Monday, 29 February 2016

Thoughts Reading


i had bought some salmon for lunch with friends
and all of sudden i got a doubt
and said to her

"and don't give your salmon to the other one
(who also has its share)"

as soon as i said that
she flipped
and looked me and said
"how you knew?!!!
i JUST thought that..."

actually i said to her
i just got a huge doubt
while i was cooking
so i said it

and i understood also the stuff about thought reading

when i got a doubt
it meant as long as my idea was clear
"ok everyone gets its share"
i was ok and was MY thought

but as SOON as i got a doubt
like when you throw a stone in water
and it makes ripples

and image get less clear

i KNEW i had lost the clarity of thought
and that is what doubt is about

and second
it shows that i was not per say
"reading thoughts"

but i read thought
in the sense
that mine got affected

by hers

and as long as you are "above"
then you can "read" their thoughts

and those who "read thoughts"
actually can
their thoughts from the others

cause you have to protect yourself
from being influenced by other people thoughts
and think these are yours

your true nature
per say
is YOU
and when we get used to identifying with thoughts
we are actually being controlled by people...
cause these thoughts are not yours
but theirs

is like sun above clouds
sun can see them

i could see her thought
cause the true self is above thoughts

so yea we all ended up
eating salmon
and not a too nice friend
scarifying hers to another lol

though i look forward
at actually "reading thoughts"


Sunday, 28 February 2016

Why Past makes us smile

you know why we smile
when we remember something of the past

like when you find some old letter
or visit a place of your youth?

you smile unconsciously
because unconsciously you know
that you and that other energy which is present
and you were communicating with by then

in the form of your parents or some other person
actually you were in disagreement with and much more
you were opposed to it
and you were rejecting it or neglecting it
to move forward

so you were just oblivious to your Present
and you can see yourself very much daring
while all was already Present

so being in the present/ce of that place of your childhood
you see the/your past
and especially your oblivion to your by-then-present moment

that is why you smile

and that is why
often you were told when kid
later when time pass this will make you laugh
while by then was nothing but annoyance or obstacle

and yet it is  like a script
is not like you could act wise
you were living your experience to learn about life

Matter and Anti- Matter

yesterday night
i saw orbs of light
light bubbles raising up

like a rain of light bubbles
but raising up yea

i saw it a few times
while i was sitting in my couch

 was pretty

this morning when i woke up
for meditation
while i was getting ready for it

it was said through images
i mean as images were telling it

i saw a rope
was said this is rope of God
you see as mentioned in hadith in islam
to "hold to rope of God"

and i saw it rolling itself
on the place of pain in body
it is like a balm
it rolls on it to sooth the pain

so i saw it was circling itself
over and over the chakra itself

(that is of course the kundalini rolling up
on the chakra to heal it)

then it was said
that when power goes through
it acts powerfully

so much that i thought
it might affects hugely the world
once it is switched on
cause the rope has curled itself many times
on the chakra
so once switched on
it would exerce HUGE power out

if the power switched on

cause it said
it works like the Switzerland anti matter circuit
and it is indeed The anti-matter
so once it is switched on
it acts like a reverse magnet
and got the 'matter'out

(by the way
i love the english for its meaning
matter as in issue/pain
and matter as in material)

so thanks to its HUGE magnet effect
switched on  when powers goes in
it throws out the "matter"
and this is its anti-matter effect

you are pure

cause you are your own true face
or fabric
without the thorns
cause the matter
are like splinters/thorns

and they get stuck into this rope
hence you feel the pain

is a bit like your skin
you feel pain when you got pimples
cause they are taking space that is not theirs
and as your skin has already the perfect space for itself
an extra piece of skin even of one millimeter
which is in other word the pimple
squeezes your "fabric" too much and you feel pain

is same with the matter
it acts like thorn when it gets stuck
into that rope
and it gives pain

so then when you press that rope
like when you press a button
to switch on the power
the power
acts like a magnet
which radiates a sort of electro-magnetism
and it sheds off the thorns/matters shards
and it acts like a HUGE anti matter

and then
you are your true self
and you are free from pain
you are free

Lyrics : Plus prés des étoiles - Gold
Closer to stars - Gold

for lyrics they are obviously in French
but remember Google is your Friend ;)

