Friday, 30 October 2015
Cool fountain and pond of water gushing from head
yesterday night
as i was deep asleep
i felt a very cool pond of water on my right head side
was liek water gushing forth
it woke me up
and then a pool
i felt like i had a pond of water
on my head
and was about to fell on my face
next time
i will remember
to abandon myself to its sensation
and let it flow
and expand
cause without that absolute
submission/abandoning of oneself
the Shakti cannot work against my will
and that very night
i dreamt of the nucleus of the earth
how its magnetic power
went from it
into my body
and how from my body
i could use it to bend an object in front of me
that's a nice taste of power
and i guess is
the more you are open
and thus ready
the easier is for the kundalini
to pass through you
then you use intent
for what you wish to accomplish
and if God will it happens
Queen of Sheba
Yesterday i was having
a very nice dream
jeeeez is the very moment
alarm rang lol
i kept closed eyes and ears just
to be able to stay in the dream
in the dream
i was ascending a spiraling staircase
it has 7 levels
i arrived at the very last
and the room was empty
except for a Book that was
on a holder in the middle of it
it looked like an old book
i saw the page covered with
handwritings of many people
who had written/engraved their name in it
me too i did same
i can even see myself now
i engraved my name in it :)
i remember
i read the surah fatiha
while i was reading it
someone near me
was feeling pain
like this surah was
protecting me from this not so good lady
and then i think i saw that page with names
written on it
and i wrote mine
contains the letter in arabic Fa
Fa has the meaning of "opening"
beautiful isn't it?
for muslims
Fatiha is also called
by the other name
"The Opening of Quran"
while they only take it
literally as "opening chapter of the book"
what they don't know
is that Fatiha
refers to the opening of your fontanelle area
after your kundalini passed the 7 chakras
and that is where everything takes its meaning
and for myself only
Fatiha refers to Fatima
the Queen of Heaven
about whom is known
its followers cross the Bridge
and are not burned by hell fire...
the Book was the Book of Life
is the book where your name is written
the feeling was that this book of Life
is called in islam Ilyeen
muslims know that heaven has many levels
and the highest of it
is Ilyeen
the highest gardens
i always prayed to get this one
for i wondered
if i could pray for heaven
why not aiming for the highest?
there was a switch of scene
and i was like another me
looking at the scene from "up high"
i saw my future
the country i would live in ...
i saw the house
the street
and i could see from its window
many people
coming to visit
they were all coming
with a purposeful visit
i saw the kind of people
they were
i saw how they were dressed
and myself i was amazed
at this such a nice visit
in that dream
i saw the Queen of Saaba/Sheba
isn't it strange i said to myself
why is this Lady visiting me?
just wondering so
i woke up
and yes wondered again
isn't she from the past?
then why have i seen her so alive?
ps : i know now
why the Book of Life
is called so
is because unless
our soul join the spirit
we are dead
unless we realise
this self realisation
we are not in the Book of Life
because Spirit is the Life Force
if at your time of death
your soul has not joined the Spirit
crossed the Bridge to find its way
to the light
then your memory got erased
and you are reborn
having forgotten everything
like in the Matrix
it is reloaded
and you are reborn
having to go through everything again
not remembering your past experiences
because your consciousness dies
the rest which is your subconscious
becomes your next consciousness (the reborn one)
and got again a Life Force to live
but the actual YOU
this "soul/experiences of this Life" (isn't it beautiful - these words ring so to me : "this soul of this life is you")
is lost...
as it does not get the Eternal Life...
