Each person is born under a map of the sky
at his precise time and day and location of birth
his perfect life destiny is there
yours is may be to impart knowledge and wisdom
and not seek to fructify the job/employment side
others may be to move from manual work
to work of supervisors
if they do not make this shift
the health issue / the weaknesses will come out
for they are not cut for this place in society
and their corresponding strength is not going to sustain
their ill chosen path.
remember pain is the hint
that we have cross our personal limits
and it should be listened to
it is the one who invite to change
this is known in other word
to KNOW what is the personal message of your SOUL
this is why society is in chaos
people know NOT what their role is
they know not their SOUL PURPOSE
and thus are ill set in society
they follow the mass
thinking there lies their success
once everyone enters its own assigned place
then the GAME may start
in a hadith it is said
by the end of times (old times)
365 days will become gradually as short as a day
i could not prevent myself
to see the why behind that
once everyone in the map of the sky
everyone which is the main head/outcome of his own group
will be on his right place
and start to SHARE
this sharing will act like ENZYMES in chemical reactions
and will ACCELERATE in such a splendid manners
the "miracles"
what we look for, we will have it, nearly on the spot
for all the seasons (which are the reflection of planetary positions)
will gather together in one place and time
like every kind of richness and abundance will be into ONE palm of hand
and the chemical transformation will start to happen
Imagine, from scatterred lights (like different faces of a diamond)
we are parted
They will be gathered by a silent sound
which can be heard only from within
and once they will all come to bring their perfected light
the faces of the diamonds will be gathered together
and form this very Unique Diamond that we ALL ARE.
the sharing of all kind of people
of all background
of all cultures and religions
WILL bring out this jewel
we all know that we bear light of God within
that at an individual level our light is to be sharpened
to contribute to the whole UNITY
once this light will starts to flow freely
like the electric current in wires
or the one from one neurone to another
the rate of this transformation WILL become instantaneous
Kun Faya Kun
Be and it IS.
This is indeed what the power of Love is,
this is indeed the VISION that we are born to INSPIRE.
Friday, 24 May 2013
The Secret
This is a beautiful movie to watch :
i had guessed its end, from the first few minutes.
because i sensed it : )
also, because i believe that life is like a big puzzle with missing pieces
what we see in a linear way, and call time is not so.
i can't explain it.
but it is true.
when i was in uk,
it was so,
all the present had its meaning from the past
and i was finding out the lies of the present based on the past hiding
how a story told from one point of view (like in the movie, the story is told from the boy's point of view first)
had no satisfying meaning
one could not feel complete inside, full.
we are at loss at some point
the crisis could not be understood
nor the "missing part of time" could be explained
such as what happens in someone else's world when something else is happening in mine,
hence the gap while meeting each others.
it is like there are always some missing clues,
or some crisis out of hand
like into any normal person in everyday life...
where all of these are coming from?
it was all in a parallel state
and when you tell this to your family
they take you, into their love, which is not love
just pure attachment,
(for they got used to you,
as you being into their world)
as a lovely object
yes an object which is on a wrong path
and that they need to fix
by adding crisis, their own crisis, to your own : ))
like in the movie
the mother was in plain crisis
accusing and blaming others
going against girls' gaining higher education for they get diseased mind : )
and lose their sanity lol
or like the father who kept repeating to his son
you are my only son
tell me what makes you sad.
i was innerly so glad,
he did not tell
for this is the beginning
of letting the others to come into your world
to come and use his power to command you
as to how to put yourself aright.
the mothers get emotional
while the fathers got hyper disciplinary
both eat, in their blind "love"
your right to be free
to be free to settle your own issue
to find your path
never anyone could fix your own issue
for your issue is the key to your freedom
handing them this key is to make them use their own meaning of what "love" is
to be their ruler
while you have to find true love
the one that will make you break down all the boundaries
which have made you doubt, be angry, depressed, sad, in crisis...
only True Love is the real medicine
the real helper
the real confident
the real goal
the real music that you should follow
seen like the parents' pressure and blackmailing of their children is so funny
funny because it is false
false because they do not hold the cure to their children's issue
but that is terrific,
for that is true too
true because at their level,
they think to know the truth,
thus accordingly, they chose to pick up this drama of theirs
which is to worry, and be sad
and burden their life and the life of those whom they claim to love
all this drama is always going on like this
for when things get out of the normal format
people think that you are mad lol
truth is we are not bound to time and space
but this no one could believe it
unless he experiences it
and the coming back is just depressing
for it is like having discovered other worlds
another way of living
and still having to be bound to old ways again.
This movie is true
it is just that people knows not that inside is such a potential
isn't it beautiful to see that what seemed unexplained
was whole from the beginning
for the seen and the unseen
have always been complementary AT ALL TIME
and that only narrowness of view prevented us to see
that it has been there all along.
it is like there is for all things
a "male" vision and a "female" vision of what Truth is
and when you bring both to complementarity
it is when UNITY of vision is established
and both could be reunited
only if there is this LOVE.
which has been marvelously portrayed by the couple.
and isn't it beautiful that very rare are those who can see?
while all others think to know it all
and find that laughing out at others is the wholesomeness/totality
that finding out disease about someone is the only explanation they have
while in truth,
Truth HAS to be ONE
it HAS to exist
for if questions, unease and yearning exist
its opposite is THERE somewhere out.
and only those who look for it,
ps : i loved when at the beginning of the movie
they said to each other "it was you i liked ... (i meant i like) your music"
by then i thought, we are all a musical air being played in truth
we are the music.
the music IN THE MOVIE at 1:31:15 is also very beautiful.
the notes upon the journey,
At first sight marks one's destiny.
the voyage comes to an end,
Return lies the hasty key."
[from the movie]
i had guessed its end, from the first few minutes.
because i sensed it : )
also, because i believe that life is like a big puzzle with missing pieces
what we see in a linear way, and call time is not so.
i can't explain it.
but it is true.
when i was in uk,
it was so,
all the present had its meaning from the past
and i was finding out the lies of the present based on the past hiding
how a story told from one point of view (like in the movie, the story is told from the boy's point of view first)
had no satisfying meaning
one could not feel complete inside, full.
we are at loss at some point
the crisis could not be understood
nor the "missing part of time" could be explained
such as what happens in someone else's world when something else is happening in mine,
hence the gap while meeting each others.
it is like there are always some missing clues,
or some crisis out of hand
like into any normal person in everyday life...
where all of these are coming from?
it was all in a parallel state
and when you tell this to your family
they take you, into their love, which is not love
just pure attachment,
(for they got used to you,
as you being into their world)
as a lovely object
yes an object which is on a wrong path
and that they need to fix
by adding crisis, their own crisis, to your own : ))
like in the movie
the mother was in plain crisis
accusing and blaming others
going against girls' gaining higher education for they get diseased mind : )
and lose their sanity lol
or like the father who kept repeating to his son
you are my only son
tell me what makes you sad.
i was innerly so glad,
he did not tell
for this is the beginning
of letting the others to come into your world
to come and use his power to command you
as to how to put yourself aright.
the mothers get emotional
while the fathers got hyper disciplinary
both eat, in their blind "love"
your right to be free
to be free to settle your own issue
to find your path
never anyone could fix your own issue
for your issue is the key to your freedom
handing them this key is to make them use their own meaning of what "love" is
to be their ruler
while you have to find true love
the one that will make you break down all the boundaries
which have made you doubt, be angry, depressed, sad, in crisis...
the notes upon the journey,
At first sight marks one's destiny.
the voyage comes to an end,
Return lies the hasty key."
only True Love is the real medicine
the real helper
the real confident
the real goal
the real music that you should follow
seen like the parents' pressure and blackmailing of their children is so funny
funny because it is false
false because they do not hold the cure to their children's issue
but that is terrific,
for that is true too
true because at their level,
they think to know the truth,
thus accordingly, they chose to pick up this drama of theirs
which is to worry, and be sad
and burden their life and the life of those whom they claim to love
all this drama is always going on like this
for when things get out of the normal format
people think that you are mad lol
truth is we are not bound to time and space
but this no one could believe it
unless he experiences it
and the coming back is just depressing
for it is like having discovered other worlds
another way of living
and still having to be bound to old ways again.
This movie is true
it is just that people knows not that inside is such a potential
isn't it beautiful to see that what seemed unexplained
was whole from the beginning
for the seen and the unseen
have always been complementary AT ALL TIME
and that only narrowness of view prevented us to see
that it has been there all along.
it is like there is for all things
a "male" vision and a "female" vision of what Truth is
and when you bring both to complementarity
it is when UNITY of vision is established
and both could be reunited
only if there is this LOVE.
which has been marvelously portrayed by the couple.
and isn't it beautiful that very rare are those who can see?
while all others think to know it all
and find that laughing out at others is the wholesomeness/totality
that finding out disease about someone is the only explanation they have
while in truth,
Truth HAS to be ONE
it HAS to exist
for if questions, unease and yearning exist
its opposite is THERE somewhere out.
and only those who look for it,
ps : i loved when at the beginning of the movie
they said to each other "it was you i liked ... (i meant i like) your music"
by then i thought, we are all a musical air being played in truth
we are the music.
(continuation...) ...there's a secret to it i guess, and
only those who truly believe in their hearts could unlock it's secret!
love is like a beautiful art, like a beautiful music, it's endless and
it's TIMELESS! and i don't even know what i'm talking about, but this
movie is very very nice! touchingly nice!

that's the magic and miracle of love! there's no space or
time when it comes to love! when two people are distine to be with each
other in love.... love wil break boundaries, rules of time and space, or
whatever that thing in physics is, just to make that destiny with love
happens. nothing is impossible in the destiny of love....but not all
people will have that destiny to find true love....(cont.)
the music IN THE MOVIE at 1:31:15 is also very beautiful.