Ils ont quitté leurs terres
Leurs champs de fleurs
Et leurs livres sacrés
Traversés les rizières
Jusqu'au grand fleuve salé
Sans amour, sans un cri
Ils ont fermé leurs visages de miel
Les yeux mouillés de pluie
Les mains tendues vers le ciel

Un peu plus près des étoiles
Au jardin de lumière et d'argent
Pour oublier les rivages brûlants
Un peu plus près des étoiles
A l'abri des colères du vent
A peine un peu plus libres qu'avant

Au pied des murs de pierres
Ils ont brûlé leurs dragons de papier
Refermés leurs paupières
Sur les chenilles d'acier
Eux qui croyaient vieillir
En regardant grandir leurs enfants
A l'ombre du sourire
Des Bouddhas de marbre blanc

Un peu plus près des étoiles

Au jardin de lumière et d'argent
Pour oublier les rivages brûlants
Un peu plus près des étoiles
A l'abri des colères du vent
A peine un peu plus libres qu'avant

Ils parlent à demi-mots
A mi-chemin entre la vie et la mort
Et dans leurs yeux mi-clos

Le soleil, le soleil brille encore
Une île de lumière
Un cerf volant s'est posé sur la mer
Un vent de liberté
Trop loin, trop loin pour les emporter

Un peu plus près des étoiles
Au jardin de lumière et d'argent
Pour oublier les rivages brûlants
Un peu plus près des étoiles
A l'abri des colères du vent
A peine un peu plus libres qu'avant

Un peu plus près des étoiles
Au jardin de lumière et d'argent
Pour oublier les rivages brûlants
Un peu plus près des étoiles
A l'abri des colères du vent
A peine un peu plus libres qu'avant

source :

Friday, 26 February 2016

Finger of God

ok i was trying over the past few days
to wake up at same time
meaning not 30min or 1h after

just same time

so today
i was like half asleep
and i did my cycle and trying to meditate
while still lying down

lol ridiculous

as i got a vision

i saw that there was a huge shiva
yea bit blue color body
and he was pointing his index towards my head

a bit like in this fresco painting of Adam Creation
by MichaelAngelo

Actually in the vision
i was trying to adjust my forehead
to the poiting of the finger
to be sure
that light goes through it
and like this i would get total enlightenment

and mind would become luminous

by the way writing it
is more like CLARITY in mind
it just make more sense to say it
is a bit like usually most of mind is clouded
and you jsut need light enough
so that it be lit fully
and you just see things at hand/in the present

of course i woke up
to do the walking meditation
followed by the sitting one

but yeaa
was tempted to stay in the bed
just to see the rest of the vision

ps : neeeeeeeeeeeed my arabicaaaaaa!!!


is only by confronting myself
to new situation and people
that i realised new changes
which took place in me

in terms of perception
and use of say "power"
for everyone is like a seed
and thus EVERYONE has powers
or call it skills manifested

once it has germinated.

the new stuff i saw
is that when i looked at stuff
i kind of see the energy or aura?
around it like a halo?
and this is how i know
that i can grab it or not

also in terms of intuition
it got sharper
and difference is NOW
decide ACCORDING to it

before i was like asleep
i could feel intuition
and yet not have the will to follow it
was very much observer of my own life
thinking i can't change it
stuff are as they are

now the intuition is being acted upon
on the spot
so the present moment is being caught
if i can express it so

i astonishes myself
by the new changes in my look and life style
is like i can see myself going through phases
of self care

