Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Not as i wish, but as YOU wish

; )

i have been told this :

On this day of your life, petals, I believe God wants you to know...
...that life is rarely as difficult as you think it is, and
hardly ever as aggravating as humans are able to make it.

How much patience do you have with Life? Are you
willing to overcome minor obstacles as you move
through your day? Or does anything and everything
that does not move in accordance with your wishes
cause you annoyance--if not outright frustration?

Consider the possibility that the little obstacles in
life are not obstacles at all, but stepping stones. Look
to see what they offer you in terms of growth, and
you'll see their treasure.

Love, Your Friend....

Indeed, the message was true.
Into my life, some people were there with their wish to form some kind of partnership.
within i felt disharmony towards them
and could not trust them being the right kind of partners

so i was just willing them to go away
and wondering why it was not happening
for my inner call/feeling towards them was clear.

then, i read his message, 
which said, that one should love Life and learn from it
so that obstacles become opportunities for growth.

again, i read this very extract which said, 

The only journey is the journey within. 
~ Be patient with all that is in your heart 
And try to love the questions themselves. 
Do not seek for the answers that cannot be given 
For you would not be able to live them 
And the point is to live everything. 
Live the questions now and perhaps, without knowing it, 
You will live along some day into answers. 

~ The only journey is the journey within. 

~(Rainer Maria Rilke)  

yes, by wishing that something happens AS I WISH
i was just actually preventing my growth
for i wanted it and not wanting to grow 

yet, aim is to GROW
and how could one grow, if everything is given to you
while you are always in the same state?

at times it is given
for it is the period of expansion
and at other time, it is delayed
till you enter into your period of compression
and in that case, 
you have to be patient and WATCH OUT
for the hidden treasure
for your lesson 
which will make you grow.

had i just wished these persons to go away, 
and it would have happened, 
i would have never learned to turn/tune within
to test the power within

how could i have gained the certainty then, 
that the power is trustworthy?
that this very power is taking care of me?

this trust may be built on different aspects
and one by one i may need to experience them
and thus be patient/aligned with the rhythm of expansion and compression 

so that this growth fully takes place
if on the spot the partnership would have ended, 
i would not have grown
i would have only been satisfied that "i" exist and am powerful in my actual state

yet the actual state is to be transcended
growth HAS to take place
and it can ONLY if while meeting new challenges
i learn each time to find the eternal companionship within
and see how light is showered
exposing some - making the partnership go dust by itself, if the person is not standing in his true self
or freeing others - relieving them from a looming disharmony 

the former is exposed
while the latter progress and grow towards new horizons
but staying on the same level is impossible for both
both have to move on

so no one is superior to the other
except by the standard of Truth 
and the Truth has Its own rhythmic patterns
which opens or closes doors.
finally, if i do not learn to love the current situation
to love the current challenge
to love the people in spirit 
to ask them, who are present in spirit, for they ARE spirit, to remove themselves, if their physical manifestation is simply not in phase with me
then, i do not learn to consider/converse with Unity behind the diversity
and i would have only learned in that case to divide.
once we have learned to love and live the question/the issue 
then, when time has come we can learn to appreciate the answer and live it.
how may i SEE the answer
if i do not SEE the question?
if i do not LIVE the question, fully, 
considering ALL of its aspects
how could i FIND its counterpart/shades in answers?
if one wish is to be colored in the color of God
to fully awaken the beautiful names of God within
then, one has to pass through all aspects of them
the questions
will be echoed by their answers
and this one face will then be realised.

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