Thursday, 23 May 2013
The Ocean
For the first time in my life i saw the ocean
not sea, but ocean
and not from afar
but right on the beach
when we were just 100m away
it felt so awesome
so huge
like a huge presence covering all of the horizon
that was as if it was one huge being
then, we went to the beach
just near enough to put our feet in the waves
that was really the first time i was doing this
that was amazing
when the wave came
that was really cool
temperature was cool too
and it was really impressive
for i had never heard the sound of the waves
and felt really afraid
i remember once i just sat on a wooden floor
when it was a tempest and raining
i was sitting in the garden
and i felt so much afraid
due to the force of the wind, rain
one feels that anything could happen
we are no more in control
but there, it were roaring waves
and the sky was covered with dark clouds
and the waters were from a deep blue and grey colors too
had i been alone
it would have been really awesome
but even though there were other people
i felt quite afraid
and first time waves hit the feet
that was ok
till higher waves kept coming
i was so much considering the waves hitting the feet
that i did not see the size of the wave coming
and that time the wave was huge enough to cover all the legs up to the jacket
had i not lifted the jacket my camera which was in the pocket would have been all soaked up
and i definitely felt having a heart attack lol!
but the most amazing was when the waves were retrieving
for i felt like the ground on which i was standing
was slipping away!
one could not definitely stand on the sand
there was no still point
nothing to hold onto !
and not only this
when i was watching the waves retrieving from the feet
it felt like i had vertigo!
it was like i was seeing the earth being stretched!
like waves going backwards
while the ground was also going backwards
yes, it felt like the ground was being stretched.
when i told that to my friends
they start laughing at my impressions
well, that was my first time
i guess the mind needed some time to adjust
it was less strong the next day
but still the impression remained.
on the beach, i wondered at the shell!
i wondered how could something so beautiful could exist and be put like this on sand so gratefully
and one could pick it up so freely!
that is how it occurred to me
that it is not normal that everything be traded
for we are so used to trade, and buy/sell things which were meant to flow
from one kind of hand to another.
so i felt shocked inside to see that sea gives things so freely.
it is just mankind who is the sole being destined to accumulate and trade everything ; )
and all the little stones were beautiful
they were beautiful because they were constantly washed by the water
polished by the sand
and wind dried them
while sun make them shine
so beautiful they look liked
and they colors were so lively
so i wondered how they would look like
once i pick them up and bring them home
truth to tell, they lost their beauty
and their worth
they were worthy and beautiful only in that setting
that was there real place to be
they looked like small jewels there in the sand
while here at home, they could be any casual stone.
i wished for finding the most beautiful stone there
like a jewel from the sea
kept searching but did not find the one my heart would recognise.
my stay over there was so great
i would go everyday to the ocean
whatever the weather be
people said, they had never seen such windy and rainy weather in south of France
from their life : )
true, tempest, dark clouds and rarely some shot of a sun ray
and tempest back
but it was such a beautiful vision to contemplate
when not there
i was meditating in our place
or preparing some flowers or whatever activity was there
that was very simple
but even though it lasted only three days at best
i felt it as a whole week
and by the end of it,
while i was sitting,
suddenly any image of nature would come in front of me
and i could see it as if i was there
like i could see the ant moving under a leaf in its forest
and i could feel the weight of the soil being moved by its presence
that was a short but awesome beginning of clarity
i felt like waves had washed my vision lol : )
actually, it were my thoughts who have been washed by the waves
indeed, the last day i went
and i realised how one could hear nothing
but the sounds of waves
roaring waves
roaring wind
and nothing else
how could one possibly have to make any effort to calm ourselves or thoughts?
they were calmed by the natural sounds of the ocean
and i saw the waves hitting the beach
and i wondered at the hyper activity at the beach
and why did they not appear so active in the ocean?
i remembered that there are currents below
below the waters
and these currents from below move the waves to hit the shore
and as it was the last day
i just sat down and closed eyes
and i remembered
that these waters are within
and the jewel that i sought is within too
for i remembered a few years back
i had seen in a dream
a light within
like a pearl full of light
which was covered by dark waters
and when i did not recognise it
i saw that it went down and sank into even darker waters
and hit the bottom of the sea
where all kind of dark consciousnesses gathered around
and i realised a few hours ago,
that it is the soul
this light is the soul
entrapped in the dark waters
and it has to ascend
rise and be purified of its shackles
which prevents it/me to be.
this jewel is in everyone else
for it is the light of God
it is just that one has to believe
and when one truly believe
it gets freed.
Truth shall set you free
are not mere words
nor are there hinting at what your mind imagine it to be
there are what your real state is.
and now, it is so strange to be back in France
though i was still in France
it felt not France
for it has nothing to do with standards of routine
it has all to do to be in touch with the nature
and thereby to near our inner natural state
i imagine
if only three days could have made me feel new experiences
then what could it be just to live in such a setting?
and what is the point of remaining attached to a place devoid of such natural blessings?
life is much easier
when one is in touch with nature
for there,
we near our true forgotten state.
not sea, but ocean
and not from afar
but right on the beach
when we were just 100m away
it felt so awesome
so huge
like a huge presence covering all of the horizon
that was as if it was one huge being
then, we went to the beach
just near enough to put our feet in the waves
that was really the first time i was doing this
that was amazing
when the wave came
that was really cool
temperature was cool too
and it was really impressive
for i had never heard the sound of the waves
and felt really afraid
i remember once i just sat on a wooden floor
when it was a tempest and raining
i was sitting in the garden
and i felt so much afraid
due to the force of the wind, rain
one feels that anything could happen
we are no more in control
but there, it were roaring waves
and the sky was covered with dark clouds
and the waters were from a deep blue and grey colors too
had i been alone
it would have been really awesome
but even though there were other people
i felt quite afraid
and first time waves hit the feet
that was ok
till higher waves kept coming
i was so much considering the waves hitting the feet
that i did not see the size of the wave coming
and that time the wave was huge enough to cover all the legs up to the jacket
had i not lifted the jacket my camera which was in the pocket would have been all soaked up
and i definitely felt having a heart attack lol!
but the most amazing was when the waves were retrieving
for i felt like the ground on which i was standing
was slipping away!
one could not definitely stand on the sand
there was no still point
nothing to hold onto !
and not only this
when i was watching the waves retrieving from the feet
it felt like i had vertigo!
it was like i was seeing the earth being stretched!
like waves going backwards
while the ground was also going backwards
yes, it felt like the ground was being stretched.
when i told that to my friends
they start laughing at my impressions
well, that was my first time
i guess the mind needed some time to adjust
it was less strong the next day
but still the impression remained.
on the beach, i wondered at the shell!
i wondered how could something so beautiful could exist and be put like this on sand so gratefully
and one could pick it up so freely!
that is how it occurred to me
that it is not normal that everything be traded
for we are so used to trade, and buy/sell things which were meant to flow
from one kind of hand to another.
so i felt shocked inside to see that sea gives things so freely.
it is just mankind who is the sole being destined to accumulate and trade everything ; )
and all the little stones were beautiful
they were beautiful because they were constantly washed by the water
polished by the sand
and wind dried them
while sun make them shine
so beautiful they look liked
and they colors were so lively
so i wondered how they would look like
once i pick them up and bring them home
truth to tell, they lost their beauty
and their worth
they were worthy and beautiful only in that setting
that was there real place to be
they looked like small jewels there in the sand
while here at home, they could be any casual stone.
i wished for finding the most beautiful stone there
like a jewel from the sea
kept searching but did not find the one my heart would recognise.
my stay over there was so great
i would go everyday to the ocean
whatever the weather be
people said, they had never seen such windy and rainy weather in south of France
from their life : )
true, tempest, dark clouds and rarely some shot of a sun ray
and tempest back
but it was such a beautiful vision to contemplate
when not there
i was meditating in our place
or preparing some flowers or whatever activity was there
that was very simple
but even though it lasted only three days at best
i felt it as a whole week
and by the end of it,
while i was sitting,
suddenly any image of nature would come in front of me
and i could see it as if i was there
like i could see the ant moving under a leaf in its forest
and i could feel the weight of the soil being moved by its presence
that was a short but awesome beginning of clarity
i felt like waves had washed my vision lol : )
actually, it were my thoughts who have been washed by the waves
indeed, the last day i went
and i realised how one could hear nothing
but the sounds of waves
roaring waves
roaring wind
and nothing else
how could one possibly have to make any effort to calm ourselves or thoughts?
they were calmed by the natural sounds of the ocean
and i saw the waves hitting the beach
and i wondered at the hyper activity at the beach
and why did they not appear so active in the ocean?
i remembered that there are currents below
below the waters
and these currents from below move the waves to hit the shore
and as it was the last day
i just sat down and closed eyes
and i remembered
that these waters are within
and the jewel that i sought is within too
for i remembered a few years back
i had seen in a dream
a light within
like a pearl full of light
which was covered by dark waters
and when i did not recognise it
i saw that it went down and sank into even darker waters
and hit the bottom of the sea
where all kind of dark consciousnesses gathered around
and i realised a few hours ago,
that it is the soul
this light is the soul
entrapped in the dark waters
and it has to ascend
rise and be purified of its shackles
which prevents it/me to be.
this jewel is in everyone else
for it is the light of God
it is just that one has to believe
and when one truly believe
it gets freed.
Truth shall set you free
are not mere words
nor are there hinting at what your mind imagine it to be
there are what your real state is.
and now, it is so strange to be back in France
though i was still in France
it felt not France
for it has nothing to do with standards of routine
it has all to do to be in touch with the nature
and thereby to near our inner natural state
i imagine
if only three days could have made me feel new experiences
then what could it be just to live in such a setting?
and what is the point of remaining attached to a place devoid of such natural blessings?
life is much easier
when one is in touch with nature
for there,
we near our true forgotten state.
Wednesday, 22 May 2013
Unity, Love and Wisdom
Unity is the only Truth
Love is the only way of Life
Wisdom is the only way to Live.
Love is the only way of Life
Wisdom is the only way to Live.