stuff that i had never really paid attention to before

is like i am following a scenario
specially written for me
to act in a movie

and it looks normally flowing
is not like i have to "think"
as to what next i should do

yes definitely i don't recognise myself :)))

is very much agreeable
because i am in self discovery adventure

kiss kiss

Thursday, 25 February 2016

TV speaks to me


incredible synchronicity

since a week
i got my eyes and mind caught with the idea
of trying the Arabica Café

ok i let it go

then, i got guests
they came buying a packet of Arabica

ok i let it go

then, i felt like sitting in my couch
okay i want café arabica hehehehe

and i KNOW what kind of mix i want
the Italian one
some vanilla ice cream
and you pour onto it
some arabica coffee
hmm....just saw it yesterday on tv...yummy

and NOW
that i was checking for some arabica to buy
i was about to say is ok let it go cause i can just buy some casual coffee..

and tv spoke to me!
through the ad.. "Buy a quality coffee"!!!!!



i thought TV  was speaking DIRECTLY TO ME


GOTTA buy that Arabica Quality Coffee and pour it on some Vanilla ice cream

hmm.... yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmy!!!


count on me!

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Buddha Light

hm two days ago
as i was going to sleep
in vision
i saw balls of light
swirling upwards

of course as usual
i did not realise it was a vision
as i was in it
only when it ended i remembered
was different

so i was that ball of light
and i was following its movements upwards

then when it ended

i saw a black/tanned man
sitting in meditation style... was buddha actually

amazing vision

Monday, 22 February 2016


i wonder what beautiful new challenge
i can pick up?
something new of course
a new exciting project

i learned lately
how much i can affect positively
some people's life

that's powerful

same time now i want something new
hm yes something i can be proud of
cause it brought some beauty and easiness
and has ability to spread
cause it is fed by good attention

oh by the way
i was sitting
and a kid came near me
he sat next to me

he looked at me continuously
so i just smiled to him
and all of sudden
he spoke to me and said

and he was waiting i reply to his call
i was just dumbfounded
trying to recover mentally
i said nothing

i felt he saw me
actually i felt afraid was new
plus he said it loud
and people were wondering why he called me so

i swear it hit me deep
cause he was speaking to me
i swear he was calling me

he was seeing his mom in me
the word "mother" all of sudden
felt so universal to me..when he called me so

 (you see is what is pure attention about
is to put your attention ONLY and WHOLLY on what you are saying
then you feel the universal power of it
but when you say something and yet part of your mind is wandering
on something else, what power you think it has?...think hard.)

so that boy has all of his mind there
when he said maman
and not to some human, not to some image,
not to my body,
but to "what is here"

you know
like when you become amnesic
and someone comes to you
and call you
by your name?

it hits you
because you recognise your name
you knew it
but somehow you were trying hard to forget
while pretending to recover memory
yet still praying deeply to go on playing hide and seek?

yet you are trying hard to
remember your name?

i felt like that
and i felt caught

the word maman
spontaneously came out of his lips
liek when i spontaneously happen to speak in urdu with some guy who doesn't even speak it!!!
because of the feeling of nearness ...see?

so now it feels like
the inside mother of the boy was looking at the inside mother of me
and calling herself cause she had found herself in the other
as in a mirror


am on a roll to write blogs tonight

is it possible
that one be so wrapped up in an energy
that we are clothed by it?

i got special make up
and i looked at my friend
she looked like a japanese to me
all pink in a kimono

and then another friend looked at me
and said i look like japanese too

and precisely
it happens now that i am to go to japan!!!

how is it possible?
that we get wrapped up by the soft energy
of the place we are to go?

is it because this place soft energy
has reached you so much
and enwrapped you
that you look like you already belong to it?