Friday, 23 October 2015
Vajrayogini - The Trauma Goddess
After that Vajra Goddess dream,
i had found such a nice article
that i wanted to post it
i find it is very pretty
i love the way it is written
and especially how "dark" symbolism
are explained
as some numbnuts
get into thinking
that God has some vampire facet lol
they should read the interpretation of
those "dark" symbols
as they are meant to be taken
also i love the last line
which says :
Who have taken on my dark grace
I open a path of shining light
the wording dark grace
is very cool!
first time i hear the word of grace
associated with dark
and it resonates
as to the dream i had
where there was a pit darkness
and in it i could feel it was so full
of divine presence
and this article
is above all else
in accordance
with what i know :
under pain and trauma
one needs to apply cycles
to push up meditation even more
only remain one thing
to apply!
which is first hard to remember
and when i do
i don't really wish to try
or if i try i don't try long enough
because by then the citta / consciousness
is so overcoming
and has such a strong handhold
that i feel like
some sleeper who is tinily half awake
or try to open eyes lid
can see
but has not the force
to wake up
cause when you do wake up
for real
from your pain and trauma
you know that you have won
as by then
is your witness state
that overpower your traumatised citta
Vajrayogini The Trauma Goddess
I am the diamond maiden, the player of games
The yogini is one of my forms
Showing that I am beyond earthly attachment
I am the shining revelation to the ascetic
The women in silk and roses
I am the harlot in black net and leather,
who gives enjoyable punishment
I am the glass bead master,
creating universes of form
And a spark of me is in each bead,
for I dwell in karma.
I am the Trauma Goddess,
the Lady of Pain
In return for devotion
I pull thorns from the heart
In return for obedience
I untie the knots in the belly and the head
I hold the vajra,
which gives and receives
I reshape family karma.
The Trauma Goddess is called for people in painful situations
Where anger and hatred block the path of the soul
I evaluate the benefits of revenge
And give better suggestions for spiritual growth.
I am not suited to polite society
To social striving, upward mobility, and making good impressions
I am radically honest, sensitive, brilliant, and blunt
I hold up a mirror to the best and worst facets of human life.
The Lady of Trauma is the mirror of pain
I reflect the disastrous ways that human beings interact
Then the reflections are stretched and distorted
With irony, and humor, and sadness
Loosening their grip on the heart
So that the person who seeks freedom
Can get a taste of being free.
My devotees pray:
Lady of Trauma, Lady of PainThis is their prayer and I hear it in their hearts
Ascetic and bhairavi and sannyasini and mistress
Pull me from the disaster I have made of my life
Save me from the evil machinations of others.
As they chant my mantra.
Savior, Lady, Mother Goddess, bodhisattva,I will give freedom,
Love me as I love you
I am desperate and bound
Free me by your grace.
but not without realization
Those who have been bound, bind others
Those who have suffered, cause suffering
I let them know how they have been affected
But also how they have affected others.
I do not wear bones because of death
I wear them because they represent what is beneath the surface
The blood that I drink is the evil karma of those that I save
And the karma is then halted and does not pass to others
I appear wrathful as I take on anger, hatred, fury, and the desire to destroy
Which are destroyed within me.
I am a dancer upon the pain of all mankind
I destroy the dark and corrupt
My compassionate side is hidden
But for those whom I love
Who have taken on my dark grace
I open a path of shining light
With pain and sorrow left behind.
source :
Thursday, 15 October 2015
ah this morning
got up early
and after felt so sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeepy
so sweet is sleep
went back again to bed
then i thought i was awake
while i was having a vision
i tell you what
is like
you are in this 3D plane
and yet around you,
are other planes
which you can see
it reminds me of the string theory
which says there are many dimensions
occupying one place..
this is WHY
at times
when i am having a vision
not a dream
but a vision
i know is real
because i am in my very SAME room/place
and doing same stuff
YET the people or person
i am seeing around me
are not the one of the 3D realm
is like people from other dimensions
are occupying this VERY place
and that fits totally
first time i realised today
the string theory
who said science explains
not spirituality?
so lol
funny vision i had
i was sleeping in my bed
and suddenly
i saw a woman who entered my room
and while asleep
i said to myself
'why on earth they
allowed her to enter my room?'
i am sleeping for heaven sake!