Thursday, 16 May 2013
Mass responsibility
when society sees something which goes against its rule
society/mass religions or any other organisation
first reaction as we all have is to give lessons/make nice talk to give other the lesson
that what you are doing is bad.
at a smaller level it is also what happens in schools, families.
before i used to wonder why in court of justice
justice tries to understand what is motivating a criminal to do what he does
i used to think what a loss of time
for fact is he did wrong and he needs to be condemn.
but no, what is good,
is that society/a mass/ a collectivity is responsible
for if it failed this person
instead of judging it right away and making him go to silence
it has to LISTEN to him
and see where they failed!
for society is there to give lessons of morality
when people deviate from its set rules
but WHERE was the society, this very society WHERE was it
when the INDIVIDUAL was in trouble?
oh so ready to jump to give lesson
but blind to other's misery when meeting individual
and then when this very individual crosses the line
we judge and stone them
be it with true stones in middle east countries or with verbal stoning there
that is same
we divide and become suddenly a master
over a slave which has no good manners.
but had one forgotten that this very mastery image that we display in judgement
is plain bluff?
for there was no mastery when a woman met another woman in need
and failed to understand her need
and starting to judge her
and so how could she suppose then to give lesson of morality?
indeed, in asian countries
like it used to be in middle age in France
if a woman was unmarried and with kids
she had to raise them on their own
while having to suffer the society blame.
rules are made for individual to follow them
so that they be at ease
if somehow these rules have been broken
then, society is not meant to judge, stone, blame or become blind
to others' misery
but society as a mass consciousness is meant to make up for the lack
experienced by the individual
and provide him/her shelter
for the person punished himself/herself enough by self judgement or feeling
ashamed or having his/her dreams broken due to inconsiderate behavior of his own.
rules/advice are ok for a time
they are a kind of easy path shown to others
but if the other fails
sufficient is for him/her to bear the momentary burden and hurt
but you as part of this mass consciousness you have to move on
and help this very person when you can
bring him/her something that relieve the pain
but do not add to the burden.
it is the time of action
but people use judgement and work against each other
to give lesson as to show off their sense of responsibility of values
while they had no mastery when it had come to effective help
concrete help
when it comes to reduce your comfort in order to help someone else.
this is our two faces, this is not one face.
as an individual we follow rules
as much as it is in our capacity
but when one fails momentarily
what is needed is that collectivity/mass consciousnesses
help this person to go back to his path/track
what is the need for judgement?
does it ever repair something?
it only burdens the person while he has already punished himself
and it increases the illusion of the one who judges making him think that i have mastered the lesson i am giving others or judging them against these very standards
growth or proof of the mastery is not through words nor casting judgement upon others
it is by giving of yourself for the comfort of the other
by finding solutions which relieve the other and the society
but not that which increases the lost soul's burden
nor increase fear into the society.
when society sees something which goes against its rule
society/mass religions or any other organisation
first reaction as we all have is to give lessons/make nice talk to give other the lesson
that what you are doing is bad.
at a smaller level it is also what happens in schools, families.
before i used to wonder why in court of justice
justice tries to understand what is motivating a criminal to do what he does
i used to think what a loss of time
for fact is he did wrong and he needs to be condemn.
but no, what is good,
is that society/a mass/ a collectivity is responsible
for if it failed this person
instead of judging it right away and making him go to silence
it has to LISTEN to him
and see where they failed!
for society is there to give lessons of morality
when people deviate from its set rules
but WHERE was the society, this very society WHERE was it
when the INDIVIDUAL was in trouble?
oh so ready to jump to give lesson
but blind to other's misery when meeting individual
and then when this very individual crosses the line
we judge and stone them
be it with true stones in middle east countries or with verbal stoning there
that is same
we divide and become suddenly a master
over a slave which has no good manners.
but had one forgotten that this very mastery image that we display in judgement
is plain bluff?
for there was no mastery when a woman met another woman in need
and failed to understand her need
and starting to judge her
and so how could she suppose then to give lesson of morality?
indeed, in asian countries
like it used to be in middle age in France
if a woman was unmarried and with kids
she had to raise them on their own
while having to suffer the society blame.
rules are made for individual to follow them
so that they be at ease
if somehow these rules have been broken
then, society is not meant to judge, stone, blame or become blind
to others' misery
but society as a mass consciousness is meant to make up for the lack
experienced by the individual
and provide him/her shelter
for the person punished himself/herself enough by self judgement or feeling
ashamed or having his/her dreams broken due to inconsiderate behavior of his own.
rules/advice are ok for a time
they are a kind of easy path shown to others
but if the other fails
sufficient is for him/her to bear the momentary burden and hurt
but you as part of this mass consciousness you have to move on
and help this very person when you can
bring him/her something that relieve the pain
but do not add to the burden.
it is the time of action
but people use judgement and work against each other
to give lesson as to show off their sense of responsibility of values
while they had no mastery when it had come to effective help
concrete help
when it comes to reduce your comfort in order to help someone else.
this is our two faces, this is not one face.
as an individual we follow rules
as much as it is in our capacity
but when one fails momentarily
what is needed is that collectivity/mass consciousnesses
help this person to go back to his path/track
what is the need for judgement?
does it ever repair something?
it only burdens the person while he has already punished himself
and it increases the illusion of the one who judges making him think that i have mastered the lesson i am giving others or judging them against these very standards
growth or proof of the mastery is not through words nor casting judgement upon others
it is by giving of yourself for the comfort of the other
by finding solutions which relieve the other and the society
but not that which increases the lost soul's burden
nor increase fear into the society.
Tuesday, 14 May 2013
Not as i wish, but as YOU wish
; )
i have been told this :
so that this growth fully takes place
i have been told this :
On this day of your life, petals,
I believe God wants you to know...
...that life is rarely as difficult
as you think it is, and
hardly ever as aggravating as humans
are able to make it.
How much patience do you have with Life? Are you
willing to overcome minor obstacles as
you move
through your day? Or does anything and
that does not move in accordance with
your wishes
cause you annoyance--if not outright
Consider the possibility that the little
obstacles in
life are not obstacles at all, but
stepping stones. Look
to see what they offer you in terms of
growth, and
you'll see their treasure.
Love, Your Friend....
Indeed, the message was true.
Into my life, some people were there with their wish to form some kind of partnership.
within i felt disharmony towards them
and could not trust them being the right kind of partners
so i was just willing them to go away
and wondering why it was not happening
for my inner call/feeling towards them was clear.
then, i read his message,
which said, that one should love Life and learn from it
so that obstacles become opportunities for growth.
again, i read this very extract which said,
The only journey is the journey within.
Be patient with all that is in your heart
And try to love the questions themselves.
Do not seek for the answers that cannot be given
For you would not be able to live them
And the point is to live everything.
Live the questions now and perhaps,
without knowing it,
You will live along some day into answers.
~ The only journey is the journey within.
~(Rainer Maria Rilke)
yes, by wishing that something happens AS I WISH
i was just actually preventing my growth
for i wanted it and not wanting to grow
yet, aim is to GROW
and how could one grow, if everything is given to you
while you are always in the same state?
at times it is given
for it is the period of expansion
and at other time, it is delayed
till you enter into your period of compression
and in that case,
you have to be patient and WATCH OUT
for the hidden treasure
for your lesson
which will make you grow.
had i just wished these persons to go away,
and it would have happened,
i would have never learned to turn/tune within
to test the power within
how could i have gained the certainty then,
that the power is trustworthy?
that this very power is taking care of me?
this trust may be built on different aspects
and one by one i may need to experience them
and thus be patient/aligned with the rhythm of expansion and compression
if on the spot the partnership would have ended,
i would not have grown
i would have only been satisfied that "i" exist and am powerful in my actual state
yet the actual state is to be transcended
growth HAS to take place
and it can ONLY if while meeting new challenges
i learn each time to find the eternal companionship within
and see how light is showered
exposing some - making the partnership go dust by itself, if the person is not standing in his true self
or freeing others - relieving them from a looming disharmony
the former is exposed
while the latter progress and grow towards new horizons
but staying on the same level is impossible for both
both have to move on
so no one is superior to the other
except by the standard of Truth
and the Truth has Its own rhythmic patterns
which opens or closes doors.
finally, if i do not learn to love the current situation
to love the current challenge
to love the people in spirit
to ask them, who are present in spirit, for they ARE spirit, to remove themselves, if their physical manifestation is simply not in phase with me
then, i do not learn to consider/converse with Unity behind the diversity
and i would have only learned in that case to divide.
once we have learned to love and live the question/the issue
then, when time has come we can learn to appreciate the answer and live it.
how may i SEE the answer
if i do not SEE the question?
if i do not LIVE the question, fully,
considering ALL of its aspects
how could i FIND its counterpart/shades in answers?
if one wish is to be colored in the color of God
to fully awaken the beautiful names of God within
then, one has to pass through all aspects of them
the questions
will be echoed by their answers
and this one face will then be realised.
how we MOST of time are standing in the false self
i felt that i like testing people who are on spiritual path
for i wish to see if they are true
before i knew not what kind of truth in them i was searching
then, it dawn on me,
it is about them where do they STAND?
for if it is appearance only
then, just irritate the person
and he WILL get irritated
because he is standing in his false self
so when negativity hit, it hit fully
for it finds its counterpart in the person
and one can do that,
because the face, where the character of the person is reflected
is telling the other
here are my limits
and so you push the button out of the limit of the person
and see, he reacts.
but very rare, are those i met
and tried that
and they DID NOT get irritated when i was expecting them
and even never as long as i was trying and was allowed to try ; )
now i know
it is because they were standing in their TRUE self
and when one stands in the true self
as it is just AS It IS
it is true
it is not conditioned to any border
so the person inside is actually a very WIDE person
which sort of break barriers or transcend his individual body/or his perception
of what one usually identify ourselves with
body, name, old scenes of past experiences
yes people let themselves being defined by others
it suffices that one thing be repeated thrice or many times be referred to
that it solidifies into our thinking pattern
and becomes a truth
like ok ACQUIRED
and it is ME now
for i GAINED that state
ONLY because it has been repeated by MANY
so in a way,
success and fame is dangerous for it makes you stick to an image
that you start feeling comfy with
yet, success and fame could be so FUN
as long as it is used as sharing the common feeling ON THE SPOT
and ONLY on the spot
for on the SPOT you SHARE your light and others are happy to benefit from your sun rays
but after lights went off
so if you remain there rehearsing an old play
you are totally dephased
you have to use it like for adrenaline
to enter into NEW projects or UPGRADE yourself
use this self confidence and support you felt
to TRANSCEND in another area
and become WIDER
this latter one is still to be practised though.
let's see.