i am cooooooooooooooooooooming mwa:x

Life lesson : Accept your Glory


I accepted that i should be praised publicly :)

that is what happened

i did some looong hard job
i was in charge of managing a project from A to Z
except for M,N, O lol
but basically i had to do everything

and in my funny habit
i was about to let all of the credit go to someone else
who was about to steal my idea
a misogyne by the way

and shakti showed it to me
in dream

future was set
and when i realised that i was about to be stolen
from the credit of this soulful hard work
i decided to stand for it

too long to detail it now
but basically i chose to fight for the credit
and it happened that profile changed

and the misogyne guy
not only happen not to steal my project
but praise me in front of 100 of people
and even asked them to give me a standing ovation
at least 3 times

if i had not stood for it
i would have suffered loss this time
pain of this loss
and in future you can bet i would have been forced by another pain
to accept being praised

so i am happy i stood for it
plus i recognise not myself
lol i changed so much
that is like an old me is writing her astonishment of the new me that is being born

The soft way or the hard way?

Today i met a familiar acquaintance
after years

life is funny

here is what i learned
and it is so fair
life is so fair

you see
the very thing people accuse me of
either by wrong thoughts, backbiting etc
is the VERY thing that WILL happen to them...

myself i am so surprised
but this rule is so true

you see
in the past
when i came back from the uk
i was like feeling i was at the end of my life emotionally speaking
cause bellywise, i felt pain not to be able to open the door of spirituality
by not having a real teacher

and that very person
happened to think i was in some love affair
and depressed by that

cause she was only projecting her own limits
by transposing them onto me

yes i was love sick
but love sick for Truth
that was the most tragically beautifully sincerest moment of my Life

which i will never ever trade for

though usually people would like to trade pain for love

but is like the movie vice versa
without that traumatic pain i would have never found Love

so much to tell
but too much to write

you see
the desire for me was always my spiritual quest
i wanted Truth
spiritual opening
direction for my evolution
to see positive change
a new life

and i was love sick for that
that was my universe

and that girl
thought i was love sick for some guy
and she happened to laugh at it

i never minded it
cause i knew exactly what i wanted
is like some pure water
whatever mud you put in it
it remains clear

cause it keeps running

and now
i met her
and i learned
she happened to wake up and cry every morning

because she was played emotionally by some guy
and lost her virginity

by hearing that
i felt so sad for her
you know why?

cause myself
i remembered
how when i came from uk
i used to wake up every morning
and hope it will be a new day
with some magic change
that i will see a door opening in my spirituality
some path being lit up

even writing it now
i feel tears

so i used to wake up every morning
realising is still same day than day before
and no opening for spirituality

so i used to cry

so i knew what she was going through
as pain
and i felt sad for her

and yet i realised
she was just getting back the change of her coin

cause you see in islam
there is a saying that is as follow

when you "curse"someone
this curse is true
it WILL apply
EITHER on the one saying it
OR on the one being the object of the "curse"

curse could be anything from thoughts being repeatedly occuring
to verbal attacks and actions

so as it was wrong
not applicable on me...

..she happened to create her own reality
with it..

such a wise girl
ended up in such a state

i felt very much empathic for her
because i wish not her to go through that pain
as i could feel what she was going through

is like to be in a jail and being hammered by your own emotions

and shakti showed me so clearly
her state
that no doubt was possible

you see?
and of course i helped to heal her heart chakra
not because i planned it
but just because it happened to be the moment dedicated for her help
and that was chosen by the spirit

and i like that

when i was feeling her heart
was like a heater was on
so that was the pain she was feeling

but you see
people harm themselves by themselves
and this of course they will never know
they will think the harm came from others, from that guy

of course it came from that guy
as other guys prior to him existed too but never managed to hurt her before
cause she had protection
but the day you choose to lose your protection
you get hurt by letting such stuff touch you

she -ignorantly- let herself being harmed
by choosing to use curse words and laughing at me
is her right really
yet this is karma
if you are not 100% sure of your "curse"
be sure the curse is 100% sure of its destination

and also
she fell down in my esteem
cause i did not expect she would do such a thing