it was an indian lady
very joyous
she was waiting that i wake up
while sitting on my bed edge
but after meditation
i felt sooo tired
that i just felt dead tired
i had to sleep
i guess is my agnya who was getting purified
so i just saw her
to wait wait wait
and then she realised
i was too tired
she was sitting on my bed edge
and she left me the tray of sweets
she had brought to me
then still in my vision
i woke up
and saw the tray
and the sweets!
i exclaimed :
was real!
for i could literally
TOUCH the tray
and eat the sweets
i even remember
the feeling of the spoon
when i grabbed it
and i see myself
the woman was real
for the sweets i am eating
are the very proof she left them for me
and thus she was there!
and the woman's name was Vajra
thing is i remembered
her name
cause i wondered
"what an uncommon name
never heard it"
i never knew
that such a name existed
and this morning
when i woke up
i really knew i met that woman
and had really eaten the sweet dish
i could enumerate what i ate
hmm yummy
and i ended up
checking on net
about the meaning of that name
and it happens to be
that it exists!
and not only so
but INDEED it is an indian name!
Vajra is a Sanskrit word meaning both thunderbolt and diamond.[1] Additionally, it is a weapon which is used as a ritual object to symbolize both the properties of a diamond (indestructibility) and a thunderbolt (irresistible force).
It is also known as Bajra/बज्र (Nepali), vajram (Tamil), bojro (Bengali), bajra (Malay), dorje (Tibetan),[1][2][3] dorji (Dzongkha), wajra (Indonesian), jīngāng, 金刚 (Chinese), geumgangjeo (Korean), kongōsho (Japanese) and Очир ochir / Базар Bazar (Mongolian).
The vajra is essentially a type of club with a ribbed spherical head. The ribs may meet in a ball-shaped top, or they may be separate and end in sharp points with which to stab. The vajra is used symbolically by the dharma traditions of Buddhism, Jainism and Hinduism, often to represent firmness of spirit and spiritual power.[4] The use of the vajra as a symbolic and ritual tool spread from India along with Indian religion and culture to other parts of Asia.
The five-pronged vajra (with four makara, plus a central prong) is the most commonly seen vajra. There is an elaborate system of correspondences between the five elements of the noumenal side of the vajra, and the phenomenal side. One important correspondence is between the five "poisons" with the five wisdoms. The five poisons are the mental states that obscure the original purity of a being's mind, while the five wisdoms are the five most important aspects of the enlightened mind. Each of the five wisdoms is also associated with a Buddha figure. (see also Five Wisdom Buddhas)
source :
so i saw the goddess named Vajra..
and now it hit me
the day before
i saw a doorstep mate
with a four petal design
and i said to myself
"oh! again a four petal design"
as i keep seeing them nowadays
and now
i saw on net
that it is called a vajra!
which looks like a four petal flower...
and that woman represented it
that is just my meeting
because i guess i was wondering about those 4 petals stuff
but still
there is no coincidence..
everything is linked
at least for that very specific
thing i can see it
it means the "signs"
that you get during the day
are not coming to you "randomly"
if they KEEP catching your attention
it means
they are from your higher self
and that something in you
is resonating with them
this is WHY they are standing out
otherwise they were always there
and you had never paid attention to them before
and this is WHY
too my agnya was being purified :
The five poisons are the mental states that obscure the original purity of a being's mind, while the five wisdoms are the five most important aspects of the enlightened mind. Each of the five wisdoms is also associated with a Buddha figure.
see ? again
all that happen to be random
is actually linked
the fact of seeing a doormate with that vajra (and that symbol everywhere)
the fact of having that agnya purified
the fact of not knowing their meaning
found their reason to be when time was due
Saturday, 10 October 2015
Transform your Fear into Fun
i kept saying to my friend
since a few weeks
let's go tree climbing !
of course
routine habit is so much tenacious
that he never makes it out...
my desire was so strong
that i just say
let's go!
and we were out on our way...
when i arrived there!
i was hitting my head
in my imagination
saying to myself
"dear! what happened to you?!!