for i wish to see if they are true
before i knew not what kind of truth in them i was searching
then, it dawn on me,
it is about them where do they STAND?
for if it is appearance only
then, just irritate the person
and he WILL get irritated
because he is standing in his false self
so when negativity hit, it hit fully
for it finds its counterpart in the person
and one can do that,
because the face, where the character of the person is reflected
is telling the other
here are my limits
and so you push the button out of the limit of the person
and see, he reacts.
but very rare, are those i met
and tried that
and they DID NOT get irritated when i was expecting them
and even never as long as i was trying and was allowed to try ; )
now i know
it is because they were standing in their TRUE self
and when one stands in the true self
as it is just AS It IS
it is true
it is not conditioned to any border
so the person inside is actually a very WIDE person
which sort of break barriers or transcend his individual body/or his perception
of what one usually identify ourselves with
body, name, old scenes of past experiences
yes people let themselves being defined by others
it suffices that one thing be repeated thrice or many times be referred to
that it solidifies into our thinking pattern
and becomes a truth
like ok ACQUIRED
and it is ME now
for i GAINED that state
ONLY because it has been repeated by MANY
so in a way,
success and fame is dangerous for it makes you stick to an image
that you start feeling comfy with
yet, success and fame could be so FUN
as long as it is used as sharing the common feeling ON THE SPOT
and ONLY on the spot
for on the SPOT you SHARE your light and others are happy to benefit from your sun rays
but after lights went off
so if you remain there rehearsing an old play
you are totally dephased
you have to use it like for adrenaline
to enter into NEW projects or UPGRADE yourself
use this self confidence and support you felt
to TRANSCEND in another area
and become WIDER
this latter one is still to be practised though.
let's see.
Monday, 13 May 2013
I seek not, I AM
we do not meet people to GET something
but to SHARE something.
if you want to GET something from people
EVEN in terms of spirituality or quality or attention or of love
even in this honourable aims
it remains a corruption of attention
for you are saying implicitly to yourself
that you are NOT worthy
that you are INCOMPLETE
while if you know that you are the spirit WITHIN
then spirit is NOT incomplete
but just uncovered in your knowledge of your self.
once this being made clear in you :
you have ALL within
what for are these come and go to/with others?
it is to SHARE.
so you share what you have yourself within
of course, better is when the other also play the game
and wish to share what is in him
but if it happens not
then you keep moving
and at some point the image of your surrounding will shift
and you will find yourself stepping from one dream into another
the shift will happen without you knowing how it happened.
and when you share
you empty yourself
to be replenished by the energy again
the more you let go
the more you receive
and the velocity in your change of life will increase
so will the coincidence and not to say your own life settings
at some point i bet you will say how i am on this wave of constant change
where did it originate from?
for once we are on the ease side,
we always forget the struggle we went through behind
so let me remind you :
you suffered
and went and are going through the purification
for this very purpose :
there is ease after the hardship
there is ease after the hardship
remembering the quote? ; )
kiss to all readers : )
we do not meet people to GET something
but to SHARE something.
if you want to GET something from people
EVEN in terms of spirituality or quality or attention or of love
even in this honourable aims
it remains a corruption of attention
for you are saying implicitly to yourself
that you are NOT worthy
that you are INCOMPLETE
while if you know that you are the spirit WITHIN
then spirit is NOT incomplete
but just uncovered in your knowledge of your self.
once this being made clear in you :
you have ALL within
what for are these come and go to/with others?
it is to SHARE.
so you share what you have yourself within
of course, better is when the other also play the game
and wish to share what is in him
but if it happens not
then you keep moving
and at some point the image of your surrounding will shift
and you will find yourself stepping from one dream into another
the shift will happen without you knowing how it happened.
and when you share
you empty yourself
to be replenished by the energy again
the more you let go
the more you receive
and the velocity in your change of life will increase
so will the coincidence and not to say your own life settings
at some point i bet you will say how i am on this wave of constant change
where did it originate from?
for once we are on the ease side,
we always forget the struggle we went through behind
so let me remind you :
you suffered
and went and are going through the purification
for this very purpose :
there is ease after the hardship
there is ease after the hardship
remembering the quote? ; )
kiss to all readers : )
Sunday, 12 May 2013
this is from where misunderstanding comes from
and this is also from where choice of judgement or letting go stem from.
if you talk, and someone else criticizes you
i wonder who is wrong?
the one who criticise
or you for thinking that he criticized you?
seen like this,
one has to pick up one's priority
which is to set your own self aright,
or to argue : )
so regardless of the other's own intention
yours is just to let go
for you are not responsible of his action
yet, the fact of feeling hurt
is a good proof to you
that you are not standing in the True Self
for the True Self is never hurt
so this is a great opportunity for you to see where you stand
and THEN to make the right choice
of letting go.
for if you feel hurt
it means it is from your false self
and negativity can only hit
when yourself you bear negativity/stand in the false self.
supposing that criticism has been chosen by you
even saying " i do not like him for he criticises" lol
this becomes a criticism, so in a way you are doing the thing you are reproaching the other of!
best prayer,
is to ask God to remove all those that are not of 100% of pure light from your surrounding
like this you know only good ones will remain
and you know where you are going.
for that is the issue
regularly your surrounding changes/society shifts
according to your progress
and when it does
you cannot take your surrounding as your permanent place of resting
thus you cannot trust the other as you trust the change
for yours is not to stay but to progress
so what for expecting a certain behavior from others
when you know that all is the in the progress
so your aim is to progress
whether the others follow or not is their own choice.
had you been waiting for others to progress lastly?
no, for if you had, you would have never found a new society, right?
instead, you left a society for another
following the stream of change.
and this applies also to the current society
follow your stream of change
and let others follow theirs or not.
a hint is enough for the wise
you do not need to repeat it
unless it be considered as an argument
better leave your hands off this matter
for people love to stay in their own zone of comfort
whatever name one gives to it
the only way we can see someone is open
is when he flows along
but if he becomes a barrier
then just leave him
for he has no right on you
and you has no concern for his guidance either.
for it is a false pretense, to fall into argumentation.
because it is extremely rare that two people have same goals
even if in apparence it is same, grossly speaking same
in the details or rate of progress it is never the same
so better concern only with yourself.
second good prayer is,
to ask this very divine energy of
being in charge of your defence
as this Motherly energy loves her own children
and as she is the same in you as in the other
she will know what is good for you
and thus your trust on her
will decide of the matter being handled on your behalf
hence no worries
it seems it works so :
that it suffices that she turns the light on
so that truth be favored : light upon light
or that falsehood be exposed when light is showered upon
for when basis are false, then when light comes
only the face is being show
and when it is ugly
then it is exposed.
let's make the experience
and see how it turns out.
for once, no need to do some planning/ thinking
this person is good or that one is bad
let us test the power
and see how it works for you
and how everything could be exposed.
this can work out only under the condition
of you not being judgemental
otherwise you do not choose innocence
and in that case, you are in charge and will have to bear the consequences of it too.
Friday, 10 May 2013
Kun Fayakun - Be and it is
So beautiful song,
here are the complete lyrics :
Hindi Lyrics
here are the complete lyrics :
Hindi Song: Kun Faaya Kun Movie or Album: Rockstar Singer(s): A. R. Rahman, Javed Ali, Mohit Chauhan Music Director(s): A. R. Rahman |
Hindi Lyrics
ya nizamuddin auliya ya nizamuddin salka
kadam badha le haddon ko mita le
aaja khalipan mein pee ka ghar tera
tere bin khaali aaja khaalipan mein - 2
rangreza - 4
kun faaya kun kun faaya kun faaya kun faaya kun faaya kun faaya kun - 2
(jab kahin pe kuch nahin bhi nahin tha
wahi tha wahi tha wahi tha wahi tha) - 2
(woh jo mujh mein samaaya, woh jo tujh mein samaaya
maula wahin wahi maaya) - 2
kun faaya kun kun faaya kun sadaq allahu al ali al ajim
rangreza rang mera tann mera mann le le rangaai chahe tann chahe mann - 2
sajra savera mere tan barse kajra andhera teri jaan ki lau - 2
katra mila jo tere dar barse
o maula, maula
(kun faaya kun kun faaya kun faaya kun faaya kun - 2 faaya kun faaya kun) - 2
jab kahin pe kuch nahin bhi nahin tha wahi tha wahi tha wahi tha wahi tha - 2
kun fayakun kun fayakun
sadaq allahu al ali al ajim sadaq rasur-hul nabhi karim
salallah hu alayhi wasallam salallah hu alayhi wasallam
ho mujhpe karam sarkar tera araj tujhe kar de mujhe
mujhse hi riha ab mujhko bhi ho didar mera
kar de mujhe mujhse hi riha, mujhse hi riha
mann ke mere yeh bharam kachche mere yeh karam
leke chale hain kahaan main to jaanu hi na
tu hai mujh mein samaaya kahaan leke mujhe aaya
main hoon tujh mein samaaya tere peeche chala aaya
tera hi main ek saaya tune mujhko banaya
main toh jag ko naa bhaaya
tune gale se jagaya haq tu hi hai khudaya
sacch tu hi hai khudaya aa
kun faaya kun kun faaya kun faaya kun faaya kun faaya kun faaya kun - 2
jab kahin pe kuch nahin bhi nahin tha wahi tha wahi tha wahi tha wahi tha - 2
kun faaya kun kun faaya kun
sadaq allahu al ali al ajim sadaq rasur-hul nabhi hikari
Power of hidden part
when you look at nature one day
and come back the next day
or even a few days after,
you DO SEE it has CHANGED
it is never same
yet, with human beings
it is not so
we can see each other after a week
and yet our face/light or lack of it
is still the same, if not worse
even for yogis
if their energy/kundalini/power of divine love
has indeed awakened
which it has
it should change you
each week your face should be more beautiful than the week before
and your innocence should shine
if this happens not
if change is not witnessed
then something is not ok
with your love
it is not growing
your are making as we say in french "sur-place"
you sort of keep staying on what you are
feeding yourself day after day with the same acquired bread
how could you change?