so is funny
i helped a girl who cursed me
and ended up helping her
against her very curse

and is funny
cause she knows not i helped her

and of course
she learned the lesson the hard way

the soft way
would have been humanity

when i was in need of help
she could have lent me some hand
she would have helped herself by helping me

she would have avoided that situation
because of the insight she would have gained from mine

she would have learned i was yearning for truth
that i was spiritualy home sick
that i just needed hope

that a human touch would have not helped me
but would have soothed me

that she would have grown to be someone else
through this experience
and would have certainly not challenged Life
to live a love sick story
just for her soul to learn what it means to be emotionally played

cause she occulted that
by then
and thought was just some laughable stuff

you can't occult the life lessons your soul need

never laugh at life
but laugh with life
that is wisdom
to know that each thing has its place

when life laugh, laugh
but when life is sad, be compassionate and help with your human touch/human empathy

but when life is sad, and cry
lol don't cry with it hahaha
but FEEL it
and open to it by offering your presence
only by your present attention you can share
learn from this while giving comfort to the other

is indeed about putting things at their right place
laugh with life
not at life

and you will learn your life lesson the soft way


There is much stuff which changed
incredibly rich experiences in terms of life lessons are happening to me

at same time i see fraility of life
On one side life is rich
because full of experiences
and yet on the other side
life is "ephemerial" because these experiences last as long as they have their share of life

and might seem poor
(in power)

Life taught me how to speak up my mind
taught me to be upright and dignified

Life also taught me
that too much empathy makes you die for the others' pain
people are not willing to do the right things

you can show them
but cannot force them

your goal though remains your own evolution

to be human
is to act with humanity
and yet not to be identified with it

is to be able to do your utmost
and accept when you cannot act against the other's free will
even though you know in advance the shape of their action
and the fruits they will bear

pain come not from knowing
but knowing that others will remain ignorant
and keep making wrong choices
which will have sour consequences for them

to know and to accept to let them fall
is the real pain

you cannot ignore
you cannot act against others free will

but you can remember to be free

I am free

i am free
as an experience i enjoy
as an experience i transfer identity
is not a running away from difficulties
it is the choice of mine not to identify myself with pain

it is the choice to last in an experience as long as i feel joy there
it is the choice to preserve my nature
and not to forget

that i am free
(to choose whoever i want to be)

I am that I am and you can't locate me

In the midst of the tempest
i sought for silence
for freedom from the empathy
of feeling others' pain

and in a vision
i saw a jar
which bottle neck was surrounded with
three lines  made of a colorful straw

and i said i am that
i want to be that

because in the midst of the tempest
wherefrom i was feeling others' pain and torment

i felt myself overloaded
and yet wish not to ignore them

yet i sought for my own peace
sought to preserve it

to stop from being dragged away by the current

so i said
i am that straw of 1cm  lost
in the midst of the many strawlines that are making up this second line of straw
on the bottle neck
who can know i am that?
who can pinpoint me?
and know i am there?
no one can see me there
nor reach me

nor pain can reach me there
as pain is attached to those people's experience
what is the experience of a straw line in terms of identifying itself with others' pain
except if you are some relative
you are bound to others' pain, to family's pain, to friends' pain

but if you are free
i.e. if you are that 1cm straw line lost in a thread made of straw
surrounding the bottle neck of a jar
who knows you are -at that moment- that?

you are free
some may think
what is this rambling of that 1cm straw
is rambling for those who seek to find me
by identifying me
to corner and limit me

but is truth for the others

and once i know i am free
and can be wherever i want 
then i make other's free from pain
then i can make other's free from pain

so i am the third straw on the second line
of the bottle neck of that jar
i am family free
and emotionally free
free from (absorbin people's surrounding) pain
i know no pain
when i am free
i am light and thus in bliss
and make other's happy and pain free

Monday, 8 February 2016

Mind Veto

The Ufo don't land
therefore there is no alien


Your mind vetoes what's in front of your eyes
because of what it does not know yet..

this is what i learned today

everything is obvious
but as your mind think it is not
it puts a veto to it
and you stay in the dark
thinking is not possible

and the mind only puts that veto
cause it is ignorant
it knows it not ...