you are the ONE who brought us there!"
i said this
when i realised how HIGH the trees were...
and i saw complications...
is very funny
when you have desire
you have magic sand thrown on your eyes
and you ONLY see the beauty of it
ahead of its time
and somehow
once you are in front of the very stuff
you desired so much
it felt like swerving for a split of a second
and footstep a bit shaky lol
and innerly
wishing to strangle myself
ahead of time
before EVEN having tried it
because was ALL new
because was TALLLLL trees
because i had NOT imagined how it would be in terms of fears...
and only saw FUN
so desire/fun led me there
and then i discovered fear
actually when i looked around me
there were adults and kids
all mixed up
doing this tree climbing
and in each and everyone lips and minds
the word FEAR was placarded!
so i felt a waft of fear there!
lol but mixed with fun/success/ and
the STRONG conviction
and so dearly admitted
"YES there is fear
and NEXT there is FUN"
it felt so
this double FF hit me
like a waft
lady prepare yourself for Fear and Fun!
and guys
it was like that !
i had more Fun than Fear
actually i realised i have NO vertigo
and i sat on top of trees 10 to 20 m from the ground
legs hanging in the air
the hardest was to
bear my own weight for some activities
by the end of day
my arms felt like mashed potatoes lol
the activity i loved it!
i realised
that i had great balance
especially when i had to jump from
one moving to another moving wooden plateform
soooooo great it was!
i was so paralysed
that my OWN feet was feeling LIKE glued
to the wood
i could NOT move it
even when my mind ordered it
it felt i was weighting 200pounds!
and then
i looked keenly at a kiddo
she was just directing her gaze
and her feet went where her gaze went to
and she kept doing it
and it felt so easy peasy looking at her!
and i could feel her excitement
for the next step
and for the oh-so-waited arrival!
i just looked at her
and i imbibed myself from her state of mind
and i realised
what i think is what i experience
just like that!
and as i was thinking of fear and hardship
so it was what my body/experience of the game
was giving me back
heaviness and stiffness...
so, one i imbibed myself
of that girl state of mind
then, i did it!
while my friend had still hard time doing it
but as far as i was concerned, this time
i just progressed as if i was walking
on plain ground
my feet felt light
and so my body regained agility
and i did great split with my legs lol!
so yes...
ALL is in the mind
if your mind think is hard
then it gets hard
literally speaking
hard means heavy
and your feet BECOME heavy
and you can't move!
or if you manage to move
is like you are doing huge effort
so as i got the hang of it
everything in the mind
i imbibed myself from the lightness and fun
of the moment
and just made the whole circuit so FUN!
two girls around 10 year of age
joined me
one said to me
while reassuring herself
"see, in this game,
there are moments we are afraid
and others were it flows"
so refreshing this girl was!
ah! in countryside
i tell you kids are full of wisdom
and maturity and lightness
in paris
even the best of them
lack this freshness
and most of time look like crippled in their manners
cause they absorb too much from the environement around
which is so..
and was such a pleasure to chit chat with her
and now
even when i watch tv
or do anything at my job
it is like that
is LIKE the VERY scene is SPEAKING to me
is so much hammer like wisdom hitting!
so when this girl said that
it felt such a deep wisdom
as if Life is saying me
"see dear?
Life is like that game
at times you are afraid
and at other time it just flow.."
there i was philosophing about life
while 15m in the air hanging between two trees
and swinging to reach my arrival spot lol!
there was a SCARY moment
when i was there
cause had NO CLUE
of how to move ON
that was funny
on this place you have to FACE
your fear
no way out!
a little boy was up high
and could not move
her mother told him
"see? you can't go back
just move on
you are safe"
this hit me
first i praised that mother
in myself
how good education she is giving to his son
through that game
then i praised that game
for there is no way backward
either you do it or you die/lol of shame
cause you CAN'T just give up!
you HAVE to Face your Fear
no one can come and take you back
and there is no emergency exit
no dogging
face it or die(of shame) lol!