it is because you love so much the apparent
that you have forgotten the hidden
the flowers grow in their appearance
because their hidden part is feeding them
the hidden part becomes integrated in the flower
and is continuously being transformed
into the apparent
this is how the light keeps flowing
and change keeps the wheel turning
stinginess, or fears
is what blocks us
the pure love keeps purifying us
but if we keep diving into the same mud
the purification cannot bring higher change
for this power is busy into purifying us from our same old habits
to witness a new change
we should totally change ourselves
stretch our hands to that which is out of our comfort zone
so that it gets a chance to be transformed
this is the refinement of our hidden energy
to shine more on our face.
if you love only the apparent, then you think you are only that,
then, most of your time is stuck/devoted to the apparent side of yours
you cannot feed the hidden one of yours
and thus NEVER change will come up into our life
and even less significant growth
which would make you change as nature keeps changing and shining in its beauty.
this is the meaning of loving too much the world/dunia.
where your attention is,
is where you are.
if your attention is on purification and growth
and not mixed with old habits
then, only then, could significant change
would happen,
like nature testifies for us
about that natural law.
when you look at nature one day
and come back the next day
or even a few days after,
you DO SEE it has CHANGED
it is never same
yet, with human beings
it is not so
we can see each other after a week
and yet our face/light or lack of it
is still the same, if not worse
even for yogis
if their energy/kundalini/power of divine love
has indeed awakened
which it has
it should change you
each week your face should be more beautiful than the week before
and your innocence should shine
if this happens not
if change is not witnessed
then something is not ok
with your love
it is not growing
your are making as we say in french "sur-place"
you sort of keep staying on what you are
feeding yourself day after day with the same acquired bread
how could you change?
it is because you love so much the apparent
that you have forgotten the hidden
the flowers grow in their appearance
because their hidden part is feeding them
the hidden part becomes integrated in the flower
and is continuously being transformed
into the apparent
this is how the light keeps flowing
and change keeps the wheel turning
stinginess, or fears
is what blocks us
the pure love keeps purifying us
but if we keep diving into the same mud
the purification cannot bring higher change
for this power is busy into purifying us from our same old habits
to witness a new change
we should totally change ourselves
stretch our hands to that which is out of our comfort zone
so that it gets a chance to be transformed
this is the refinement of our hidden energy
to shine more on our face.
if you love only the apparent, then you think you are only that,
then, most of your time is stuck/devoted to the apparent side of yours
you cannot feed the hidden one of yours
and thus NEVER change will come up into our life
and even less significant growth
which would make you change as nature keeps changing and shining in its beauty.
this is the meaning of loving too much the world/dunia.
where your attention is,
is where you are.
if your attention is on purification and growth
and not mixed with old habits
then, only then, could significant change
would happen,
like nature testifies for us
about that natural law.
That which is not
someone said :
"i used to frequent people due to their cv,
for i cared for listed qualities,
but something was missing.
the other one asked :
what was missing?
and it was answered,
that which was not on the list."
this hit me,
the apparent vs the hidden
and sometimes
the hidden is that which attention is most needed on
it is that which heart yearn for
while eyes see not
and in a way,
it is like eyes are jealous of the heart
for heart can see that which eyes cannot.
so i seek for that which is not on the list
one has to close eyes
to devote time to find it
otherwise it will remain a word.
yes and it is like
when you turn at the apparent
to find guidance
it cannot guide you to the hidden
for the apparent is not the hidden
and yet, in a hidden way, lol;
it CAN guide you
for the apparent and the hidden
both comes from the SAME source.
"i used to frequent people due to their cv,
for i cared for listed qualities,
but something was missing.
the other one asked :
what was missing?
and it was answered,
that which was not on the list."
this hit me,
the apparent vs the hidden
and sometimes
the hidden is that which attention is most needed on
it is that which heart yearn for
while eyes see not
and in a way,
it is like eyes are jealous of the heart
for heart can see that which eyes cannot.
so i seek for that which is not on the list
one has to close eyes
to devote time to find it
otherwise it will remain a word.
yes and it is like
when you turn at the apparent
to find guidance
it cannot guide you to the hidden
for the apparent is not the hidden
and yet, in a hidden way, lol;
it CAN guide you
for the apparent and the hidden
both comes from the SAME source.
Thursday, 9 May 2013
As generous as the wind
What i loved during this week end
it is the manners
not mannerism
but manners
manners were not for the sake of keeping up appearances
BUT on the contrary
they were meant to SHARE CONCRETELY the resources at stake
be it your time, your place in the queue to get a plate to get your meal,
everything was being shared
it was a collective work
like for playing volleyball
they served others before self service
they gave plates and filled it with meal
while the other was doing same for them
everyone was taking care of the other
while this very other was taking care of them
this is the beauty to get the surprise of being served by
new eyes and hands
different than yours
while you are serving the other
as if you are serving yourself
by giving the choicest dishes to the other
love the other as you love yourself
do good to the other as you do good to yourself
so that the other becomes yourself
for if you are used to take the best piece of meat
you will exactly pick up the same but this time to feed someone else!
and this creates BEAUTIFUL patterns to be experienced by others
otherwise the others would have remained STUCK with the same old patterns of theirs
and would not have experienced another way of tasting a dish (different in quantities and association)
hence the "utility" of serving
for you could say "hey why serving someone, when they ALSO have hands to serve themselves!"
and the other becomes treated like you treat yourself usually
and so in a way you extend your feeling of self and make it wide and spread it as far as you can
by reaching as many as you can
besides, it is also for the other the occasion to witness your inner beauty...
and the other needs not to get envious or jealous of it,
for he/she is GETTING it,
by being the OBJECT of attention and all manners...
yes in Asia, usually, people DO serve others
but either it is mannerism like anywhere else
once you enter into routine
you take it for granted and then no more feeling, nor heart accompagning the service
and thus it becomes a custom/tradition, a RULE
while it was initially meant as a service...
this is how heavy customs and traditions were born
esp. still are in use in Asia, for instance.
origin is ALWAYS service
for the AIM of sharing
and THIS is being done because of the SENSE OF COLLECTIVITY
which itself comes from the TRUE KNOWLEDGE of ONENESS
we are ONE in spirit
you are me and i am you
we are just "separated" as individual to witness differences in the process of experimentation
but it makes not one more superior to another
except through the development of the refined state of Oneness
this is what "piety" is about
i feel odd using "religious" terms now
for it is like i have to wash them from religious imitation of models
while they were meant to be used to just give an idea(l)
but ended up being a RULE and a constraint, a jail and eventually a judgement
leading from self punishment to world wars
so cruel one can be to oneself
when acting in plain ignorance of (we are all One)
so seeing westerners adopting Asian manners in terms of service
is really beautiful
for they are doing it CONSCIOUSLY
and therein lies the devotion
when you give of yourself (under the use/form of your OWN consciousness) to do this
and hence the meaning of this ayah from quran "and we have created you in tribes, so that you know one another"
where it has become a custom/tradition and burden (ex : women all day in kitchen and at men's service)
somewhere else, like in France, it has becomein the hands of such people embodying it, a SERVICE
a SHARING and an enjoyable experience
and finally,
when someone buys you some fruits
and tell you, hey look at those beautiful fruits
it is AN OPEN invitation to you
to catch the BALL
catch it and make it flow
if you just eat the fruit
hmm, it is ok
but if you partake in their cost
it is fabulous
for you are reaching out for someone
lessening his financial burden
for things done in collectivity are always more with added values
than when done separately
for it gives joy to the other to have been magically "rescued" and paid back a part of his cost
while he ASKED NOT
and put him into action to GO ON doing such small favors and surprises
he feels free and happy to do it
you have thus REMOVED burden from his path (ihsan = doing good)
to thrive into making small healthy purchases for others.
and you what have you gained?
one could say,
yeah but on the spot it hurts to take money out
while you had not budgeted it
this is true as far as logic is concerned
but you aim IS to empty yourself for your cup to be filled anew, remember?
in that case, the other is doing you a favor by accepting your money too...seen like this
it makes sense
is when you give a part of your wealth to "poors"
and PLEASE poors means not the one in street
it is the one BELOW you ON THE SPOT when your heart tells you to share your own resources
i know people caricature SO MUCH that they see it not, for they live in the improbable future of meeting some beggar, while it is about the PRESENT
yet, the word itself means "purification"
yes... purification
it is when you do not let things accumulate till they create a blocage in you
so you have to let them go
till they flow
similar is the example of a river which flows vs stagnant waters which become muddy
due to lack of movements.
seen like this still acceptable
but ALL is in the MOMENT
are we able to DO it and with HAPPY excitation expecting GOOD on the moment?
this can only be done so, when one truly starts experiencing the joy of it
of all of this
then, can one be even more eager to repeat such behavior of "as generous as the winds".
it is the manners
not mannerism
but manners
manners were not for the sake of keeping up appearances
BUT on the contrary
they were meant to SHARE CONCRETELY the resources at stake
be it your time, your place in the queue to get a plate to get your meal,
everything was being shared
it was a collective work
like for playing volleyball
they served others before self service
they gave plates and filled it with meal
while the other was doing same for them
everyone was taking care of the other
while this very other was taking care of them
this is the beauty to get the surprise of being served by
new eyes and hands
different than yours
while you are serving the other
as if you are serving yourself
by giving the choicest dishes to the other
love the other as you love yourself
do good to the other as you do good to yourself
so that the other becomes yourself
for if you are used to take the best piece of meat
you will exactly pick up the same but this time to feed someone else!
and this creates BEAUTIFUL patterns to be experienced by others
otherwise the others would have remained STUCK with the same old patterns of theirs
and would not have experienced another way of tasting a dish (different in quantities and association)
hence the "utility" of serving
for you could say "hey why serving someone, when they ALSO have hands to serve themselves!"
and the other becomes treated like you treat yourself usually
and so in a way you extend your feeling of self and make it wide and spread it as far as you can
by reaching as many as you can
besides, it is also for the other the occasion to witness your inner beauty...
and the other needs not to get envious or jealous of it,
for he/she is GETTING it,
by being the OBJECT of attention and all manners...
yes in Asia, usually, people DO serve others
but either it is mannerism like anywhere else
once you enter into routine
you take it for granted and then no more feeling, nor heart accompagning the service
and thus it becomes a custom/tradition, a RULE
while it was initially meant as a service...