Saturday, 6 February 2016

I am Not what you think i am...

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmm sooooooooooooo HAPPY!!!

Among others good stuff happening to me
there is ONE big
that i HAVE to tell

cause the flow of it
is just amazing

in some post
i had said a few months back
"ah i feel so disappointed
for not having received gifts for my birthday
out of sincere attention from so called friends?"


well guess what?
since that beginning of year
i.e. since september

i just KEEP receiving gifts
is JUST amazing

i can't wait to come back
and check all of them

Praise be to God!

Gifts out of thin air
even from people who knows me not...

that's called LUCK!!!

i am on a ROLL baby!:)

that's the power of Shakti
you don't even know if you get what you desire

but once you do
then ok you know is from Shakti backing
and that's an amazing flow!

that's the message i got today :

Field of Dreams

This is the perfect time to harness the field of vast potential not yet realized in your life. Great abundance is yours if you’re willing to do the work alongside the Gentle Gardener. Be clear about your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. Concentrate on your best life regardless of the temporary outer conditions imposed upon you by the greater world, which has its own story to tell. You have a basket full of seeds that are quite powerful, for your talents are Divinely in- spired and will indeed lead to a great harvest to be shared with others. You will reap what you have sown. Dream big, dream beautiful, take action, and tend to the garden of your life . . . and experience the extraordinary.


just these few words to say

to those who thought
"ah yea, criticise not and just accept the no-gift situation
cause you are not worth it
keep giving to us,
and when you don't
let us call you STINGY ... "

as i read their minds

i say to them :




as for the Stingy stuff
as when we used to say
when we were kids in french

"c'est celui qui dit qui y est"
as kids are wise

"the one who says it
(i.e.saying the insults)
is the one who is"

lol that was my fav. insult to others

GOOD for ya?
If not, try to love more your ass first...


Tuesday, 2 February 2016



Here in France was Candlemas
...yummy... with a friend we shared our pancakes recipes

for the first time in my life
i forgot to take pic!

cause we just ate them
sooooo delightfully

with some Pure Honey
that costed me a hand lol

ahh... next time
i think we gonna make it tomorrow lol
let's add melted chocolate on sugary coated apples
and shove them in the oven
and let's add chantilly on top of it...

drooling already hahahaha

more seriously
today got a nice dream
in which the woman i met
and yea was quite real meeting

told me by looking at my palm
that i have a HUGE force within me

of course she was talking of the Kundalini
and of course was something new to me

cause what you think you know
is not what you feel

the feeling of words
and the way the words are said
and absorbed
makes your perception of reality

and the way she said it
it hits its target

and within me
i felt how true her words were
i felt SOLID and ENTIRE in my belly (not sure if you got what i mean)

that i had within me
and that i was brave

felt SO much GROUNDED

and i feel right now
that indeed
when you are TOTALLY absorbed
by ONE emotion and ONE idea
then you stand SOLIDLY on TRUTH of the MOMENT

yea...i would say...that is what TRUTH is

and you just are BRAVE and DOMINATE the situation
as in being your OWN master

and not some weakling or puppet

hence my friends

Love ya all,

Life is indeed too short to live with limited perception of others
and waste time with past

cause i KNOW key is in the Present
God is in the Present

Past is NO MORE of my concern
all Value is IN HERE
right NOW or never

biding you kisses to all
and preparing my next trip to my cherry blossom and pinkish Country lol

yea that's my gift set that reminds me of my next trip

sooooooooooooooooooo exciiiiiited !!!

hey!!! when i read it
i said HEY THAT's ME!!!!!