so when i arrived to the next circuit
there i was standing on the edge of tree
and 20meters away from me was the next landing spot
a huge net!
and inbetween nothing
there i said to myself
HOW on EARTH am i supposed to LAND there?
actually was SO easy!
the rope was on the other side
so the girls helped me to slide it towards me
and then
she said
'now be brave'
i laughed hard
cause i was so happy
to hear so much straight forwardness
i miss so much this kind of honest talk
and her maturity was just astonishing!
and then
i got the rope
and had to land on the net 20meters away from me
so i said to myself
"dear, think NOT!
just THROW yourself in the air"!!!!!
i did it!
and landed on the net
sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cooooooooooooooooooooooool!
and then
everything was easy peasy!
the BEST moments were when i had to do such long sliding
from one tree to another on a rope
just FAB!
Life taught me clearly that lesson this day
"if you follow your desire,
then you can face your fears"
before going
i had no awareness of my fears
sure i have no vertigo
but the unknown is a fear
not knowing is a fear
doing stuff you never did is a fear
not knowing how to use your body is a fear
cause you have to go out of your known comfort zone
and face your limits,
your untold and undiscovered fears
only the moment on earth
in 3D reveal them to you
and your experience
yes your very experience heal them
and then you transform your fears into FUN!
Sunday, 4 October 2015
The day i wrote my last post
while going asleep
i was meditating
and saw the vision of a place
with many small size dams
and suddenly from above
i could see that water
started to overflow
so much that
the dams resisted not
once the vision ended
i thought not much of it
i had no bad feeling
rather i saw was may be
some spiritual meaning
may be was a metaphor
about vibrations which
once unlock at some barriers
could start again to flow
without encountering any resistance
in dream
i was told
it is about flood
and i remember
to have said
"no no there is no flood
anywhere where i live"
"plus i don't felt bad
during the vision"
and today
i heard on news
that south of france
got some flood issue
still it hit me not
till i watched the news
and heard of the lethal implications
and the amazing images of road split open
that's it
i felt i owed the post
to the vision i could not make sense for it
and passing by
usually i look at the feeling
i have in the dream
or vision
but this time
i wonder why i had no
"bad" feeling of it
i was just admiring
the beauty of the water
how it was overflowing
and running so freely
from above
i guess
there was no bad feelings
because i was not involved in it
nor warned as a person
but i was seeing it
more in a state of witness
for the bad feelings
means the soul is involved
and thus is in danger
ah i got it
is the difference
i see now
between soul
and spirit
in terms of "involvement in experience" vs "witness state"
cf article below
More than a dozen die in French Riviera flash floods
By Associated Press
October 4, 2015 | 11:31am
Modal Trigger
ANTIBES, France — Flash flooding around the French Riviera has
killed at least 16 people, some drowned in a retirement home and others
trapped in cars and campsites. Torrents of muddy water inundated
buildings, roads and railway tracks, disrupting movement along the
Mediterranean coast Sunday.
People look at a Ferrari that was destroyed by the
floods in Biot, southern France on October 4. Photo: EPA
Residents of the picturesque and touristy region, stunned by the ferocity of the brief downpour Saturday night, described it as the worst flooding they’d ever seen. It was so dramatic that it prompted President Francois Hollande to pay an emergency visit Sunday to promise government aid for victims.
Helicopters patrolled the area and 27,000 homes were without electricity Sunday after rivers and streams overflowed their banks and fierce thunderstorms poured more than 17 centimeters (6.7 inches) of rain on the Cannes region in two hours Saturday night. That is the equivalent of two months of rainfall for the region, local radio France Bleu-Azur reported.

“It’s not over,” Hollande said, visiting the flood-stricken retirement home in the town of Biot and meeting with emergency workers.
He expressed condolences to families of victims and urged residents to remain cautious, especially on the region’s roads, many of which remained impassable Sunday. He promised aid for residents hit by the flooding and lamented serious damage to local stores and other businesses.