this is how heavy customs and traditions were born
esp. still are in use in Asia, for instance.
origin is ALWAYS service
for the AIM of sharing
and THIS is being done because of the SENSE OF COLLECTIVITY
which itself comes from the TRUE KNOWLEDGE of ONENESS
we are ONE in spirit
you are me and i am you
we are just "separated" as individual to witness differences in the process of experimentation
but it makes not one more superior to another
except through the development of the refined state of Oneness
this is what "piety" is about
i feel odd using "religious" terms now
for it is like i have to wash them from religious imitation of models
while they were meant to be used to just give an idea(l)
but ended up being a RULE and a constraint, a jail and eventually a judgement
leading from self punishment to world wars
so cruel one can be to oneself
when acting in plain ignorance of (we are all One)
so seeing westerners adopting Asian manners in terms of service
is really beautiful
for they are doing it CONSCIOUSLY
and therein lies the devotion
when you give of yourself (under the use/form of your OWN consciousness) to do this
and hence the meaning of this ayah from quran "and we have created you in tribes, so that you know one another"
where it has become a custom/tradition and burden (ex : women all day in kitchen and at men's service)
somewhere else, like in France, it has becomein the hands of such people embodying it, a SERVICE
a SHARING and an enjoyable experience
and finally,
when someone buys you some fruits
and tell you, hey look at those beautiful fruits
it is AN OPEN invitation to you
to catch the BALL
catch it and make it flow
if you just eat the fruit
hmm, it is ok
but if you partake in their cost
it is fabulous
for you are reaching out for someone
lessening his financial burden
for things done in collectivity are always more with added values
than when done separately
for it gives joy to the other to have been magically "rescued" and paid back a part of his cost
while he ASKED NOT
and put him into action to GO ON doing such small favors and surprises
he feels free and happy to do it
you have thus REMOVED burden from his path (ihsan = doing good)
to thrive into making small healthy purchases for others.
and you what have you gained?
one could say,
yeah but on the spot it hurts to take money out
while you had not budgeted it
this is true as far as logic is concerned
but you aim IS to empty yourself for your cup to be filled anew, remember?
in that case, the other is doing you a favor by accepting your money too...seen like this
it makes sense
is when you give a part of your wealth to "poors"
and PLEASE poors means not the one in street
it is the one BELOW you ON THE SPOT when your heart tells you to share your own resources
i know people caricature SO MUCH that they see it not, for they live in the improbable future of meeting some beggar, while it is about the PRESENT
yet, the word itself means "purification"
yes... purification
it is when you do not let things accumulate till they create a blocage in you
so you have to let them go
till they flow
similar is the example of a river which flows vs stagnant waters which become muddy
due to lack of movements.
seen like this still acceptable
but ALL is in the MOMENT
are we able to DO it and with HAPPY excitation expecting GOOD on the moment?
this can only be done so, when one truly starts experiencing the joy of it
of all of this
then, can one be even more eager to repeat such behavior of "as generous as the winds".
Collectivity : meditation and sports
Have started the morning meditation at 4am;
great when we get up in group
but doing it alone,
hm, issue,
for none of my alarm clock is obedient enough to get me up.
it just hit me
actually we ARE CREATED to live as a COLLECTIVE
on our own, we are not functioning so smoothly
for the inner Being is telling us through this pain
that we are MEANT to live otherwise
and the flow i felt today
was only when i was in group.
will refer to it later,
first, let's close the initial 4am meditation topic
I noticed, each time i meditated at this time
the times flow so quick,
it is so light
one cannot even feel one hour is gone
second, when we ALL go to sleep
we ALL do sweet dreams
mine was
first i saw the graveyard of the prophet muhammad (saw)
it was covered with a green carpet with broidery
and right after i saw
a sun, should i say a shining sun lol
of course a sun shines! : ))
and it was resting on a Throne
so lovely,
but it was a vision
not a dream
right before i got asleep.
yeah, the collective
that is the way.
today we played volleyball
yes, and the sensations when i was sitting in the train back home
was : blankness
i realised i had "forgotten" the feeling of "i-ness"
it is like when one is merging as a drop in an ocean
then, one does not realise that one is a drop
it is just appreciating the flowing of "itself" or just the sensation of surfing
in the activity
yes and when i opened after a whole day my mobile
and saw some messages
i could see the person's fears! into the written messages
or even the person's manipulation!
while the person itself is not very much conscious of it
(and thanks to this experience, i tell you i know NOW how i could look like silly with my fears : ))
for it is like seeing oneself being stuck into a drama, and the silliness comes from the fact
we have FORGOTTEN it is NOT real, it is a drama, that WE HAVE CHOSEN to be in, in the first place! this is WHY it is so silly...! it is because we have FORGOTTEN that we can go OUT of it, while we take it for real, true and thus being us!)
and i felt like tenderness for the person,
for it was like witnessing someone turning in circle
because this person is on his/her own
and this is when i felt the wideness of not being an individual but a part of a whole/or a whole
and i felt smiling all the way
for i saw how one can get narrow-minded by remaining on our own
one cannot polish this
it is not feasible
the only way is to jump into the ocean
not put a mask to make-believe that we are perfect
we are only perfect when we are being constantly shaped by Hand of Divine
which is flowing through all of us and is IN us
after having played volleyball
a wise girl concluded :
we learn in collective game
and it HIT me
so true
in life we do not even know how to receive
when you learn to receive the ball
those who improve into the reception
is when they learn about their own body
and THEN go with the flow
movements of hands in receptions are from down to up, and knees have to accompany hands movements
you cannot just come and throw balls on the other side/ give it to someone else
you have first to learn to RECEIVE it
as BEST as you can
then, only then, you learn to direct it
someone told me
when you direct it
put your attention on the person or place you want it to go
lol , said like this so simple and common sense
but on the spot
i was just in stress while receiving the ball
and wondering : am i going to receive it well
receive it or not , is not my issue
for, of course i will go towards it and receive it
but then next is to put attention on where you want it to go
and one HERE realises how one is not flowing
for one is stuck into just some single thought/or fear
this is SAME with Life
learn to receive, and then learn to give
let life be a constant give and take
so that if you let it flow,
then you have nothing to feel hurt about
as you are nothing (fix)
but constantly changing
and the more you can let go
the more you can receive to experience again something new
if a cup remains full, you cannot fill it
the longer you take to let it go, the longer it takes to be filled anew
and finally,
at the beginning, i just noticed i was just standing fix on my spot (just loving a bit but nothing much)
then, little by little, sense of stretching myself came,
ok i can run here and there
one has to learn not to take your team mates' place of "responsibility" in the game
and at the same time be receptive enough to be ready to help/move if need be
for aim is to get the joy of beating the other party up too! lol
as if one wishes to lose, no way! :))
yet, i am FOR individual sports TOO
for one learns auto-discipline in them
and this i am the first to say it,
for i LOVE fencing.
ok, waiting soon for Archery next time,
i think right time is coming soon for it.
Song : Feels like heaven by Dave James, Keith Beauvais, Sulene Fleming
Never could imagine, I'd feel this way
Always something better, to leave me a strength
But times they are changing
When I hear you callin' my name
And it feels like heaven to me
When you smile my heart gets to be then
I always wanna be there for you
You're my words on my dream
Feels like heaven to me
Likely beside you, you're my ankle, my place
And every time I hold you, no one touches the same
We no share this feeling No one could take your place
And it feels like heaven to me
When you smile my heart gets to be then
Then I always wanna Be there for you
You're my words on my dream
Feels like heaven
You're the air that I breath in
You're my angel when I sleep
You're the sun on my crises
And I'm so proud that I can be free
ps : about the collectivity vs the individual life and messages on phone,
it occured to me
in my daily routine, i would have never taken distance from the "negative" message, on the spot
i would have innerly, FOR SURE, reacted,
as an automatism,
the meaning of this word is that i would have ONLY known ONE way to RECEIVE
the message
and would have NOT known HOW to experience it otherwise
for one can do only what one knows
but being in a collective and giving and taking continuously
makes you SET into a FLOW
EVEN if it BE in a GAME , a sport!
it carves your inside and LEADS you to KEEP acting EVEN AFTER
in a GIVE and TAKE-way
therefore, this is HOW
i feel i could read the message and still laugh about it
not laughing at it, in a mean way,
but laughing at it as in a volley ball game :
i caught the ball, so much the better! (all fun)
i did not, it is ok, next ball is coming, get ready.
so one has NO TIME to get stuck on a self drama
lol imagine you keep beating yourself up for a ball you missed
i bet your team mates will say "hey, you ! go back to your sanity, IT IS OK,
get rather ready for the NEXT one, which is coming .... on your face!"
great when we get up in group
but doing it alone,
hm, issue,
for none of my alarm clock is obedient enough to get me up.
it just hit me
actually we ARE CREATED to live as a COLLECTIVE
on our own, we are not functioning so smoothly
for the inner Being is telling us through this pain
that we are MEANT to live otherwise
and the flow i felt today
was only when i was in group.
will refer to it later,
first, let's close the initial 4am meditation topic
I noticed, each time i meditated at this time
the times flow so quick,
it is so light
one cannot even feel one hour is gone
second, when we ALL go to sleep
we ALL do sweet dreams
mine was
first i saw the graveyard of the prophet muhammad (saw)
it was covered with a green carpet with broidery
and right after i saw
a sun, should i say a shining sun lol
of course a sun shines! : ))
and it was resting on a Throne
so lovely,
but it was a vision
not a dream
right before i got asleep.
yeah, the collective
that is the way.
today we played volleyball
yes, and the sensations when i was sitting in the train back home
was : blankness
i realised i had "forgotten" the feeling of "i-ness"
it is like when one is merging as a drop in an ocean
then, one does not realise that one is a drop
it is just appreciating the flowing of "itself" or just the sensation of surfing
in the activity
yes and when i opened after a whole day my mobile
and saw some messages
i could see the person's fears! into the written messages
or even the person's manipulation!
while the person itself is not very much conscious of it
(and thanks to this experience, i tell you i know NOW how i could look like silly with my fears : ))
for it is like seeing oneself being stuck into a drama, and the silliness comes from the fact
we have FORGOTTEN it is NOT real, it is a drama, that WE HAVE CHOSEN to be in, in the first place! this is WHY it is so silly...! it is because we have FORGOTTEN that we can go OUT of it, while we take it for real, true and thus being us!)
