third point I'd like to mention
is it is independent from you, the you as your usual day to day self.
so it is indeed a power that is in you and yet not dependant of you, the personality
while being the true you at the same time.
So the only part is the mastery of awareness that is missing.
Once you are freed from the bondage of your thoughts,
then with that Risen Power
where you direct you awareness,
you can direct and move mountain of power I feel.
I think this is the meaning of reference by Jesus
when he said you can move mountains if you have faith.
and faith should be understood as a Being in you
to have Faith
is to have the Kundalini Awakened
Once you have it Arisen
like in Quran in chapter Muzzamil
it says O you enshrouded; Arise in the Night
The meaning in that verse is the command to the Kundalini to be cultivated
at night
the vigil at night
will help it arise
you can't force a seed to arise
you need to make it grow by watering it
same here.
Also, the redness of the vision
reminded me of Surah Ar Rahman
- When the sky is rent asunder, and it becomes red like ointment:
- Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?
This verse came up in my mind.
One should understand that scriptures are meant as a coded text for all levels
from the average man understanding to metaphors which height matches the height/source of revelation.
So it would be unnecessarily fussy to explain the meaning to masses
and nor would it serve any purposes as even then it has to be experienced.
So no point in talks.
Scriptures are also more like rain that water your breakthrough
and also a roadmap to check where you are going through.
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