Some residents criticized authorities for not doing more to prevent flood damage in the region. Local firefighters and meteorologists said the amount of rain was unusual for the region this time of year, but were especially shocked by the intensity and speed of Saturday’s storm.
People were found dead in the towns of Cannes, Biot, Golfe-Juan and Mandelieu-la-Napoule in the southeast, the president’s office said.
Three elderly people were killed in the retirement home, Hollande said. Three others were found dead in their car after entering a flooded tunnel, authorities in Golfe-Juan said. Interior Ministry spokesman Pierre-Henry Brandet said the dead included victims who had been trapped in a parking lot and campsites as well.
Winds and rain whipped palm trees along the famed Croisette seaside promenade in Cannes in images shown on BFM television. Some cars parked near Cannes shore were swept away and overturned by high waves.

Several trains were stopped because of flooded tracks, and traffic remained stopped along the Mediterranean coast between Nice and Toulon on Sunday morning, according to the SNCF rail authority. Several roads in the region were closed, including those reaching Cannes, which was particularly hard hit.
The flooding also disrupted a French league soccer match in Nice, forcing the stadium to shut down in the middle of play.
Hundreds of emergency workers were involved in rescue efforts, helped by clear skies around the region Sunday.
Pope Francis offered his prayers for the victims during his weekly Sunday blessing from St. Peter’s Square.
“We express our nearness to the hard-hit populations, including with concrete forms of solidarity,” he said.
The ANSA news agency said that several trains that were halted by the floods were carrying hundreds of Italian pilgrims to or from the shrine at Lourdes. The Italian group Unitalsi, which transports the sick to the shrine, said all the pilgrims on board were fine.
Source :
Friday, 2 October 2015
Podium of childishness vs true spirit love
such an incredible night dream i had
where to start?
actually is a very long conversation
i had with the spirit
while i was asleep
as you know
in sleep is very quick
but once you write it
it becomes like so long
plus you can't miss
my sidesnotes, neh?
i have to praise the spirit
well is a repetition
as Spirit is Praise itself
let's go into the crux of matter
as i was sleeping
the spirit showed me
lol how some people
were as a group checking my vibes
spirit chuckles
it said
"i like not when they check me"
"it is childish"
i come to the point why it is childish
and pointless
cause i got my wisdom
from that dream explanation
and sometimes
i wonder
me who entered meditation
since only three years
is me who keeps understanding stuff
by Grace of God
but people
who since childhood
or since 10s of years are meditating
are not still getting the point
except for a very few ...
so is so...
when you check vibes
of a person
first you should be yourself PURE
if you are not
then you are projecting your own vibes
this is infantile and childish
to check someone else vibes
because you are putting yourself
into the "judging" position
"ok this person is lost"
"she is no more a Mother worshiper..."
and another time
you check vibes of that person
and end up saying
"wow! such a bucket of cool vibes"
and add up after
"ah! she came back on the path"!
if you could hear
how the spirit laughed at that
is because everything is false!
from the logic to the bottom line
of the "essence" of the checking...
everything is false!
condition one : Be pure - it means a very much advanced person can do it
condition two : as a collective this will boil down to the "lowest denominator" of that group
condition three : know that vibes are NOT stationary state
as they EVOLVES
if there is no "low" vibes at times HOW on earth can you purify yourself
to get that BUCKET of COOL vibes after?
example : it suffices that a person be stuck in a traffic jam
or obviously for a girl that she be on her period
and you check her vibes
what will you get ? hot vibes dear.
if your logic is SOUND
when you check her again
and see she has EXTREMELY good vibes
what SHOULD your SOUND logic commands you to?