and i felt like tenderness for the person,
for it was like witnessing someone turning in circle
because this person is on his/her own
and this is when i felt the wideness of not being an individual but a part of a whole/or a whole
and i felt smiling all the way
for i saw how one can get narrow-minded by remaining on our own
one cannot polish this
it is not feasible
the only way is to jump into the ocean
not put a mask to make-believe that we are perfect
we are only perfect when we are being constantly shaped by Hand of Divine
which is flowing through all of us and is IN us
after having played volleyball
a wise girl concluded :
we learn in collective game
and it HIT me
so true
in life we do not even know how to receive
when you learn to receive the ball
those who improve into the reception
is when they learn about their own body
and THEN go with the flow
movements of hands in receptions are from down to up, and knees have to accompany hands movements
you cannot just come and throw balls on the other side/ give it to someone else
you have first to learn to RECEIVE it
as BEST as you can
then, only then, you learn to direct it
someone told me
when you direct it
put your attention on the person or place you want it to go
lol , said like this so simple and common sense
but on the spot
i was just in stress while receiving the ball
and wondering : am i going to receive it well
receive it or not , is not my issue
for, of course i will go towards it and receive it
but then next is to put attention on where you want it to go
and one HERE realises how one is not flowing
for one is stuck into just some single thought/or fear
this is SAME with Life
learn to receive, and then learn to give
let life be a constant give and take
so that if you let it flow,
then you have nothing to feel hurt about
as you are nothing (fix)
but constantly changing
and the more you can let go
the more you can receive to experience again something new
if a cup remains full, you cannot fill it
the longer you take to let it go, the longer it takes to be filled anew
and finally,
at the beginning, i just noticed i was just standing fix on my spot (just loving a bit but nothing much)
then, little by little, sense of stretching myself came,
ok i can run here and there
one has to learn not to take your team mates' place of "responsibility" in the game
and at the same time be receptive enough to be ready to help/move if need be
for aim is to get the joy of beating the other party up too! lol
as if one wishes to lose, no way! :))
yet, i am FOR individual sports TOO
for one learns auto-discipline in them
and this i am the first to say it,
for i LOVE fencing.
ok, waiting soon for Archery next time,
i think right time is coming soon for it.
Never could imagine, I'd feel this way
Always something better, to leave me a strength
But times they are changing
When I hear you callin' my name
And it feels like heaven to me
When you smile my heart gets to be then
I always wanna be there for you
You're my words on my dream
Feels like heaven to me
Likely beside you, you're my ankle, my place
And every time I hold you, no one touches the same
We no share this feeling No one could take your place
And it feels like heaven to me
When you smile my heart gets to be then
Then I always wanna Be there for you
You're my words on my dream
Feels like heaven
You're the air that I breath in
You're my angel when I sleep
You're the sun on my crises
And I'm so proud that I can be free
ps : about the collectivity vs the individual life and messages on phone,
it occured to me
in my daily routine, i would have never taken distance from the "negative" message, on the spot
i would have innerly, FOR SURE, reacted,
as an automatism,
the meaning of this word is that i would have ONLY known ONE way to RECEIVE
the message
and would have NOT known HOW to experience it otherwise
for one can do only what one knows
but being in a collective and giving and taking continuously
makes you SET into a FLOW
EVEN if it BE in a GAME , a sport!
it carves your inside and LEADS you to KEEP acting EVEN AFTER
in a GIVE and TAKE-way
therefore, this is HOW
i feel i could read the message and still laugh about it
not laughing at it, in a mean way,
but laughing at it as in a volley ball game :
i caught the ball, so much the better! (all fun)
i did not, it is ok, next ball is coming, get ready.
so one has NO TIME to get stuck on a self drama
lol imagine you keep beating yourself up for a ball you missed
i bet your team mates will say "hey, you ! go back to your sanity, IT IS OK,
get rather ready for the NEXT one, which is coming .... on your face!"
Tuesday, 7 May 2013
Today, we went to the park,
and we all just slept on the grass and did some of sunbathing lol.
may be had i meditated before,
i no longer remember,
but suddenly when i watched the sky
it was all purple and green like butterflies flying
like being aspired upwards
billions of it
then, later i watched the grass
and it was same kind of vibrations or pulses
this time it was like a white mist of it
like a whole sky vibrating
and the whole earth vibrating
this is how i realised they are alive
and always changing / moving upwards.
i tried to look at human being
but i just saw solid forms
so, i realised may be it is either they are lacking vibrations
or because i cannot see multicolored vibrations.
and we all just slept on the grass and did some of sunbathing lol.
may be had i meditated before,
i no longer remember,
but suddenly when i watched the sky
it was all purple and green like butterflies flying
like being aspired upwards
billions of it
then, later i watched the grass
and it was same kind of vibrations or pulses
this time it was like a white mist of it
like a whole sky vibrating
and the whole earth vibrating
this is how i realised they are alive
and always changing / moving upwards.
i tried to look at human being
but i just saw solid forms
so, i realised may be it is either they are lacking vibrations
or because i cannot see multicolored vibrations.
Love is always there
i did not know what love was
i felt always insecure
for i knew not how to integrate all that i met into oneness
so i imagined
that love
is the capacity to always be there
despite all of my excess
it HAS to stick there
otherwise how i could feel protected and reassured?
feeling of insecurity
could have been laughed at
for very strange reasons
may be the reasons
were just laughing at me
for not seeing that I AM that Truth inside
but on the spot
it was of no help to my ignorance
actually it was felt as being cruel
i imagined love
love to be fully integrating all that was evil in me
always patient and forgiving and especially, still after all my blunders,
be loving
so that shamelessly
i feel confident enough
to keep improving
why should one cover one's defects
when one is meant to be transformed into something more beautiful?
so first one should face our own defect
see what could be laughable
and accept that
and never think that it made love to forsake you
just this thing is sufficient
to know that love forsakes not
so that at some point
you have by this choice
made and accumulated enough space
for transformation to happen
love is always there
but you just need
to be lenient with yourself
to give the required space
for the alchemy to take place.
i felt always insecure
for i knew not how to integrate all that i met into oneness
so i imagined
that love
is the capacity to always be there
despite all of my excess
it HAS to stick there
otherwise how i could feel protected and reassured?
feeling of insecurity
could have been laughed at
for very strange reasons
may be the reasons
were just laughing at me
for not seeing that I AM that Truth inside
but on the spot
it was of no help to my ignorance
actually it was felt as being cruel
i imagined love
love to be fully integrating all that was evil in me
always patient and forgiving and especially, still after all my blunders,
be loving
so that shamelessly
i feel confident enough
to keep improving
why should one cover one's defects
when one is meant to be transformed into something more beautiful?
so first one should face our own defect
see what could be laughable
and accept that
and never think that it made love to forsake you
just this thing is sufficient
to know that love forsakes not
so that at some point
you have by this choice
made and accumulated enough space
for transformation to happen
love is always there
but you just need
to be lenient with yourself
to give the required space
for the alchemy to take place.
Monday, 6 May 2013
To be colored in the color of God
Collective meditation is the intensive way to get speed up the process of purification/vibrations
later, the individual one only need to feel its own call/passion within and respond to it
so once the ablution is done,
offering still remained to be done
and it is up to each one of us, up to each individual to do it
i love his eyes in the beginning of the video
once his inside has literally been beaten up (as you will see it throughout the video)
it is like this was necessary for him to go through all of this
for his eyes to find the softness and innocence of a fragile new born one
and only lovable one is , in truth
so is the power of divine love
which is compared to the Mercy of a Mother
cannot bear to see his children
go through the rough path
while they could go through the easy one
human nature is so
that they cannot learn the easy way
they want to try the stick before
on individual level it is called tragedy
on the mass scale world wars
yet, humanity needs not to suffer
nor to reach the pitless bottom to learn to love
or find back the never lost innocence
it just requires humbleness to make space for it
and for once, listen to it
for it has been always there.
and it just wait for us
in silence
to receive it
to welcome it
for it will never force itself upon you
so good mannered it is
thus yesterday night,
i suddenly felt a sort of rush of wind
on the sole of my feet
i realised that it was intelligent for it was trying to move up inside
this woke me up,
for i did not realise what was happening
and then, suddenly the room went dark
this is when i realised that it was a cloud of light
and it never forces itself on you
yet you have to attune yourself with it.
Few months ago, i was afraid
and just rejected it.
This time, i was still afraid, for i was not expecting it
but did not rejected it, i kept observing
if we go to sleep expecting nothing
then for sure if something good happen
we are scared
for we are unprepared
but if we go to sleep
expecting Grace
if something good happen
we can attune to it
so this is the state into which i will sleep next time
expecting good
and observing the sensations or watching what i see.
it is all about choice
and we are to choose
and then, let it happen.
these past few days were very blessed with these continuous meditation spots
day after day
and it ended up the whole "trip"
with a, what i call, "angel in disguise",
at least it is the impression that this "beggar" gave me
in the metro,
he was playing his small piece of music
and as over the past few days,
all i see and feel repulsion for
i pinpoint the feeling inside of me
so that on the spot i envelop it with love
so when the beggar was playing of his instrument
and i felt a bit of irritated because it was not really a beautiful music sound
and it was so much noisy with the metro
i used "i love you" mantra inside of me upon the disagreeable sensation i was feeling inside
at the end,
the beggar who was near me
said Hallelujah
Lol which wake me up
whenever i see people interested with some religious behavior
i am curious as to their way of seeing life
for i was expecting some misery coming from him at the end of the song
like the previous beggar i heard
but he was praising God
which really attracted my curiosity
and then, he turned towards me
and gave me his hand
so that i shake it
lol : )
and as if i was in dream,
well, who knows, i am in dream,
i was shaking his hand
then, he pointed his finger to the sky
and said, are you christian?
to which i said yes
then, he said,
then, you are ok
then, he left and resumed his work
of asking people the money for his music
while i was expecting him to do same with them.
so this made me think,
this is a very exciting meeting
when we meet each other
and speak to each other on unsaid words
and then, wear again our mantle of daily chores
as if nothing happened.
it is like our light
shines for a second
before we go back consciously or unconsciously to amnesy.
for him, i wonder, which one was it,
the conscious or unconsious one?
we are all like that,
it is just that we are deeeeeeeeep asleep.
later, the individual one only need to feel its own call/passion within and respond to it
so once the ablution is done,
offering still remained to be done
and it is up to each one of us, up to each individual to do it
i love his eyes in the beginning of the video
once his inside has literally been beaten up (as you will see it throughout the video)
it is like this was necessary for him to go through all of this
for his eyes to find the softness and innocence of a fragile new born one
and only lovable one is , in truth
so is the power of divine love
which is compared to the Mercy of a Mother
cannot bear to see his children
go through the rough path
while they could go through the easy one
human nature is so
that they cannot learn the easy way
they want to try the stick before
on individual level it is called tragedy
on the mass scale world wars
yet, humanity needs not to suffer
nor to reach the pitless bottom to learn to love
or find back the never lost innocence
it just requires humbleness to make space for it
and for once, listen to it
for it has been always there.
and it just wait for us
in silence
to receive it
to welcome it
for it will never force itself upon you
so good mannered it is
thus yesterday night,
i suddenly felt a sort of rush of wind
on the sole of my feet
i realised that it was intelligent for it was trying to move up inside
this woke me up,
for i did not realise what was happening
and then, suddenly the room went dark
this is when i realised that it was a cloud of light
and it never forces itself on you
yet you have to attune yourself with it.
Few months ago, i was afraid
and just rejected it.
This time, i was still afraid, for i was not expecting it
but did not rejected it, i kept observing
if we go to sleep expecting nothing
then for sure if something good happen
we are scared
for we are unprepared
but if we go to sleep
expecting Grace
if something good happen
we can attune to it
so this is the state into which i will sleep next time
expecting good
and observing the sensations or watching what i see.
it is all about choice
and we are to choose
and then, let it happen.
these past few days were very blessed with these continuous meditation spots
day after day
and it ended up the whole "trip"
with a, what i call, "angel in disguise",
at least it is the impression that this "beggar" gave me
in the metro,
he was playing his small piece of music
and as over the past few days,
all i see and feel repulsion for
i pinpoint the feeling inside of me
so that on the spot i envelop it with love
so when the beggar was playing of his instrument
and i felt a bit of irritated because it was not really a beautiful music sound
and it was so much noisy with the metro
i used "i love you" mantra inside of me upon the disagreeable sensation i was feeling inside
at the end,
the beggar who was near me
said Hallelujah
Lol which wake me up
whenever i see people interested with some religious behavior
i am curious as to their way of seeing life
for i was expecting some misery coming from him at the end of the song
like the previous beggar i heard
but he was praising God
which really attracted my curiosity
and then, he turned towards me
and gave me his hand
so that i shake it
lol : )
and as if i was in dream,
well, who knows, i am in dream,
i was shaking his hand
then, he pointed his finger to the sky
and said, are you christian?
to which i said yes
then, he said,
then, you are ok
then, he left and resumed his work
of asking people the money for his music
while i was expecting him to do same with them.
so this made me think,
this is a very exciting meeting
when we meet each other
and speak to each other on unsaid words
and then, wear again our mantle of daily chores
as if nothing happened.
it is like our light
shines for a second
before we go back consciously or unconsciously to amnesy.
for him, i wonder, which one was it,
the conscious or unconsious one?
we are all like that,
it is just that we are deeeeeeeeep asleep.
Discernment and Judgement
When one has found the standard of Truth
or saw what it was like to have a sneak peek into Truth
into its atmosphere
when you breathe it
or see it and feel it
it suffices you come back to your former level
and you see all of it with new eyes
and you can tell
no that is fake, that is fake and that too.
the power of discernment is there
for you need night to know what day (light) is
and vice versa
so dualities are aimed at increasing your discerning power
but never to judge
dualities are there as help for you to get sharper
and what you DO after with it
but most of time people get carried away
and don't know that they have choice
seeing duality
or seeing darkness after the light
they think it is their life role and mission
to criticise, judge
either for the sake of it
for lower reasons of being always right
or even for noble reasons of making the world a better place
but all of these reasons are FALSE
for judging IS judging
judging is to try to bend the spoon from the outside
it is to mix up The Source with the manifestation
it is to go into the corruption of Attention and give unto it
it is to react to the falsehood with our emotions
call it as you wish
but these are the processes which are taking place
we are judging.
discernment is one thing, judging is ONE choice
and Loving is ANOTHER.
let us dwell into the Loving choice following the discernment period
this one we hardly imagine it to be a choice
for let us be honest
i never understood how i could LOVE
and even unconditionally
if i see a really irritating situation, circumstance or person
i am sorry, but in NO WAY i will say i love it.
for i KNOW that i am feeling irritated, angry or even NOT OK with it.
yet jesus peace be upon him said,
We see the straw in the eyes of others and we do not see the beam in ours
"to not cast judgement on others so easily and yet overlook our own faults."
Yet, ON THE SPOT, i always see the BEAM in the other, and not the straw and i saw it into them and NOT in me (always on the spot) ...so how come?
yet, the idiom HAS TO BE TRUE.
so how come?
it is because i chose judgement after discernment
and not love
and also because i forgot that everything is pure spirit, me and the other
so the other is always meant as a MIRROR INTO ME
and the mirror role is NOT to burden me... for it is a world of transformation and change
it is meant for me to see the VERY fault i see in the other into me
not that i should find it into me
for on the spot i SEE it (so it is already found)
but the exterior is giving witness as a mirror does to my interior
and without asking myself further question (and even less wasting time to judge)
i should do my share, and use my power to purify myself of it
so when seeing what irritate me in the other
i should close eyes (if need be) and turn inside and see
where i feel the pain/irritation in the body
very often we are able to pinpoint it
and once done, this is the proof that you have located the place to be purified inside of you!
half way
you are half way
if you came so far, it means you did NOT CHOOSE judgement (which is to throw your attention outside and let it glued with the falling and destruction of the world which is bound to perish, so you saved yourself once your turned your attention inside)
once your attention is turned inside,
you have located your pain
and this is basically painful because the energy is stuck
like a knot is made
knot upon knot
how could you undo it?
you never managed so far with your own hands or mental tricks
like for a flower
you can never open its petals with your own hands
your will crush them and the bud will be all bruised and no petals would be freshly opened in their fresh morning beauty
so what you have to do is
just to put your attention on the knot (of pain)
and where you direct your attention,
is where the vibrations/the pure power of divine Love
will flow
and this SAME power which opens flowers' petals
will open the knot of your heart (if the pain is located there for instance)
and it will undo the impossible knot, for it can locate the thread and loosen it
and then, your energy will FLOW
and lake becomes clear
Cristal clear
and when energy flow
there is no more blocage inside
thus no more irritation outside
thus you have purified the "other" in yourself
and you have purified yourself from this trapped pain
you saved yourself
and you learned to love by choosing to love and not judge
this is why it is said
"Allah we ask your mercy and not your judgement"
for the Mercy/Grace is so much more vast
while judgement is so tightening
this is to choose to do ourselves good
and do good thereby to others too.
and this is how we love for the other
what we love for ourselves.
Thursday, 2 May 2013
Vantage point and witnessing consciousnesses
It is marvelous,
look, in school, the first time i learned that every 21 days women period would restart again,
this was a stunning discovery for me,
for i learned that the body was under a very specific and precise law
sure, a woman can forget about it, but the "clock" of the body will still do its work
so it IS INDEPENDENT and based surely upon a power that is TRUSTWORTHY, due to its precision in completing its work.
then, today it occurred to me,
as we are all (table, animals and human beings) made of the same energy,
we are all consciousnesses, yet with different level of development,
then, seeing the order or chaos is just a matter of perspective
and perspective/viewpoint is also in itself a consciousness which is living and materialising a landscape/ a reality.
so a human being having a higher consciousness than (the one stuck into) its body
can WITNESS the body consciousness in action
can witness its order in action
and soo, unless and until
one raises ABOVE our current state of more or less blind consciousness
we canNOT witness the order and precision that we are into our daily life too!
we are also certainly living a controlled, precise and perfect life at all time
but we do not know it
for we cannot witness our own current consciousness in a way
so our witnessing power is lost or covered
and we are lost with it
and believe that we are not under this same law of precision and harmony than our body internal clock is submitted to..
so, only a RISE in perspective
a rise in witnessing
can allow us to see our major and precise and individual role
into the great functioning of the universe
on the macrocosm level
as we could witness it
in our body on the microcosm level
so only raising of vibrations to witness consciousnesses
i.e. raising of vantage point
will bring the correct witnessing
of what already is.
look, in school, the first time i learned that every 21 days women period would restart again,
this was a stunning discovery for me,
for i learned that the body was under a very specific and precise law
sure, a woman can forget about it, but the "clock" of the body will still do its work
so it IS INDEPENDENT and based surely upon a power that is TRUSTWORTHY, due to its precision in completing its work.
then, today it occurred to me,
as we are all (table, animals and human beings) made of the same energy,
we are all consciousnesses, yet with different level of development,
then, seeing the order or chaos is just a matter of perspective
and perspective/viewpoint is also in itself a consciousness which is living and materialising a landscape/ a reality.
so a human being having a higher consciousness than (the one stuck into) its body
can WITNESS the body consciousness in action
can witness its order in action
and soo, unless and until
one raises ABOVE our current state of more or less blind consciousness
we canNOT witness the order and precision that we are into our daily life too!
we are also certainly living a controlled, precise and perfect life at all time
but we do not know it
for we cannot witness our own current consciousness in a way
so our witnessing power is lost or covered
and we are lost with it
and believe that we are not under this same law of precision and harmony than our body internal clock is submitted to..
so, only a RISE in perspective
a rise in witnessing
can allow us to see our major and precise and individual role
into the great functioning of the universe
on the macrocosm level
as we could witness it
in our body on the microcosm level
so only raising of vibrations to witness consciousnesses
i.e. raising of vantage point
will bring the correct witnessing
of what already is.
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