"ah! she never lost the path
actually she is doing pretty good!
she has been EVOLVING
and this, while she was
this is what the SOUND logic commands you to say..
some numbnuts
will have no ability to make the link
one day they will "judge" a person being "out of the collectivity"
and the other day "coming back to the path"????!!!!
is there ANY sound guy there?
yes .. one at least
whose thought changed, spirit told me
and that person realised
that i was all the way long.... on the path
i even saw the face of that person
and blink and kiss that person ;):x
for that.
the rest of them
bunch of infantile behavior
racing for the podium of judgement
assuming one is "very pure" is the culprit
as it leads them to pass judgement
wasting their blessings and
never understanding
the SPIRIT factor
only gluing themselves to the vibes
do you know guys?
that vibes are very pure divine tool?
if you keep judging others
instead of judging yourself
you will get a very harsh hit back by the divine?
so just beware.
spirit likes not such kind of vibes checking
check vibes using WISDOM
and NOT by empowering yourself
over the destiny of others
of WHO is or NOT in collectivity
and while some are stuck on
some "physical group/collectivity"
others EVEN alone
manage to EVOLVE and get ever improved vibes
ONLY by keeping faith in the spirit
and by NOT judging others
YET by only concerning herself
with her OWN cultivation
this being said
may be some wisdom
may one day sink
into some self righteous
and self improvised "yogi" judges
what is the wisdom of the vibes?
once you are sure you are PURE - very advanced
and are part of a group where you are conscious of the lowest denominator
then, know that
vibes are showing the state of your chakras
which can switch as swiftly as your surrounding conditions
these are NOT a permanent state
these are temporary
when you see "bad vibes"
well i NEVER EVER check my vibes even less others vibes
because is self obvious to me
that when i get angry or hyper
then this is THE VERY SIGN that there is STUFF to be purified
and AS i am SOUND
i USE spirit
by saying "i forgive you (to the bugger that is nerving me)
i love you, please forgive me"
because my ego will never do that
but my spirit CAN and WILL do that to the SPirit in the OTHER
and NEVER to the ego of the other guy
so once
i use the spirit
i can be pretty sure
followed with meditation
i would EVOLVE
and do my SHARE to be purified
if the vibes checking show only "static vibes"
HOW on EARTH could i evolve?
this is why vibes checking is useless
you just need to use forgiveness, love, and meditation
and healing takes place
so does evolution.
so vibes show
chakras state as PUMPS
how they are PUMPING
how can you on this basis
judging someone's PATH? and EVOLUTION
which is safeguarded BY the Spirit?hmm?
enlighten me..
so when you use the "please forgive me"
from (your) spirit to (the other) spirit
so on the spirit level you heal your vibes
ONLY if you do so
you are ON the path
and this NO ONE can judge you
Except the Spirit Who knows
if you are or NOT in the spirit realm
so these mantra of forgiveness
are NOT the chakra
they are the Pure spirit
that let go and love stuff
is powerful
and Far ABOVE vibes
Spirit is Above
vibes are like a boat
leading you to the Spirit
so in my dream
the spirit said
that "vibes checking behavior is very immature"
"chakras are just pumps of energies.
they are not static"
so the vibes checking meaning
is :
"ok.. where the chakras are pumping now"
assuming that vibes are static
and on that assumption
passing judgement on others
is totally not a dharmic way
has not jesus said
beware what you judge will judge you back?
and the irony is
that when you are judged back by your OWN judgement
and that evil touches you
you don't realise
why and where it is coming from...
so i remember well the last words of the spirit
"really, they are immature
instead of forgiving as jesus said
they do what they do..."
see when i write this
i even feel the sadness of it
i feel like
there is a great potential on those yogis
but that is left uncovered
because of their odd immature choices...
if they uses more spirit
and less deform the vibes purpose
they would not need me as a "muslim" advertisement
for other muslims ;)
because Truth shines by itself
and It attracts by its light and love that it emits...
it needs no advertising
nor self applauding
of how many muslims one managed
to make into hindus yogi hahaha
Truth sets you free
from ALL rituals
cause is the Real YOU.
and i know spirit loves me
and i love it too:x
and if you cannot see it
know that It sees you
kissi :x
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